Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Video: Unelected Representatives?

Following from David

Now unless our brains are stuffed full of silly putty, we had better listen up and Speak
up, because this Could be the WHOLE America of's alREADy the America
of too much of our nation. "Scary" doesn't even come close to describing this.
Maybe some of our (like us) Non-elected citizens of this country can explain to the rest
of us how Any of this is Good for us. This country was the Best in the History of the World for over 200 years, and 'overnight', it's becoming the laughing-stock-nation-of-
woosies to the rest of the world. UNacceptable to me....what about You?
(PS: What's being done here Now has NEVER succeeded ANYwhere in the HIStory of
the world. When will we learn?)

This congress woman calls it like it is. Scary.

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