The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution states:
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."
The Tenth Amendment effectively cast the Constitution as a "Default Deny" policy against a large and oppressive government. Default Deny is a term used in computer networking to describe a set of firewall rules that deny all network communication from anywhere and to anywhere unless it’s specifically allowed by an administrator. Similarly, the Tenth Amendment clearly disallows the government from exercising or granting itself powers not specifically granted to it by the Constitution itself. Those powers instead lie with the state governments and individuals.
The founders believed in distributed government. They expressed the idea that wherever possible, problems and disputes should be addressed locally. If a family had a dispute, the family should resolve it. If a town had a local issue that needed to be addressed, it should be addressed locally, and so on from the county to the state and finally to the federal level. Those most familiar with the ideals, values, morals and habits of the locality and people who are affected by the problem should be the ones to fix it. A bureaucrat in Washington, DC is ill-equipped to rule effectively on issues affecting Forks, WA. A problem should only be elevated to the next level if a conflict arises between two or more families, towns or states. This is bottom-up government. This is a form of government that empowers individuals as much as any form of government ever has. This is the most effective way to manage a geographically and demographically diverse country while maintaining universal freedom and property rights.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Video: Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution
FIAT EMPIRE - Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitu...
Jul 30, 2007 - 58:53Inspired on the book, THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND by G. Edward Griffin, FIAT EMPIRE discusses the effects of the Federal Reserve System on the U.S. economy and explains why the debt-backed...
audit federal reserve,
fiet money,
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Learn The Constitution on Video
I have only watched the first video on the constitution, but so far it is great.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
A Personal Story about Illegal Immigration
My Husband and I had owned a business in the construction industry since 1984, and closed it November 3, 2008. We, at one time had 5 employees. Most people think the banking crises was the cause of so much of what happened to the home building industry. But that is not the case at all. Let me share our story with you.
In the beginning Illegal workers were brought in to do low skilled jobs, not because Americans would not do the work, but because they were cheaper. They are often paid with cash, under the table, and at 1/2 to 1/3 of what their American counter parts were paid. We were often asked by illegal workers how they could get paid. They were telling us they had worked for their employer for over a week, and had not been paid. They were also often charged 10% of their low wage for a, so called, "processing fee." It sounds so much like what coal miners went through in the early 1900's. It is, in reality, slave labor. This slave labor was replacing mostly young people in the beginning. So you see it is abuse of the foreign and domestic worker. Soon they were replacing more skilled labor. ..roofers, slab layers, block layers, framers..... That is when construction problems became rampant. Examples:
1. In the dry climates, like in Mexico, roofers use what is called a "California Valley". In the valleys of the roof the shingles are not over lapped, but meet end to end. It is very noticeable, if you know what to look for, because you will see a straight line down the valley. In the wetter climates, like in Florida, it does not give a problem until we get heavy rains. Whole subdivisions have been built this way, and home owners are not being told the truth about why their roofs are leaking
2. We installed windows, and sliding glass doors. (Note: we had two top quality installers, and the rest of our employees were under their supervision) One day we began having problems with the way slab work was being done making it impossible to make proper installations. Three times my husband explained to the slab man what he needed to do before we could make the installation. The man shook his head as if he agreed. Finally we figured it out: He could not read or speak English. They were putting houses together without even being able to read the blue prints, or communicate with others.
3. Homes were being build in swampy areas without putting pilings under the foundation thus the homes are settling, and flooring cracking. And these are multi million dollar homes we are talking about. These are but a few examples of the illegal work we witnessed.
You would think these things would not pass city inspection. But they were. We noticed some of the inspectors would simply exit their car, open the inspection box, and check it as OK, even though they never entered the home. We also sometimes saw them then drive to the office, load up some building materials, and drive off. I do not know if that was a pay off, but it sure looked suspicious. Builders also threatened inspectors who were strict about the building codes. They were told the builder would hire independent inspectors causing city inspectors job loses. Some builders actually did so.
4. One window company would have a higher grade window approved, and then install something much cheaper that should not have passed inspection. This was hard for inspectors to detect.
We had worked for a major window and door supplier for eight years. One day they approached us with an offer. They said that if we would hire two illegal companies under us as subcontractors (meaning they hired illegal workers for less than what we paid ours), they would pay us 1000.00 per week for doing nothing. They would even pay the other two companies payroll for us. When we refused, we lost that work, and the illegal companies got the work. We do not know who they worked for since we were not involved. In other words there was great pressure from larger companies for the smaller companies to participate in the illegal procedures. One of the reasons we refused was because once one agrees to illegal acts, they have you under their thumb...all they have to do is turn you in to authorities if you refuse to do what ever else they ask. We saw this happen to one of our colleagues. They put him out of business in the end.
Illegal workers were being brought in by the buss load daily. If there was an ICE raid the coyotes simply brought in another bus load the next day. They even put them up in motels.
When we reported these things to authorities, we were told workman's comp was well aware of the problem but only had 8 agents to patrol the hole state of Florida...the problem is bigger than they can deal with. Most City and State officials seem to be more interested in promoting the cheap labor (slave labor) wanted by business, then they are in protecting the consumer.
In the State of Florida it was discovered that 3 % of the people who show up for jury duty are illegal aliens, which means they hold a valid drivers license giving them the right to vote in the State of Florida. It has also been discovered that many illegals hold as many as Five different driver's licenses. You can put 2 and 2 together here.
In the State of Florida police department is trained, legally positioned, and willing to work with ICE to solve the problem. All that is needed is the support of our Representatives, which they are not giving..
Having been in the position we were in, we saw abuses that many Americans are totally unaware of, and the news media is not reporting.
1. My research indicates there are similar such stories effecting our food, medications, illegal drugs, steel, paint, bees, computers, genetically engineered seeds, toys, commerical airplane
repairs, and many other things that most consumers know little about.
2. I do not put blame on the illegal alien. I to would cross the border to feed my family. Given current conditions some Americans may be doing just that. The illegal employer is very much part of the magnet that draws him here. And, as Ron Paul points out, so is our government (IMF Policies).
3. Note: Not all of the illegal companies and workers were illegal aliens. The two illegal employers they wanted to put under us were operated by Americans, but they did not hold proper documentation because they had lost their drivers licenses and could not get the required liability or Workman's Comp. insurance due to DWIs.
4. The abuses the illegals have reported to us is much like my definition of slavery: Rape, work without pay, work without food, threats of deportation (or imprisonment) if they report abuses, lack of help in getting treatment (and total abandonment) if they are injured (to mention a few)...but I guess it depends on one's definition of slavery. There exists a whole underground world that most of us (including me) know little about. There are those who take advantage, and profit off of those trapped in this underground world.
Likewise, I would classify the conditions of the American coal minors during the early 1900s as slavery, as they reported similar abuses that few knew about for many years
The following link is an impact study on current immigration polices
In the beginning Illegal workers were brought in to do low skilled jobs, not because Americans would not do the work, but because they were cheaper. They are often paid with cash, under the table, and at 1/2 to 1/3 of what their American counter parts were paid. We were often asked by illegal workers how they could get paid. They were telling us they had worked for their employer for over a week, and had not been paid. They were also often charged 10% of their low wage for a, so called, "processing fee." It sounds so much like what coal miners went through in the early 1900's. It is, in reality, slave labor. This slave labor was replacing mostly young people in the beginning. So you see it is abuse of the foreign and domestic worker. Soon they were replacing more skilled labor. ..roofers, slab layers, block layers, framers..... That is when construction problems became rampant. Examples:
1. In the dry climates, like in Mexico, roofers use what is called a "California Valley". In the valleys of the roof the shingles are not over lapped, but meet end to end. It is very noticeable, if you know what to look for, because you will see a straight line down the valley. In the wetter climates, like in Florida, it does not give a problem until we get heavy rains. Whole subdivisions have been built this way, and home owners are not being told the truth about why their roofs are leaking
2. We installed windows, and sliding glass doors. (Note: we had two top quality installers, and the rest of our employees were under their supervision) One day we began having problems with the way slab work was being done making it impossible to make proper installations. Three times my husband explained to the slab man what he needed to do before we could make the installation. The man shook his head as if he agreed. Finally we figured it out: He could not read or speak English. They were putting houses together without even being able to read the blue prints, or communicate with others.
3. Homes were being build in swampy areas without putting pilings under the foundation thus the homes are settling, and flooring cracking. And these are multi million dollar homes we are talking about. These are but a few examples of the illegal work we witnessed.
You would think these things would not pass city inspection. But they were. We noticed some of the inspectors would simply exit their car, open the inspection box, and check it as OK, even though they never entered the home. We also sometimes saw them then drive to the office, load up some building materials, and drive off. I do not know if that was a pay off, but it sure looked suspicious. Builders also threatened inspectors who were strict about the building codes. They were told the builder would hire independent inspectors causing city inspectors job loses. Some builders actually did so.
4. One window company would have a higher grade window approved, and then install something much cheaper that should not have passed inspection. This was hard for inspectors to detect.
We had worked for a major window and door supplier for eight years. One day they approached us with an offer. They said that if we would hire two illegal companies under us as subcontractors (meaning they hired illegal workers for less than what we paid ours), they would pay us 1000.00 per week for doing nothing. They would even pay the other two companies payroll for us. When we refused, we lost that work, and the illegal companies got the work. We do not know who they worked for since we were not involved. In other words there was great pressure from larger companies for the smaller companies to participate in the illegal procedures. One of the reasons we refused was because once one agrees to illegal acts, they have you under their thumb...all they have to do is turn you in to authorities if you refuse to do what ever else they ask. We saw this happen to one of our colleagues. They put him out of business in the end.
Illegal workers were being brought in by the buss load daily. If there was an ICE raid the coyotes simply brought in another bus load the next day. They even put them up in motels.
When we reported these things to authorities, we were told workman's comp was well aware of the problem but only had 8 agents to patrol the hole state of Florida...the problem is bigger than they can deal with. Most City and State officials seem to be more interested in promoting the cheap labor (slave labor) wanted by business, then they are in protecting the consumer.
In the State of Florida it was discovered that 3 % of the people who show up for jury duty are illegal aliens, which means they hold a valid drivers license giving them the right to vote in the State of Florida. It has also been discovered that many illegals hold as many as Five different driver's licenses. You can put 2 and 2 together here.
In the State of Florida police department is trained, legally positioned, and willing to work with ICE to solve the problem. All that is needed is the support of our Representatives, which they are not giving..
Having been in the position we were in, we saw abuses that many Americans are totally unaware of, and the news media is not reporting.
1. My research indicates there are similar such stories effecting our food, medications, illegal drugs, steel, paint, bees, computers, genetically engineered seeds, toys, commerical airplane
repairs, and many other things that most consumers know little about.
2. I do not put blame on the illegal alien. I to would cross the border to feed my family. Given current conditions some Americans may be doing just that. The illegal employer is very much part of the magnet that draws him here. And, as Ron Paul points out, so is our government (IMF Policies).
3. Note: Not all of the illegal companies and workers were illegal aliens. The two illegal employers they wanted to put under us were operated by Americans, but they did not hold proper documentation because they had lost their drivers licenses and could not get the required liability or Workman's Comp. insurance due to DWIs.
4. The abuses the illegals have reported to us is much like my definition of slavery: Rape, work without pay, work without food, threats of deportation (or imprisonment) if they report abuses, lack of help in getting treatment (and total abandonment) if they are injured (to mention a few)...but I guess it depends on one's definition of slavery. There exists a whole underground world that most of us (including me) know little about. There are those who take advantage, and profit off of those trapped in this underground world.
Likewise, I would classify the conditions of the American coal minors during the early 1900s as slavery, as they reported similar abuses that few knew about for many years
The following link is an impact study on current immigration polices
Sunday, July 19, 2009
More On What Drives Up Health Care
Ron Paul, in his recent video mentioned interest rates, frivolous law suits, and government intervention drive up health care costs. He also mentioned that health insurance was not intended to pay for things beyond catastrophic events (like paying for subscriptions)
More Research on The Subject
Government forcing free heal care for illegal aliens amounts to aiding and abetting: NOTE: someone pays for all this free
Almost half (48.7 percent) of all uninsured workers are either self-employed or work for firms with fewer than 25 workers. Insurance companies offer better deals for large companies with a large pool of employees, and routinely raise prices for the small business owner. Solution: Create alternative pools for the employees of small firms--including plans offered through churches, unions, and other intermediaries, as well as through the FEHBP--so that these workers and their families can access a wide range of affordable plans. Yet both the tax system and government insurance rules discourage other insurance arrangements for these uninsured working families (Government Intervention) Government run health care programs like Medicare and Medicaid are so inneficiently run they also drive up the cost for everyone
- Third Party coverage explained in the link below. "Our healthcare system is in trouble today because we have consistently ignored market-oriented solutions and instead sought out policies based on public finance and top-down regulation. Historically, each crisis has brought its own government solution, which in time has given rise to new problems necessitating still more government intervention. This all began in 1944, when employers began offering health insurance and other benefits to attract prospective employees because government wage and price controls prevented the payment of higher cash wages. Thus government regulation had the unintended consequence of giving rise to the current system of employer-provided health benefits. In the mid-1960s, President Johnson's "Great Society" gave us Medicare and Medicaid, which insured millions of senior citizens and in the process drove up the cost of medical care due in part to the third-party payment problems discussed above. In response to high prescription drug costs, President George W. Bush gave us an oddly designed Medicare prescription drug coverage benefit (Medicare Part D). Apart from being excessively complicated, the plan is a great example of the misuse of insurance-Medicare Part D should cover catastrophic drug expenses, not mundane drugs such as Viagra.
Fast forward to today and we are on the cusp of instituting nationalized healthcare despite the fact that the baby boom generation is beginning to retire and both Social Security and Medicare are staring down the barrel of insolvency ;
Saturday, July 18, 2009
*****Inspiraional: True
Provided to us by Sandy
Someone (BJ) sent me this back in 2008, and it's an eyeopener, FOR SURE ! ! ! ! This should be a required video for everyone on planet earth !
Be sure to watch the entire video and the portion being interviewed by Rev Shulman, where he says "we should not compare sufferings"
Sandy“If you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right!” – Henry Ford
Someone (BJ) sent me this back in 2008, and it's an eyeopener, FOR SURE ! ! ! ! This should be a required video for everyone on planet earth !
Be sure to watch the entire video and the portion being interviewed by Rev Shulman, where he says "we should not compare sufferings"
Sandy“If you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right!” – Henry Ford
be happy,
Get Back Up,
Nick Vujicic,
you can
Thursday, July 16, 2009
***Numbers USA Update
Attached Video: The Senate and House put clauses in the stimulus bill to make sure stimulus money went to American workers as the people have insisted. However, in a secret meeting three people removed those clauses:
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The Mayor Needs Your Input
As you may know Jacksonville is facing a budget problem, and the Mayor has posted a website explaining his position (raising taxes). He is asking for your opinion or support (Jax residents that is). Here is the website
Below is my solution which I sent in. Let him hear yous.
Dear Council Members,
This is in response to the Mayor's "Fix It Now" request.
California is giving IOUs to legal citizens while illegal residents receive free subsidies. When Governor Schwarzenegger was asked about this, he said "I am glad to give them (illegal residents) the services".
Ask any policeman: Jacksonville is in a similar situation, and I have contacted City Representatives in the past, but with no response. All City and State Representatives should be aware of the following independent impact study on this problem before making any budget decisions:
It is all about "cheap labor"/ slave labor. The foreign and domestic workers are being taken advantage of and abused.
Jacksonville police department is trained, legally positioned, and willing to work with ICE to solve the problem. All that is needed is the support of you, our Representatives..
No need to raise taxes if you cut illegal services. Thank you
Below is my solution which I sent in. Let him hear yous.
Dear Council Members,
This is in response to the Mayor's "Fix It Now" request.
California is giving IOUs to legal citizens while illegal residents receive free subsidies. When Governor Schwarzenegger was asked about this, he said "I am glad to give them (illegal residents) the services".
Ask any policeman: Jacksonville is in a similar situation, and I have contacted City Representatives in the past, but with no response. All City and State Representatives should be aware of the following independent impact study on this problem before making any budget decisions:
It is all about "cheap labor"/ slave labor. The foreign and domestic workers are being taken advantage of and abused.
Jacksonville police department is trained, legally positioned, and willing to work with ICE to solve the problem. All that is needed is the support of you, our Representatives..
No need to raise taxes if you cut illegal services. Thank you
Monday, July 13, 2009
***Power of The Mind
This is a very interesting article (link below)
First some information about the author:
Paul Murdock is currently a doctoral candidate in Clinical Psychology at Indiana State University. In addition to his academic studies, he is a writer, employee at a state psychiatric hospital
First some information about the author:
Paul Murdock is currently a doctoral candidate in Clinical Psychology at Indiana State University. In addition to his academic studies, he is a writer, employee at a state psychiatric hospital
Thursday, July 9, 2009
To Find Out Whate Your County is doing with Stimulus money
If you want to find out what your state, and county is doing with stimulus money click below:
**** Video: Current info : Federal Reserve & IMF
Excellent video to pass on: current
- expanding powers of the unelected Federal Reserve who refuse to disclose what they have done with trillions of tax money
- 105 Billion of U.S. tax dollars given to IMF
- discussion of positive results rising because of you and action steps
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Video: Unelected Representatives?
Following from David
Now unless our brains are stuffed full of silly putty, we had better listen up and Speak
up, because this Could be the WHOLE America of's alREADy the America
of too much of our nation. "Scary" doesn't even come close to describing this.
Maybe some of our (like us) Non-elected citizens of this country can explain to the rest
of us how Any of this is Good for us. This country was the Best in the History of the World for over 200 years, and 'overnight', it's becoming the laughing-stock-nation-of-
woosies to the rest of the world. UNacceptable to me....what about You?
(PS: What's being done here Now has NEVER succeeded ANYwhere in the HIStory of
the world. When will we learn?)
This congress woman calls it like it is. Scary.
Now unless our brains are stuffed full of silly putty, we had better listen up and Speak
up, because this Could be the WHOLE America of's alREADy the America
of too much of our nation. "Scary" doesn't even come close to describing this.
Maybe some of our (like us) Non-elected citizens of this country can explain to the rest
of us how Any of this is Good for us. This country was the Best in the History of the World for over 200 years, and 'overnight', it's becoming the laughing-stock-nation-of-
woosies to the rest of the world. UNacceptable to me....what about You?
(PS: What's being done here Now has NEVER succeeded ANYwhere in the HIStory of
the world. When will we learn?)
This congress woman calls it like it is. Scary.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Respectful Communication and Truth
The Founding Fathers warned against the two party system we now have. They said it would divide us. 9/11 taught us we are not all of these polarizing labels (white verses black, Republican verses Democrat, Liberal verses Conservative, Christian verses Muslim verses Jewish) as much as we are Americans. I believe that the most important thing we can do is education (the truth) through respectful communication that will finally unite us.
Someone very dear to me often used insults to "win" discussions because it was more important for him to win then it was to reveal truth and to unite in a common cause...result eventually no one valued his opinion either.
Someone very dear to me often used insults to "win" discussions because it was more important for him to win then it was to reveal truth and to unite in a common cause...result eventually no one valued his opinion either.
Pictures of Tea Party Event
This last sign was quite popular, and got lots of attention.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Government Health Care
Judy explains why government run health care is a good thng:
Cheap Labor, Plain Crashes and Whistle Blowers
Whistle blowers in the FAA have for sometime been complaining about plane unsafety conditions. They found evidence of repairman being hired that could not speak or read English, and could not read repair manuals (among other things). The whistle blowers complained that they were retaliated against by the FAA, a government agency, as the agency conceded to the wishes of the companies they were suppose to oversee. (IMF policy of "business friendly environment")
cheap labor,
unsafe planes,
whistle blowers
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