Sunday, September 20, 2009

Connect the Dots/ No Rocket Scientest needed

1. "'President Obama said this week that his health care plan won't cover illegal immigrants, but argued that's all the more reason to legalize them and ensure they eventually do get coverage."

2. "we seem to still rely on the creativity and competence of politicians to solve problems, which always somehow seem to be tied in with which lobby is the strongest in Washington."

3. Who is lobbying for amnesty? Large corporations who want the cheap labor subsidised by the American taxpayer. (At that link you will find that the Chamber is one of the biggest lobbyists for will find out about many other interesting things as well)

Illegals and H1 B visa workers (outsourced workers too) are doing the work Americans once did for as much as one half to one third of the wage once paid. Once amnesty is achieved do you really think illegal immigration will suddenly stop? Now that we have several hundred applying for the same job, many legal American workers are complaining that their wages are much lower, and they are not paid overtime anymore ("bosses saying you should have finished in eight hours"). Fear of loosing their job makes them think twice before complaining. We are being whipped into submission as we are considered too "arrogant". One can read more about this at the following link (article by Chuck Baldwin on the goals for the North American Union/ NAFTA):

You will likely find this article very interesting too: "Fiorina's statement that "there is no job that is America's God-given right anymore" triggered particularly strong reaction. The pair spoke in Washington representing the Computer Systems Policy Project, a group of eight chief executives from the nation's top information technology firms.

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