Friday, August 28, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

True Story Guns

1 Many years ago when my first child was 3 months old, and before car seats, my husband, our little baby and I were traveling across country. Ahead of us were two young men running cars off the road into a ditch, one by one...very dangerous situation.

Tom told me to pick the baby up, and secure ourselves. Sure enough it was our turn. Tom picked the gun up, and pointed it at one of the young men to show him he would protect his family. You would be surprised how gentleman like these to guys suddenly became. Not only did they not harm us, they harmed no one else either. They found their behavior could be dangerous.

2. A friend of ours had a concealed weapons permit, and was eating in a restaurant. An armed robber held up the owner, and began terrorizing the clients. Our friend pulled his gun, and shot the man, who was arrested shortly there after.

My point is a gun, like a car, is a tool. It can kill, or it can save lives:

Studies show the Cities with the most gun control are the most violent ones. Like the two young men in my story, criminals tend to behave when they know law abiding citizens can protect themselves. It is not the tool that is good or bad, it is the operator. In emergencies police are not always there. click here for more info

Friday, August 21, 2009

Executive order 11110 by President Kennedy Very Interesting

  • When Senators refuse to audit the Federal reserve they are in violation of their oath to uphold the constitution since it is the responsibility of Congress "To Coin Money, regulate the Value therof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures:" (Constitution Section 8 #5)
  • Article X of the Constitution (Bill of Rights) says: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or the people." In other words if it is not a power given the Federal Government by the Constitution, they cannot take it from the States and the people. In other words they cannot re-assign their responsibility to the Federal reserve.

Shortly before President Kennedy's assignation he issued executive order 11110, which took the power to print money back in the hands of the Government, allowing silver certificates as the Constitution states (Section 8 #5).

That executive order was never repealed, is still in effect, but never enforced.

I do not know why President Kennedy was assented. However there is much speculation about executive order 11110 being the reason, and many conspiracy theories circulate as a result. The important thing is that President Kennedy cared enough to do the right thing, and it is still in effect (and so is the Constitution Section 8 # 5).

With the stroke of a pen, Mr. Kennedy was on his way to putting the Federal Reserve Bank of New York out of business. If enough of these silver certificates were to come into circulation they would have eliminated the demand for Federal Reserve notes. This is because the silver certificates are backed by silver and the Federal Reserve notes are not backed by anything.

Executive Order 11110 could have prevented the national debt from reaching its current level, because it would have given the government the ability to repay its debt without going to the Federal Reserve and being charged interest in order to create the new money. Executive Order 11110 gave the U.S. the ability to create its own money backed by silver.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Insurance Co-ops: Private And National

I find it very interesting that the news media is finally talking about the co-op option. Odly enough they are saying there are no examples to show it works. Hm mm

  • The North East Florida Real Estate Association (NEFAR) had a co-op for a few years. If you were a member you could belong, and enroll your family. It was negotiated by a local insurance agent with an insurance company called Well Care. It was excellent.
    1. No pre-existing conditions applied
    2. Very affordable since there were many members involved
    3. The doctors liked and accepted Well Care because they were good about paying.
    Government regulation put a stop to it though.
  • You might also recall me telling you how small business owners use to be able to pool together in a large group to do similarly
  • The North East Florida Builders Association also once had one before regulations put a stop to that as well.

These programs worked so well that I tried many times to find one again. Eventually I asked a local agent why it was so impossible to find. His reply: "There were people joining them who were not members." Hm mm....who was so concerned about that?

The consideration today, of course, is a government run program rather than private ones as the above examples. Have you ever called the IRS? Well, that is what it is like to call Medicare. I much prefer calling my local agent as I can easily fire him if he does a poor job.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Take a break and SMILE!

CIGARETTES AND TAMPONS A man walks into a pharmacy and wanders up & down the aisles. The sales girl notices him and asks him if she can help him. He answers that he is looking for a box of tampons for his wife. She directs him down the correct aisle. A few minutes later, he deposits a huge bag of cotton balls and
a ball of string on the counter. She says, confused, 'Sir, I thought you were looking for some tampons for your wife? He answers, 'You see, it's like this, yesterday, I sent my wife to the store to get me a carton of cigarettes, and she came back with a tin of tobacco and some rolling papers; cause it's sooo-ooo--oo-ooo much cheaper . So, I figure if I have to roll my own .. ......... so does she.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Rachel Exposes the Health Care Lies of Lobbyist Firm 60plus

Nice video with Facts

A lil humor - Please take lightly...

How Socialized Health Care Works in CanadaBy: Chris Bucholz August 11th, 2009 21 views

As a Canadian, and Cracked's official Overseas Correspondent, I sometimes find myself with a very different perspective on current events than Cracked's readership.* Most of the time when this happens, the events are political, and as such, I generally steer well clear of them when picking column topics. This is at least partly out of a sense of self preservation. American political commentators tend a little more towards the shrieking, hair-pulling, ****ting-pants-in-anger style than I prefer to write, and the chance of getting knifed in the kidneys by someone with different views than you seems to be an ever-present threat. Mostly though, I refrain from adding my two cents out of a sense of politeness - it's not my business how you run your country, even if you are drunkenly swerving out of control and in danger of careening into my country. *Although Cracked draws an audience from every place in the world with Internet access and lazy office workers, the bulk of our readership still primarily hails from America, the so called "Land of Too Much Free Time on Their Hands."
However the recent debate about health care has offered me a unique opportunity to shed some light on the conversation. As American politicians muddle their way towards some sort of comprehensive health care reform, the usual television idiots and internet morons have contributed to the discussion by spraying the verbal equivalent of diarrhea all over each other as they try to frame the debate. A central point being "discussed" is what this hypothetical future health care system would look like. In particular, they ask, spraying loose fecal matter over each other with their mouths, what would government funded health insurance look like?
As Canada has had universal government funded health care for some time now, this seems like an ideal time for me to explain a bit about how it works. Hopefully this will allow you to see some of the advantages and disadvantages of so-called "socialized" medicine, and allow you and your leaders to make better informed decisions. No, seriously.
First, I might as well discuss the "Death Panels," a subject recently raised by one-time Alaskan governor, Sarah Palin. It's an uncomfortable truth that in any system, there will be a limited amount of resources to be spent on medical procedures - a fact which leads to some difficult questions. Is it right to spend $1 million to save one person, when 100 others can be saved for $10,000 each? Obviously real world examples are obviously never that cut and dried, but nevertheless cost-benefit calculations of that sort have to be made to ensure limited resources aren't misallocated. On old people, for example.
Here in Canada, there's no such thing as a "death panel," but decisions of this sort are handled by a centralized agency, the Canadian Department of Life. There, specially trained bureaucrats, using the most powerful computers available in 1997, work through a decision matrix to see what medical procedures are appropriate for a given case.
An example should help illustrate how this works. For most general medical assistance, Canadians simply visit their local health distribution center. There they wait in a short queue for their Initial 38-point Health Inspection. A doctor then sends the appropriate forms to the DoL, allowing the patient to wait in the comfort of their homes for the six to eighteen weeks it takes for the DoL decision. At that point the patient returns to the health distribution center to receive their approved health care.
The entire matrix is about 52,000 pages long, although half of that is just the same thing written in French. I won't print the whole thing, but here is a small sample:
Patient Age Between 20 years and 65 yearsConditionBroken ThumbDecisionDECISION-P7985: Set Bone, Install Cast OR Soft cast, 2 Tylenol
Patient Age Older than 65 yearsConditionBroken ThumbDecisionDECISION-L3267: Walk it off, 2 Tylenol
Patient Age Older than 65 yearsConditionBroken HipDecisionDECISION-A3779: Throw over town walls to the ice leopards.
Patient Age ALLConditionH1N1 Virus, "Swine Flu"DecisionDECISION-V1243: Public Health Override directive E76 - Cast into ice volcano.
I should point out this is the "simple" form of the matrix, and not what is actually used by the DoL. In the 1960's, the Supreme Court of Canada decided it was acceptable for the decision matrix to be biased to favor certain desirable social traits, much like the tax code. People with dependent children can thus expect to receive slightly better medical treatment, and people who smoke can expect the opposite. Other criteria deemed to be a positive benefit to society, and thus to receive better health care, include having some university education, voting regularly, or owning a thesaurus. Negative criteria include having overdue video rentals, making excessive purchases of light beer, or having an interest in wrestling.
As children are the workers of tomorrow, a great deal of care is lavished upon the young; infants in particular. Mandatory vaccinations are delivered weekly to all infants starting at the age of one month, with additional vaccinations provided to infants with particularly desirable genetic traits. Similarly, infants are also tested to see which are at risk of developing particularly expensive medical problems later in life. Contrary to popular belief these infants are not euthanized, and are instead cared for warmly and compassionately by trained nurses in specially outfitted shipping containers while they're on the way to Burma, at which point they're legally no longer Canadians.
Some Canadians, primarily those who come from the families of merchants, do seek out health care on the black market. It's widely rumored that in the underground, joint replacements can be had in exchange for 2-3 cartons of Marlboro cigarettes or a pair of Levi's. The government has naturally tried to discourage these insidious flare-ups of two-tiered health care. Nightly newscasts by the Canadian Department of Facts regularly point out that black market health care facilities are poorly maintained, and their workers are faceless monsters who feed on the flesh of the living.

All of the above is common knowledge however - something anyone can learn by opening the Wikipedia page on Canada and reading between the lines. To dig a little deeper then, and get the straight journalistic dope that Cracked readers desperately crave, I also spoke to local Licensed Health Distributor, Doctor Neil Channing. The interview transcript is below.
Chris Bucholz: All right, the recorder is running. This is Chris Bucholz, Government Journalist ID A26732243, Registered Satirist number 58008. The date is August 8th, 2009. With me is Doctor Neil Channing of Health Distribution Centre PYR-27. Shall we?
Neil Channing: Let's.
CB: We hail the glorious government of Canada. We hail its far seeing leaders who stand vigilant against our numerous enemies.
NC: Death to the bourgeois, may the Canadian people be forever free from their nine tentacles of deception.
CB: Kadosh! -pounds fist into hand-
NC: Kadosh! -pounds fist into hand-
CB: Ok then. Doctor Channing, I'm glad you could make time for me.
NC: No problem.
CB: The reason we're talking today is I wanted to get an idea from you what challenges you face, as a practitioner of medicine in a country where the government provides basic health insurance for all citizens.
NC: -louder, speaking into microphone- I face no challenges at all Chris. The system works perfectly.
CB: Thank you for your time.
As you can see, the Canadian health care system is the pinnacle of human achievement. With the measures and processes in place, costs are kept under control, average life expectancy is steadily creeping towards 120, and the first generation of flying infants are expected to be born in 2085.
Hail, hail Canada!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Video explaining 10th Amendment

Viceo explaining the 10th Amendment

Florida has such an Amendment: HM19 find your Florida State Representative click HERE

Roma & Sandy Discuss Health Care Confusion

Roma Writes:
I agree there is lots of rumor, and exaggeration against the plan. I think that, and hollering and disruption of meetings is counter productive. It will only help to push the thing through.

  • The article you send sites Medicare and Medicaid as examples. That makes my is socialized medical care, and it is lousy. I know because my husband is on it, and so was my Mom whom I took care of. We have to purchase extra insurance so the thing won't bankrupt us or leave us without care for what it will not pay (donut hole as example). Plus it is due to go bankrupt itself.
  • What has the Federal Government run successfully so far other than e-verify which it wants to get rid of? Every bill passed in the last few administration favors big business at the expense of the middle class (bail out money case in point). The Health Care bill will most likely be the same. How many times must we be fooled before we learn.
  • Government interference is what caused the problem in the first place. Lets remove the legislation that caused the problem, and watch how easily it is solved.
More On What Drives Up Health Care Personal Story: Health Insurance

  • More importantly, if one reads the Constitution, the Federal Government cannot usurp a power not explicitly given it in that document (read Amendment X). The Fed is prohibited from providing socialized medical is illegal. Thus if we give them this power, we give up more liberties spelled out in the Constitution. Is that what Americans really want?

    Sandy writes:
    This is a very interesting article and worth reading. I don't believe anything I hear, read or watch anymore. But, these groups I belong to give me a better understanding that seems believeable in a lot of areas.


    Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 3:43 PM
    Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: Obama explains elimination of private insurance

    Dr. Bate,Like you said....As a Canadian I'm grateful for our health care system. In our current province we pay a bit according to income for coverage. Needy and poor people don't pay.I saw some pretty bad propaganda online against the Canadian system that was highly inaccurate. My friend's very old mother (over 80) just got a new knee that involved months of hospital and home care. Another friend has MS and she has someone come in and help her at home. She's in a wheelchair. She loves it. She's American but living here. My neighbor had a leg removed due to diabetes. He was dying of cancer though too. No idea why they thought this man was worth a $600000 operation when he was old and dying but he got it anyway. He passed away a few months later. Some unnecessary procedures are not covered and must be paid out of pocket. What I'd really like to see is dental coverage included since most disease is linked to dental health. In Germany a good portion is paid for by mandatory insurance (lived there for a while).Yes, at times there's a waiting list but if you had to pay for insurance you could just as easily think--okay I've saved $400 (figure my US friend pays monthly for basic insurance so not a totally random number) a month by not having to pay insurance. I could use that money and travel somewhere to get my operation. $400 x 12 months=$4800 a year. Over several years or a lifetime that would cover any necessary travel costs if you wanted to travel to another province with no waiting list or even to Thailand or India where the health care is very cheap and reliable. Enjoy some sunshine and don't get rushed out of the hospital as quickly.In a perfect world junk food would be taxed and users would not be eligible for anything but emergency accident care. Money would be used to teach mothers what to eat before pregnancy and during. Breastfeeding from healthy mothers would dramatically cut our health care costs by producing a new generation of healthy people. I could write a whole book about this, LOL!Just don't believe everything you see that's against government health care. At least our people aren't dying in the streets or claiming bankruptcy because of not being able to pay their medical bills.I recently saw on a TV show (online--I don't watch TV normally), that people with arthritis need to travel 5 hours to the nearest arthritis doc in Newfoundland. Ironically the woman in question showed how hard it was for her to lift a carton of milk from the fridge!!!! I'm sure everyone reading in the forum knows that arthritis is aggravated by pasteurized dairy. Why doesn't the clinic teach these people what to eat to stay well.In that respect the system is a failure because they pay for preventable disease and they also pay for vaccines.I haven't delved into the American plan in too great depth but I do have to wonder how a country that is so broke will be able to afford it. There are pros and cons to everything and people need to read the bill rather than believing what they see on TV.Sharon--- In, Dr Bate wrote:>> Thank you Irene. Big Insurance and Big Pharma and the AMA are all huge > contributors to the Republican congress, and while they give "lip > service" to "reforming the health situation, it's just that! At the > same time, they are spending billions trying to confuse the people on > the issues.> > Let's look at some facts:> > 1. If as the Republicans keep saying, the government can't run anything > efficiently, what do the insurance companies have to fear? We already > have socialized medicine for government persons and the VA. Would you > believe that the "management costs" of the VA are down well under 4%, > while Big Insurance> costs are 25-30%. I'm a veteran that gets socialized medical care, and > I love it. > > The same for government run Medicare and Social Security, and I remember > the Tennessee Valley Authority. The Govt built it and ran it with the > cheapest electricity in the US, and making a big profit. Then > Republicans got into office, and they broke it up and sold it to their > friends and contributors. Guess what? It's not nearly as cheap now!!> > 2. Some of the ads have "dire stories" about how the Canadians hate > their medical system. LOf course, this is skewed along with a lot of > other information. If you ask a Canadian "How do you like your > system?" You'll probably get> a negative answer or gripe. That's normal human nature.> > However, if you ask A Canuck (or Brit, or Frenchman, or Italian.this > question, "Would you like to switch to the US system instead?" The > answer is a resounding "NO WAY!". I know as I've asked this question of > over 100 Canadians, and many Europeans. Ask the right question.> > 3. The outright lies used are ridiculous. The one about how the > government is going to somehow use your answers on the simple Living > Will to kill you as you get older. Anyone for Soylent Green? All that > portion of some bills does is allow you to question a MD about it, and > the government pays the MD for his time. > > 4. In a fairly secret poll taken of MD's around the country, it seems > that a majority of them are actually in favor of socialized medicine, > against the heads of the AMA. They're sick of the mismanagement of > patient care by insurance companies, and the huge cost of malpractice > insurance today. > > 5. BTW, I disagree with you Irene in that this is a subject for this > and every other group dealing with any aspect of health. Thanks to the > web we can get truth if we look for it. > > -- > Phil Bate PhD> - Free Alternate Health Advice > > Neuroliminal Training (NT) helps solve > mental problems without drugs at low cost.> ADD to Autism, Insomnia to depression & more.> > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]>
    ********************************************* Sponsors Alternative Answers-HEALING NATURALLY- Learn preventative and curative measure to take for many ailments at:
  • Thursday, August 6, 2009

    Wednesday, August 5, 2009

    Personal Story: Health Insurance

    As business owners My husband and I had company insurance. Medical insurance for employees is more expensive for the small company than for large corporations. If the small business has anyone on the plan with pre-existing conditions the cost is driven higher for every employee on that plan. For the large companies that is not the case. True the larger the pool the more costs are absorbed.

    However, at one time, small business owners could unite to create a large pool. Regulations no longer permit that. (I do not know if it is due to State regulations, Federal regulations, or both)

    Solution: Allow co-ops. As citizens we should be allowed to unite, and create non-profit insurance pools independent of business if we so through Churches, professions and other organizations. We should also be allowed to cross State lines to do so

    Simple solutions such as this are far less complicated, they are constitutionally legal (Federally run health care is not legal as per the U.S. Constitution), and there is less chance of pork (a nice word for theft) than with the Federal Government's thousand plus pages that no one can read.

    There is no need for protesters to holler or disrupt meetings. The law and common sense are on their side.

    Monday, August 3, 2009

    What Makes The U.S. Great

    Are you surprised about the rise of public demonstrations in the U.S. today? Or are you concerned about what is happening in our Government? Perhaps you just wonder what is behind Nancy Pelosi’s facial contortions. I especially liked the opened round lips when she was asked about water boarding. :-)

    In accounting classes one of the first things we learned was to set up the books and quality control so that theft is discouraged. Studies show a surprisingly large number of people, when tempted with the opportunity to steal, will do so.

    In 1968 a teacher by the name of Jane Elliot did a class experiment showing how easy it is for most of us to participate in behavior like the Germans did under Hitler. One can learn more about that very interesting true story at this link:

    My family once lived in a small town in Arizona. That town was controlled by a religious group that normally is very kind and considerate. But not in that town. If a person displeased them (even if they were of a different faith), they were prevented from keeping their job or obtaining work. The children of those who were the most powerful even received preferential treatment at the expense of the other children in school. They could be quite ruthless. “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

    History is full of such examples of the nicest people becoming ruthless or corrupt as they gain too much power:

    • The Crusades (in which Christians became too powerful)
    • McCarthyism (which resulted from government regulations giving power to a small group) . ),
    • Roman Emperors, and the Supreme Leader of Iran are but a few examples of Oligarchies.
    • At the opposite end is anarchy resulting from no government.

    Our founding fathers had suffered the abuses of oppression. They were very learner-ed men, and did a study of history and governments as they formed our early U.S Constitution. They could have set up an Oligarchy with themselves in control. “In fact there were those who wanted George Washington to be their king.”

    They studied the pure Democracy of the early Greeks, and found that form of government leads to mob rule (the majority forcing their will on the minority). They also studied the Roman form of Government.

    “The Romans built a republic that limited government power and left the people alone. . Since government was limited, the people were free to produce with the understanding that they could keep the fruits of their labor. In time Rome became wealthy and the envy of the world, much like America.”

    “In the midst of plenty however, the Roman people forgot what freedom entailed. They forgot that the essence of freedom is the proper limitation of government. When government power grows, people’s freedom recedes. Once the Romans dropped their guard, power-seeking politicians began to exceed the powers granted them in the Roman Constitution. Some learned that they could elect politicians who would use government power to take property from some and give it to others” (“distribution of wealth“, and. “Trickle Down Theory“). “Agriculture subsidies were introduced, followed by housing and welfare programs. Inevitably taxes rose and controls over the private sector were imposed. Soon, a number of Rome’s producers could no longer make ends meet and they went on the dole. Sound familiar?”

    " we Americans are ultimately left with only two choices: We can keep our republic, as Franklin put it, or we will inevitably end up with an Oligarchy – the tyranny of the elite.” .

    The X Amendment is very important. It states: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people". In other words if the Constitution does not, in writing, give a power to the Federal Government, it is not their power to take, and to do so is Constitutionally illegal. Thus, folks, we are a republic with a built in democracy...the democratic part being "left alone to reap the rewards of our labor". I was never taught these things in school, and for too long did not understand what made America great. How can we protect something if we do not even understand what we are protecting?
    That folks is why so many Americans are now calling for:
    1. An audit of the Federal Reserve (which is an oligarchy of a few unelected people in control of our monetary system, and who are refusing to disclose to Congress what they did with three trillion dollars of bail out money, some of which has shown up in foreign countries) ),

    2. Saying no to socialized medicine and government regulation. Note: Government regulation is what has created the present high cost of medical insurance and medical care.

    read more at.... More On What Drives Up Health Care

    No need for protesters to holler, and disrupt meetings. The law, as spelled out in the Constitution, is on their more at:
    Personal Story: Health Insurance

    3. Saying no to the erasing of borders

    4. They are calling for the rule of law spelled out in the Constitution (State sovereignty which is not about seceding from the Union. Bill # HM19 says the State of Florida will no longer participate in lawlessness which is prohibited by the Constitution ) . Currently 21 States have claimed such. Full Text of HM19 Memorial =
    To find your Florida State Representative click HERE

    The past success of the Constitution is the reason so many workers, doctors, business owners,… average people are united in grass roots organizations.. The Constitution is a unifying document because it is not about Liberal verses Conservative, Democrat verses Republican, or one faith against another. It is about what 9/11 taught us…Americans

    1. Thoughts and research by Roma Cox, free lance writer and published author.

    As Featured On EzineArticles

    From Ezine Articles
    "You've also earned Expert Author status:"

    2. links are provided for resource credits, documentation, and further study.
    Link below: the American Anthem (and history) like you have never heard it before…Beautiful
    For your convenience here is a list of some of the grass roots organizations:
    Note: The author does not represent or speak for any of the following organizations:

    1..First Coast Tea Party- “Mission at is to promote the principles of our Founding Fathers — individual liberty and responsibility, limited government, and moral leadership.”

    I find them to be among the most active and organized. So if you like getting things done, you will likely enjoy this one.

    2. Campaign for Liberty- “mission is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a non-interventionist foreign policy, by means of educational and political activity.”

    This site has an excellent blog open to members for discussions and education about the Constitution, economics and other issues. They are good at practicing what they preach: freedom of speech. If you want information this is an excellent site.

    Note: I am sure they do not discuss confidential strategy on the blog or in e-mails. That is likely kept within the core group (as it should be), but questions and discussions are welcome.

    3. Numbers USA “website to help you influence Congress to turn away from policies forcing a more and more congested and regimented future for our country, our children and our grandchildren.

    But before relying on anything on the Internet, users always need to evaluate carefully the credibility of each website.

    This is a non-partisan site. We have strong Democrats, Republicans, Reformers and Independents not only among our advisers but in our offices. It will take officials of all parties to bring federal population policy back to a logical plain.”

    This site is focused on one issue…that of immigration. Because of that focus it is very well informed, keeps you up to date on any bills that come to the house concerning this matter, and provides easy on-line faxes from you to your Representatives. They are against any immigrant (legal or illegal) bashing or mistreatment as they know the problem is created by government policies.

    4. Americans for Fair Tax: Fair tax gets rid of the IRS, eliminates the income tax, and creates a sales tax. Campaign for Liberty suggests other solutions which also rids of the IRS, eliminates the sales tax, and reduces the size of government (as per the Constitution) thus making it possible to use the same tax solutions that were used by the Founding Fathers. Which is better? That is for you to decide…just do your research before making a decision.

    5. T.Boone Pickens Energy Plan: alternative energy to reduce dependency on foreign oil. Mr. Pickens explains why this is a National security issue. Being dependent on any foreign government to supply necessities such as oil or food is a national security issue.

    6. Peterson G. Peterson Foundation Producers of the documentary I.O.U.S.A (which can viewed on their website)., They discuss the deficit and its consequences.

    .To find your Senator, click here. To find your Representative, click here
    To find your Florida House Representative click HERE

    Saturday, August 1, 2009

    Conspiracy Theories

    I come across many conspiracy theories. Could they happen? Yes, the Holocaust proved that. However, at this time, things are not in place in the U.S. for most of these things to happen. History reveals: the more power that is placed in the hands of the few, the more likely it is for these things to happen. Example: Iran.

    So, for now, focusing on the "what ifs" only robs our energy off of what needs to be done to insure that power does not become concentrated in the hands of a few. There are so many more Americans than ever before taking action to make sure that does not happen. If you worry about what ifs, simply become involved in making a difference, and focus on that.