This from the La Raza website
More on La Raza and what they lobby for
Mexican Flag flying over U.S. Soil
Note: I am of Mexican decent, and have a great love and respect for my heritage. There are Mexicans here who value what America Stands for...they deserve American citizenship.. But I also tell you there are many here who are bitter that some Mexican soil was lost to the U.S. during the 1800's. They lobby for amnesty and the return of this land to Mexicans, and sincerely believe it rightfully belongs to them.
Sounds silly, doesn't it. How could they have any influence over our politicians? They have a surprising amount of influence over politics because they are united, and support political campaigns. It is not wise for us to fall asleep to this fact.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Save Money on Gas purchases
This great link sent in by Rick: Note: In the article look for how to track lowest gas prices.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
U.S. Flag Offensive?
Just before Memorial Day Weekend, a lady hung the American Flag in her office. When she returned after being away for a few days she found it had been removed and placed on the FLOOR because someone from a foreign country who had become a U.S. citizen found it offensive. The link will take you to a video of a news interview on that event.
Airplane Mechanics who do not speak English?
In search of cheaper labor the FAA has licensed airplane mechanics who do not speak or read English. Such practices have effected the safety of our commercial and residential construction, food and plane safety. Is there more?
Onions (healthy eating)
The following was sent in by Butch
I never knew this!!!
I knew mayonnaise did not have to be refrigerated. There are so many preservatives in food now, especially processed, we probably only need to refrigerate very little.
Written by Zola Gorgon - author of several cookbooks.
Watch out for those spoiled onions.
I had the wonderful privilege of touring Mullins Food Products. Mullins is HUGE and is owned by 11 brothers and sisters in the Mullins family. My friend Jeanne is the CEO.
The facility is mammoth. We toured about 280,000 square feet! Questions about food poisoning came up and I wanted to share what I learned from a chemist.
The guy who gave us our tour is named Ed. He's one of the brothers. Ed is a chemistry expert and is involved in developing most of the sauce formula. He's even developed sauce formula for McDonald's.
Keep in mind that Ed is a food chemistry whiz. During the tour, someone asked if we really needed to worry about mayonnaise. People are always worried that mayonnaise will spoil. Ed's answer will surprise you. Ed said that all commercially-made Mayo is completely safe.
It doesn't even have to be refrigerated. No harm in refrigerating it, but it's not really necessary. He explained that the pH in mayonnaise is set at a point that bacteria could not survive in that environment. He then talked about the quintessential picnic, with the bowl of potato salad sitting on the table and how everyone blames the mayonnaise when someone gets sick.
Ed says that when food poisoning is reported, the first thing the officials look for is when the 'victim' last ate ONIONS and where those onions came from. Ed says it's not the mayonnaise (as long as it's not homemade Mayo) that spoils in the outdoors. It's probably the onions, and if not the onions, it's the POTATOES. He explained, onions are a huge magnet for bacteria, especially uncooked onions. You should never plan to keep a portion of a sliced onion. He says it's not even safe if you put it in a zip-lock bag and put it in your refrigerator. It's already contaminated enough just by being cut open and out for a bit, that it can be a danger to you.. (And doubly watch out for onions at the baseball park!)
Ed says if you take the leftover onion and cook it like crazy you'll probably be okay, but if you slice that leftover onion and put in on your sandwich, you're asking for trouble. Both the onions and the moist potato in a potato salad, will attract and grow bacteria faster than any commercial mayonnaise will even begin to break down.
So, how's that for news? Take it for what you will. I am going to be very careful about my onions from now on. For some reason, I see a lot of credibility coming from a chemist and a company, that produces millions of pounds of mayonnaise every year.'
Dogs should never eat onions. Their stomachs cannot metabolize onions.
Here is an article that explains how food that no other organism will eat is a chemical that we should not ingest either:
I never knew this!!!
I knew mayonnaise did not have to be refrigerated. There are so many preservatives in food now, especially processed, we probably only need to refrigerate very little.
Written by Zola Gorgon - author of several cookbooks.
Watch out for those spoiled onions.
I had the wonderful privilege of touring Mullins Food Products. Mullins is HUGE and is owned by 11 brothers and sisters in the Mullins family. My friend Jeanne is the CEO.
The facility is mammoth. We toured about 280,000 square feet! Questions about food poisoning came up and I wanted to share what I learned from a chemist.
The guy who gave us our tour is named Ed. He's one of the brothers. Ed is a chemistry expert and is involved in developing most of the sauce formula. He's even developed sauce formula for McDonald's.
Keep in mind that Ed is a food chemistry whiz. During the tour, someone asked if we really needed to worry about mayonnaise. People are always worried that mayonnaise will spoil. Ed's answer will surprise you. Ed said that all commercially-made Mayo is completely safe.
It doesn't even have to be refrigerated. No harm in refrigerating it, but it's not really necessary. He explained that the pH in mayonnaise is set at a point that bacteria could not survive in that environment. He then talked about the quintessential picnic, with the bowl of potato salad sitting on the table and how everyone blames the mayonnaise when someone gets sick.
Ed says that when food poisoning is reported, the first thing the officials look for is when the 'victim' last ate ONIONS and where those onions came from. Ed says it's not the mayonnaise (as long as it's not homemade Mayo) that spoils in the outdoors. It's probably the onions, and if not the onions, it's the POTATOES. He explained, onions are a huge magnet for bacteria, especially uncooked onions. You should never plan to keep a portion of a sliced onion. He says it's not even safe if you put it in a zip-lock bag and put it in your refrigerator. It's already contaminated enough just by being cut open and out for a bit, that it can be a danger to you.. (And doubly watch out for onions at the baseball park!)
Ed says if you take the leftover onion and cook it like crazy you'll probably be okay, but if you slice that leftover onion and put in on your sandwich, you're asking for trouble. Both the onions and the moist potato in a potato salad, will attract and grow bacteria faster than any commercial mayonnaise will even begin to break down.
So, how's that for news? Take it for what you will. I am going to be very careful about my onions from now on. For some reason, I see a lot of credibility coming from a chemist and a company, that produces millions of pounds of mayonnaise every year.'
Dogs should never eat onions. Their stomachs cannot metabolize onions.
Here is an article that explains how food that no other organism will eat is a chemical that we should not ingest either:
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Double Standard
1. How come it is "profiling" to protect American jobs, but it is not "profiling" when politicians must verify their citizenship?
2. "Protectionism": He_ _ it not the job of the Federal Government to protect and defend American citizens? Have they lost sight that they are U.S. leaders...not "World Leaders"?
3. How come our politicians sacrifice law biding citizens to protect greedy corporations, drug lords and criminal acts? Do they have their hand in that cookie jar?
2. "Protectionism": He_ _ it not the job of the Federal Government to protect and defend American citizens? Have they lost sight that they are U.S. leaders...not "World Leaders"?
3. How come our politicians sacrifice law biding citizens to protect greedy corporations, drug lords and criminal acts? Do they have their hand in that cookie jar?
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Ron Paul Predicted this:
Ron Paul's prediction of decline in U.S. dollar:
Obama Believes Constitution Outdated. Do You?
Video: Obama believes the Constitution is outdated, and has fundamental flaws.:
What do you think?
What do you think?
****Is The Constitution Outdated? (& more)
****1. Video: Ron Paul Debates Ed Schultz...Is the Constitution outdated?
2. Obama's economic Brain Trust has learned the wrong lessons from, and is repeating the mistakes of, the last Great Depression. Romer, Bernanke, and the Flying Donkeys
3. Torture is gravely immoral, illegal and a profound threat to national security and American values. It must not be allowed to stand. Torturing the Rule of Law
4. Was government too small way back in 2002? Balance the Budget!
5. Government's meddling in marriage, a traditionally religious and private institution, has caused unnecessary social conflict. The Separation of Marriage and State
2. Obama's economic Brain Trust has learned the wrong lessons from, and is repeating the mistakes of, the last Great Depression. Romer, Bernanke, and the Flying Donkeys
3. Torture is gravely immoral, illegal and a profound threat to national security and American values. It must not be allowed to stand. Torturing the Rule of Law
4. Was government too small way back in 2002? Balance the Budget!
5. Government's meddling in marriage, a traditionally religious and private institution, has caused unnecessary social conflict. The Separation of Marriage and State
Monday, May 25, 2009
Economy & Commercial Real-Estate
Melanie has invited you to read a timely and concise article posted by a free-market oriented Swiss publishing company.
The title of the article is: Commercial real-estate ruin: No new lease on trillions in debt
Click here now to read the article:
Comments: I like the thoughts here and thought maybe you would like to read the article.Sincerely,Chief EditorThe Daily Bell
The title of the article is: Commercial real-estate ruin: No new lease on trillions in debt
Click here now to read the article:
Comments: I like the thoughts here and thought maybe you would like to read the article.Sincerely,Chief EditorThe Daily Bell
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Redistrictiong Letter by John
Letter to the Editor: Fair Districting
Tuesday, May 19, 2009 6:35 AM
"Al Bond"
Make it nonpartisan
Competition is best when the game is not rigged. For far too long, the reapportionment process has been a partisan affair that allows for one-party dominance of Florida's state legislature.
As it is today, state senators and representatives enjoy safe districts and cakewalk elections that permit them to coast to victory with minimal debate with opposition or dialogue with voters.
With little to no accountability for their offices, politicians can ignore the majority of voters who are disillusioned and stay home on Election Day.
It should be no surprise that the state is in a difficult position today. We are taken for granted by a legislative body that is more interested in holding onto their seats than in serving the people of Florida.
I support amending the state constitution to allow a nonpartisan redistricting process to fix this broken system.
The Florida Times-Union
May 19, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009 6:35 AM
"Al Bond"
Make it nonpartisan
Competition is best when the game is not rigged. For far too long, the reapportionment process has been a partisan affair that allows for one-party dominance of Florida's state legislature.
As it is today, state senators and representatives enjoy safe districts and cakewalk elections that permit them to coast to victory with minimal debate with opposition or dialogue with voters.
With little to no accountability for their offices, politicians can ignore the majority of voters who are disillusioned and stay home on Election Day.
It should be no surprise that the state is in a difficult position today. We are taken for granted by a legislative body that is more interested in holding onto their seats than in serving the people of Florida.
I support amending the state constitution to allow a nonpartisan redistricting process to fix this broken system.
The Florida Times-Union
May 19, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
*****Illegal Aliens Treated As Slave Labor
Illegal Aliens sue Organic Farmer. They were charged for rent in filthy dwellings, transportation, and lived as virtual prisoners as they worked off their debt. Eventually they banned together to sue the farmer and Coyote who provided the service. (I personally have witnessed such abuses)
The farmer said they had no idea the Coyote was mistreating them, and farmers are taking a closer look at this sort of thing.
Do you think amnesty will solve the problem? Why or why not?
Note: farmers can hire the legal ones who have green cards. There is a legal way to go about these things. So why are they choosing the illegal rout?
The farmer said they had no idea the Coyote was mistreating them, and farmers are taking a closer look at this sort of thing.
Do you think amnesty will solve the problem? Why or why not?
Note: farmers can hire the legal ones who have green cards. There is a legal way to go about these things. So why are they choosing the illegal rout?
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Lynn: A Spiritual Revolution
The following is sent in by Lynn
A Spiritual Conspiracy
On the surface of the world right now there is war and violence and things seem dark. But calmly and quietly, at the same time, something else is happening underground . . . An inner revolution is taking place and certain individuals are being called to a higher light.
It is a silent revolution. From the inside out. From the ground up. This is a Global operation. A Spiritual Conspiracy.
There are sleeper cells in every nation on the planet. You won't see us on the T.V.. You won't read about us in the newspaper. You won't hear about us on the radio. We don't seek any glory. We don't wear any uniform. We come in all shapes and sizes, colors and styles. Most of us work anonymously. We are quietly working behind the scenes . . . in every country and culture of the world . . . Cities big and small, mountains and valleys, in farms and villages, tribes and remote islands.
You could pass by one of us on the street and not even notice . . . We go undercover . . . We remain behind the scenes. It is of no concern to us who takes the final credit, but simply that the work gets done.
Occasionally we spot each other in the street, We give a quiet nod and continue on our way. During the day many of us pretend we have normal jobs . . . but behind the false storefront at night is where the real work takes a place.
Some call us the Conscious Army. We are slowly creating a new world with the power of our minds and hearts. We follow, with passion and joy Our orders that come from the Central Spiritual Intelligence. We are dropping soft, secret love bombs when no one is looking . . . Poems ~ Hugs ~ Music ~ Photography ~ Movies ~ Kind words ~ Smiles ~ Meditation and prayer ~ Dance ~ Social activism ~ Websites ~ Blogs ~ Random acts of kindness. We each express ourselves in our own unique ways with our own unique gifts and talents.
Be the change you want to see in the world! That is the motto that fills our hearts. We know it is the only way real transformation takes place. We know that quietly and humbly we have the power of all the oceans combined.
Our work is slow and meticulous . . . like the formation of mountains, it is not even visible at first glance, and yet with it entire tectonic plates shall be moved in the centuries to come.
Love is the new religion of the 21st century. You don't have to be a highly educated person or have any exceptional knowledge to understand it . . . it comes from the intelligence of the heart . . . Embedded in the timeless evolutionary pulse of all human beings.
Be the change you want to see in the world! Nobody else can do it for you.
We are now recruiting . . . perhaps you will join us . . . or already have. All are welcome. The door is open.
~ author unknown ~
A Spiritual Conspiracy
On the surface of the world right now there is war and violence and things seem dark. But calmly and quietly, at the same time, something else is happening underground . . . An inner revolution is taking place and certain individuals are being called to a higher light.
It is a silent revolution. From the inside out. From the ground up. This is a Global operation. A Spiritual Conspiracy.
There are sleeper cells in every nation on the planet. You won't see us on the T.V.. You won't read about us in the newspaper. You won't hear about us on the radio. We don't seek any glory. We don't wear any uniform. We come in all shapes and sizes, colors and styles. Most of us work anonymously. We are quietly working behind the scenes . . . in every country and culture of the world . . . Cities big and small, mountains and valleys, in farms and villages, tribes and remote islands.
You could pass by one of us on the street and not even notice . . . We go undercover . . . We remain behind the scenes. It is of no concern to us who takes the final credit, but simply that the work gets done.
Occasionally we spot each other in the street, We give a quiet nod and continue on our way. During the day many of us pretend we have normal jobs . . . but behind the false storefront at night is where the real work takes a place.
Some call us the Conscious Army. We are slowly creating a new world with the power of our minds and hearts. We follow, with passion and joy Our orders that come from the Central Spiritual Intelligence. We are dropping soft, secret love bombs when no one is looking . . . Poems ~ Hugs ~ Music ~ Photography ~ Movies ~ Kind words ~ Smiles ~ Meditation and prayer ~ Dance ~ Social activism ~ Websites ~ Blogs ~ Random acts of kindness. We each express ourselves in our own unique ways with our own unique gifts and talents.
Be the change you want to see in the world! That is the motto that fills our hearts. We know it is the only way real transformation takes place. We know that quietly and humbly we have the power of all the oceans combined.
Our work is slow and meticulous . . . like the formation of mountains, it is not even visible at first glance, and yet with it entire tectonic plates shall be moved in the centuries to come.
Love is the new religion of the 21st century. You don't have to be a highly educated person or have any exceptional knowledge to understand it . . . it comes from the intelligence of the heart . . . Embedded in the timeless evolutionary pulse of all human beings.
Be the change you want to see in the world! Nobody else can do it for you.
We are now recruiting . . . perhaps you will join us . . . or already have. All are welcome. The door is open.
~ author unknown ~
Friday, May 15, 2009
Fair Tax...This Great Country
Video about the "Fair Tax" . Paul Wizikowski talks about how great this Country is, and about the Fair Tax.
Republican Party, Democratic Party...not much difference
From the Constitution Party
Dear Friend of Liberty,
Every day we hear more bad news about the future of our country. Clearly, our abandonment of Constitutional principles has wreaked havoc on our once prosperous land.I’m sure you’ll agree that the blame can be placed on both the major parties, whose alternating rule has dragged our country to the very brink of collapse.If you have worked hard and been cautious with money you are now paying for the outrageous acts of irresponsibility and greed of others.
And this level of national upheaval could simply not have taken place without the insidious involvement of government.
The Constitution Party is working to combat the absurd efforts of both parties to blame free enterprise for the mess that government intervention has created, and we need your financial support for this effort.
Please help the Constitution Party offer America an alternative.
Both major parties promoted unsustainable, deficit spending and the massive expansion of debt. Both parties worked to destroy real money and the principles of thrift and savings.Both parties encouraged people to live beyond their means, while simultaneously throwing taxpayer money away on scheme after unconstitutional scheme.
It was a simple and horribly destructive plan. Money for votes or kickbacks and someone else gets the bill. Well, the bill has just arrived in your mailbox.As the Obama administration continues the failed financial policies of the Bush administration, we see our banks failing, our auto industry about to evaporate and the very real specter of nationalization of much of our economy.
It is tragic that in order to expose the duplicity of both ruling parties, we have to be on the verge of economic collapse, but for better or worse, there has never been a more critical time to expose them. I pray I can count on your continued support in the amount of $100, $75, or more to let the American people know there is a better way.
Please help the Constitution Party offer America an alternative.
Your financial support is key to our efforts to undo the damageour country has suffered under the "leadership" of the Democrats and Republicans.
The simple fact is the Democrats are leading us into a socialist morass, but they’re only following the policies of the Republicans who preceded them.
And now the Republicans cannot even figure out who’s running their show. Is it the pro-abortion Michael Steele, the new National GOP Chairman, whose attacks on Rush Limbaugh left the party leadership scrambling for the right apology? Is it John McCain whose presidential campaign lurched from disaster to disaster? Does anybody really know?
The policies of the current administration will be disastrous, but there is no coherent opposition from the Republicans who squandered their political capital with vacillating immigration policies, uncontrolled spending, appalling infringements on our right to private property and no viable alternative to the socialization of our health care system.
I need your help to bring a cohesive message of economic renewal to the America people. A message that promotes sane monetary policies, and a reversal of the ever-growing intrusion of big brother government.
Please help the Constitution Party offer America an alternative.
All across the country Americans are making their voices heard, and they are saying they support life, liberty and limited government. The numerous TEA Parties held on April 15th demonstrated this undeniable fact.The troubled times we face today need not be the end of the American Dream. Instead, with your help they can be the moments just before a new dawn of American greatness and prosperity.
But we must act quickly. Our nation’s needs are great, and as we have seen over and over, they will not be met by the greed, collusion and duplicity of the Democrat/Republican axis.
Please help the Constitution Party offer America an alternative.
Yours for liberty,
James N. ClymerNational Chairman
Dear Friend of Liberty,
Every day we hear more bad news about the future of our country. Clearly, our abandonment of Constitutional principles has wreaked havoc on our once prosperous land.I’m sure you’ll agree that the blame can be placed on both the major parties, whose alternating rule has dragged our country to the very brink of collapse.If you have worked hard and been cautious with money you are now paying for the outrageous acts of irresponsibility and greed of others.
And this level of national upheaval could simply not have taken place without the insidious involvement of government.
The Constitution Party is working to combat the absurd efforts of both parties to blame free enterprise for the mess that government intervention has created, and we need your financial support for this effort.
Please help the Constitution Party offer America an alternative.
Both major parties promoted unsustainable, deficit spending and the massive expansion of debt. Both parties worked to destroy real money and the principles of thrift and savings.Both parties encouraged people to live beyond their means, while simultaneously throwing taxpayer money away on scheme after unconstitutional scheme.
It was a simple and horribly destructive plan. Money for votes or kickbacks and someone else gets the bill. Well, the bill has just arrived in your mailbox.As the Obama administration continues the failed financial policies of the Bush administration, we see our banks failing, our auto industry about to evaporate and the very real specter of nationalization of much of our economy.
It is tragic that in order to expose the duplicity of both ruling parties, we have to be on the verge of economic collapse, but for better or worse, there has never been a more critical time to expose them. I pray I can count on your continued support in the amount of $100, $75, or more to let the American people know there is a better way.
Please help the Constitution Party offer America an alternative.
Your financial support is key to our efforts to undo the damageour country has suffered under the "leadership" of the Democrats and Republicans.
The simple fact is the Democrats are leading us into a socialist morass, but they’re only following the policies of the Republicans who preceded them.
And now the Republicans cannot even figure out who’s running their show. Is it the pro-abortion Michael Steele, the new National GOP Chairman, whose attacks on Rush Limbaugh left the party leadership scrambling for the right apology? Is it John McCain whose presidential campaign lurched from disaster to disaster? Does anybody really know?
The policies of the current administration will be disastrous, but there is no coherent opposition from the Republicans who squandered their political capital with vacillating immigration policies, uncontrolled spending, appalling infringements on our right to private property and no viable alternative to the socialization of our health care system.
I need your help to bring a cohesive message of economic renewal to the America people. A message that promotes sane monetary policies, and a reversal of the ever-growing intrusion of big brother government.
Please help the Constitution Party offer America an alternative.
All across the country Americans are making their voices heard, and they are saying they support life, liberty and limited government. The numerous TEA Parties held on April 15th demonstrated this undeniable fact.The troubled times we face today need not be the end of the American Dream. Instead, with your help they can be the moments just before a new dawn of American greatness and prosperity.
But we must act quickly. Our nation’s needs are great, and as we have seen over and over, they will not be met by the greed, collusion and duplicity of the Democrat/Republican axis.
Please help the Constitution Party offer America an alternative.
Yours for liberty,
James N. ClymerNational Chairman
Gays in the Military
The following was sent in by Sandy
Dear Friend --
In March, I went on Rachel Maddow's show and spoke three truthful words: "I am gay."
As an infantry officer, an Iraq combat veteran and a West Point graduate with a degree in Arabic, I refuse to lie to my commanders. I refuse to lie to my peers. I refuse to lie to my subordinates.
As a result, the Army sent a letter discharging me on April 23. The letter is a slap in the face. It is a slap in the face to me and it is a slap in the face to the soldiers who I have commanded and served with over the last decade.
I have served for a decade under "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" -- an immoral policy that forces American soldiers to lie about their sexual orientation. Worse, it forces others to tolerate deception. As I learned at West Point, deception and lies poison a unit and cripple a fighting force.
That's why the Courage Campaign and CREDO Mobile are getting behind me today. And I'm getting behind them along with Knights Out -- an organization I founded to bring attention to the ways "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" undermines our national security.
I need your support. Please ask President Obama not to fire me. Click here to watch my recent interview on Rachel Maddow's show and sign the Courage Campaign's petition asking the President to end the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy:
In the ten years since I first raised my right hand at the United States Military Academy at West Point and committed to fighting for my country, I have learned many lessons. Courage, integrity, honesty and selfless service are some of the most important.That's why my discharge from the Army is so painful. I am not accustomed to begging, but I am begging President Obama today: Do not fire me.My subordinates know I'm gay. They don't care. They are professionals. My soldiers are more than a unit or a fighting force -- we are a family and we support each other.Will you support me as well? Please ask President Obama to keep his promise and tell Congress to repeal the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law and support equality in the military. Click here to watch the Rachel Maddow interview and sign this petition to the President ASAP:
Very Respectfully,
Daniel W. Choi1LT,
INNew York
Army National Guard
Courage Campaign Issues is part of the Courage Campaign's online organizing network that empowers more than 700,000 grassroots and netroots supporters to push for progressive change and full equality in California.
To power our campaign for full equality, please chip in what you can today:
Dear Friend --
In March, I went on Rachel Maddow's show and spoke three truthful words: "I am gay."
As an infantry officer, an Iraq combat veteran and a West Point graduate with a degree in Arabic, I refuse to lie to my commanders. I refuse to lie to my peers. I refuse to lie to my subordinates.
As a result, the Army sent a letter discharging me on April 23. The letter is a slap in the face. It is a slap in the face to me and it is a slap in the face to the soldiers who I have commanded and served with over the last decade.
I have served for a decade under "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" -- an immoral policy that forces American soldiers to lie about their sexual orientation. Worse, it forces others to tolerate deception. As I learned at West Point, deception and lies poison a unit and cripple a fighting force.
That's why the Courage Campaign and CREDO Mobile are getting behind me today. And I'm getting behind them along with Knights Out -- an organization I founded to bring attention to the ways "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" undermines our national security.
I need your support. Please ask President Obama not to fire me. Click here to watch my recent interview on Rachel Maddow's show and sign the Courage Campaign's petition asking the President to end the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy:
In the ten years since I first raised my right hand at the United States Military Academy at West Point and committed to fighting for my country, I have learned many lessons. Courage, integrity, honesty and selfless service are some of the most important.That's why my discharge from the Army is so painful. I am not accustomed to begging, but I am begging President Obama today: Do not fire me.My subordinates know I'm gay. They don't care. They are professionals. My soldiers are more than a unit or a fighting force -- we are a family and we support each other.Will you support me as well? Please ask President Obama to keep his promise and tell Congress to repeal the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law and support equality in the military. Click here to watch the Rachel Maddow interview and sign this petition to the President ASAP:
Very Respectfully,
Daniel W. Choi1LT,
INNew York
Army National Guard
Courage Campaign Issues is part of the Courage Campaign's online organizing network that empowers more than 700,000 grassroots and netroots supporters to push for progressive change and full equality in California.
To power our campaign for full equality, please chip in what you can today:
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Legislators Raid CCW Trust Fund - Try to Intimidate Governor
***ALERT for All Florida CCW License Holders***
Legislators Raid CCW Trust Fund - Try to Intimidate Governor
DATE: May 11, 2009TO: USF & NRA Member and FriendsFROM: Marion P. Hammer USF Executive Director
NRA Past PresidentIn a last minute sneak attack on gun owners, the Florida Legislature raided the concealed weapons and firearms licensing trust fund. This not only effects resident CCW license holders, but non-resident Florida license holders as well!They took $6 million from the Division of Licensing Concealed Weapons and Firearm Trust Fund that is intended, by law, to be used solely for administering the concealed weapons and firearms licensing program. (Read background information below)
Please Call, Fax, or Email Governor Charlie Crist IMMEDIATELY, and ask him to veto the $6 Million trust fund sweep from the Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services Division of Licensing authorized under Section 59 of the Conference Report of SB-2600.
Please send your email today!!!!!
And/or please contact the Governor's office by phone or fax ASAP.
Phone number: (850) 488-4441 or (850) 488-7146Fax number: (850) 487-0801Send your email to the Governor at this address:
Right now, the concealed weapons and firearms licensing program is backlogged and overloaded, due in part, to the refusal of budget officials and the Legislature to allow the Division of Licensing to use its own trust fund money to hire more employees and expand/upgrade equipment. Crates of unopened mail containing license and license renewal applications sit in storage. The backlog of mail sitting unopened, at times, has extended beyond 90 days while existing licenses are expiring because renewal applications haven't been opened and processed. Currently (although the Division of Licensing has been working weekend shifts to clear the backlog), it is taking 13-14 weeks to process a "perfect" application once it has been opened. That is an unequivocal violation of the law that requires issuance or denial of a license by a specific time –– a violation of law that legislative leaders are condoning by their actions.THE LAW REQUIRES THE DIVISION OF LICENSING TO ISSUE A LICENSE WITHIN 90 DAYS OF RECEIPT OF THE APPLICATION -- or deny the license "for cause", based upon the criteria set forth in the law. Theft of operating funds by the Legislature is not "just cause" for failure to issue licenses or renewals within 90 days. While applications sit gathering dust, legislative leaders took $6 million of approximately $8 million held in the trust fund. That $6 million is supposed to be used to pay employees, buy upgraded equipment, upgrade or replace computers or software and to otherwise administer the concealed weapons and firearms licensing program.BUT, feigning a desperate need for funds for education and health care, legislative leaders recklessly and ruthlessly confiscated trust fund money. Why? Because they were building a so-called "working capital" fund for the 2010-12 legislative term, reported now to be in the neighborhood of $1.8 BILLION DOLLARS. This so-called "working capital fund" is for the use of future legislative leaders.They didn't take that money for education. They didn't take that money for health care. They didn't take that money to save jobs. They didn't take that money to avoid pay cuts, or budget cuts -- they took the money to help build their own fund. While Senate leadership reportedly fought to stop the ruthless raids on trust funds, in the end, they simply caved and let the House of Representatives prevail.
The bad behavior doesn't end there.
Obviously fearing the Governor would use his line-item veto to stop trust fund raids, proviso language was inserted in the bill in a clear attempt to intimidate the Governor. The proviso language, states that if any portion of the moneys swept from this and other trust funds does not become law (meaning it is vetoed), that portion of the money shall be deducted from the EDUCATION BUDGET. This is clearly designed to keep the Governor from vetoing trust fund sweeps, and prevent trust fund money from being taken back out the House leadership's so-called "working capital" fund. Money in the concealed weapons trust fund came from gun owners. No money to administer and run the concealed weapons and firearms licensing program has ever come from general revenue, or any other state fund or revenue source. The taking of these gun owner user fees is an unauthorized tax on the exercise of the Second Amendment.AGAIN, Please call, fax and email Governor Crist IMMEDIATELY, and ask him to veto the $6 Million raid on the Concealed Weapons & Firearms Trust Fund!Send your email to the Governor at this address:
Please send your email today!!!!!
You may also call the Executive Office of the Governor at: (850) 488-7146.
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~ Benjamin Franklin , Historical Review of Pennsylvania , 1759
Legislators Raid CCW Trust Fund - Try to Intimidate Governor
DATE: May 11, 2009TO: USF & NRA Member and FriendsFROM: Marion P. Hammer USF Executive Director
NRA Past PresidentIn a last minute sneak attack on gun owners, the Florida Legislature raided the concealed weapons and firearms licensing trust fund. This not only effects resident CCW license holders, but non-resident Florida license holders as well!They took $6 million from the Division of Licensing Concealed Weapons and Firearm Trust Fund that is intended, by law, to be used solely for administering the concealed weapons and firearms licensing program. (Read background information below)
Please Call, Fax, or Email Governor Charlie Crist IMMEDIATELY, and ask him to veto the $6 Million trust fund sweep from the Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services Division of Licensing authorized under Section 59 of the Conference Report of SB-2600.
Please send your email today!!!!!
And/or please contact the Governor's office by phone or fax ASAP.
Phone number: (850) 488-4441 or (850) 488-7146Fax number: (850) 487-0801Send your email to the Governor at this address:
Right now, the concealed weapons and firearms licensing program is backlogged and overloaded, due in part, to the refusal of budget officials and the Legislature to allow the Division of Licensing to use its own trust fund money to hire more employees and expand/upgrade equipment. Crates of unopened mail containing license and license renewal applications sit in storage. The backlog of mail sitting unopened, at times, has extended beyond 90 days while existing licenses are expiring because renewal applications haven't been opened and processed. Currently (although the Division of Licensing has been working weekend shifts to clear the backlog), it is taking 13-14 weeks to process a "perfect" application once it has been opened. That is an unequivocal violation of the law that requires issuance or denial of a license by a specific time –– a violation of law that legislative leaders are condoning by their actions.THE LAW REQUIRES THE DIVISION OF LICENSING TO ISSUE A LICENSE WITHIN 90 DAYS OF RECEIPT OF THE APPLICATION -- or deny the license "for cause", based upon the criteria set forth in the law. Theft of operating funds by the Legislature is not "just cause" for failure to issue licenses or renewals within 90 days. While applications sit gathering dust, legislative leaders took $6 million of approximately $8 million held in the trust fund. That $6 million is supposed to be used to pay employees, buy upgraded equipment, upgrade or replace computers or software and to otherwise administer the concealed weapons and firearms licensing program.BUT, feigning a desperate need for funds for education and health care, legislative leaders recklessly and ruthlessly confiscated trust fund money. Why? Because they were building a so-called "working capital" fund for the 2010-12 legislative term, reported now to be in the neighborhood of $1.8 BILLION DOLLARS. This so-called "working capital fund" is for the use of future legislative leaders.They didn't take that money for education. They didn't take that money for health care. They didn't take that money to save jobs. They didn't take that money to avoid pay cuts, or budget cuts -- they took the money to help build their own fund. While Senate leadership reportedly fought to stop the ruthless raids on trust funds, in the end, they simply caved and let the House of Representatives prevail.
The bad behavior doesn't end there.
Obviously fearing the Governor would use his line-item veto to stop trust fund raids, proviso language was inserted in the bill in a clear attempt to intimidate the Governor. The proviso language, states that if any portion of the moneys swept from this and other trust funds does not become law (meaning it is vetoed), that portion of the money shall be deducted from the EDUCATION BUDGET. This is clearly designed to keep the Governor from vetoing trust fund sweeps, and prevent trust fund money from being taken back out the House leadership's so-called "working capital" fund. Money in the concealed weapons trust fund came from gun owners. No money to administer and run the concealed weapons and firearms licensing program has ever come from general revenue, or any other state fund or revenue source. The taking of these gun owner user fees is an unauthorized tax on the exercise of the Second Amendment.AGAIN, Please call, fax and email Governor Crist IMMEDIATELY, and ask him to veto the $6 Million raid on the Concealed Weapons & Firearms Trust Fund!Send your email to the Governor at this address:
Please send your email today!!!!!
You may also call the Executive Office of the Governor at: (850) 488-7146.
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~ Benjamin Franklin , Historical Review of Pennsylvania , 1759
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Your Tax spent on Chinese Prostitutes
CNSNews.comU.S. Will Pay $2.6 Million to Train Chinese Prostitutes to Drink Responsibly on the Job
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Clergy look the other way while children abused. Child Labor
The intellectual bankruptcy and juvenile morality of trendy open-borders clergy is on an embarrassing public display during events marking the first anniversary of ICE raids of the Postville, Iowa kosher meatpacking plant.
Many of these are the same clergy who remained silent for years as the meatpacking plant physically endangered its workers and violated child laborers.
Like silent witnesses to pedophilia, these clergy were voiceless for years while the meatpacker workers -- especially children -- were chewed up by an immoral corporation. Now these clergy have the shameless audacity to blame immigration laws for the collapse of the business and the misery of the workers.
Lutheran, Catholic and United Methodist leaders say the lesson of Postville is that Congress should provide an amnesty to 12-20 million illegal foreign workers and dependents. In effect, they seem to want to make sure that unemployed U.S. workers don't get a crack at the estimated 8.3 million jobs the illegal workers currently hold.
The open-borders religious leaders say enforcement of immigration laws is "foolish."
Immigration raids are foolish. They traumatize families andchildren. They break families apart. We need a policy that treatspeople with dignity and justice.
-- Rev. Steven P. Brackett, pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Postville
That means immigration laws are foolish. By extension, I suppose these religious leaders believe it to be foolish to protect vulnerable U.S. workers from the free movement of tens of millions of foriegn workers who would surely move to the U.S. and bid down wages and working conditions if the clerics got their wish of open immigration.
For a year, open-borders clerics around the country have used the Postville Raid as a pulpit to proclaim that illegal workers only do jobs that Americans won't do.
In the case of the Postville Kosher plant, that almost is true.
The Kosher management treated its workers so badly in terms of pay, working conditions, safety and benefits, that it would have been difficult to find U.S. citizens who would have put up with the job.
In fact, it was the company's violation of safety, wage and child labor laws -- as well as potentially criminal fiscal management -- that led to the company shutting down, spreading economic hardship over the entire community.
Open-borders advocates constantly claim that it was the immigration raid that caused the shutdown. But that is not true. The company -- after improving the compensation package -- was actually able to quickly find legal workers and ship them into town after ICE removed all the illegal foreign workers.
I told newspaper reporters Thursday that even if there had been no immigration enforcement at all, the Kosher plant would have been in big trouble based only on safety, wage and child labor violations. We constantly hear politicians who oppose immigration enforcement say they want to see aggressive safety and wage enforcement. So do I. And if you get that kind of enforcement, you will see lots of businesses that hire illegal aliens in big trouble, because most of them break all kinds of laws other than immigration.
I was asked if I feel sorry for the community around Postville based on the economic suffering of losing its biggest employer. My answer is yes. But I note that the clerics preaching against law enforcement seem to be suggesting that we should allow corporations to continue to mistreat their workers because making them follow the law might cause collateral economic pain.
I ask the archbishops and bishops: Should we stop enforcing child labor laws because some community has become dependent on a plant that abuses child workers?
The problem for Postville is not that immigration and labor laws were enforced but that they were enforced too late.
If the Bush Administration had been serious about safety, labor and immigration enforcement earlier, conditions would not have gotten nearly so bad. Adjustments could have been made without the corporation collapsing. But by the time the feds got involved, the Kosher management had so corrupted the whole operation there really wasn't anything left to save. The business was rancid.
I have another question for all the preachers, priests, nuns and religious social workers who are so eager for their moments of fame in the national press by declaring it immoral to arrest workers who illegally enter the country and take jobs from U.S. citizens:
How do you explain your silence over the last several years about the incredible mistreatment of workers -- including children -- at the Postville plant? Especially those of you who lived in the community. How were you able to just turn away from the grievous behavior of the employers? Why didn't you report the criminal activities to the government?
There is no way in a small community that you could have been unaware of what was going on. How do you justify your complicity with the sinful practices of the managers of that plant?
The callous immorality of open-borders theology is beginning to infect local pastors.
I request all of you readers to make sure your own pastor is aware of the solid morality of immigration laws in preventing powerful economic interesests from mistreating the most vulnerable members of our community.
Your pastors are constantly propagandized by denominational publications and leaders who suggest that immigration laws are immoral because they don't follow the Scripture's commandment to not mistreat the stranger. You don't have to convince your pastor that our position is right as much as you need to convince that the issue is more complex than stating that every stranger should be given amnesty, a job and citizenship.
You should also let your pastors know that millions of dollars have been donated by foundations to organizations to help persuade denominations to endorse amnesty and to side against unemployed U.S. workers in favor of illegal foreign workers getting jobs.
Please don't be combative with your pastor. Share your concerns sincerely and calmly. I have been around clergy all of my life -- and I talked with hundreds of them during my days reporting on religion. I can attest that most clergy are sincere compassionate people who would never deliberately show a hardened heart to the families in their community that are suffering from unemployment or the threat of joblessness. But they need to understand that illegal immigration is not a victimless crime. Millions of U.S. citizens are out of work today because 8.3 million illegal foreign workers are allowed to hold their jobs.
ROY BECK is Founder & CEO of NumbersUSA
Many of these are the same clergy who remained silent for years as the meatpacking plant physically endangered its workers and violated child laborers.
Like silent witnesses to pedophilia, these clergy were voiceless for years while the meatpacker workers -- especially children -- were chewed up by an immoral corporation. Now these clergy have the shameless audacity to blame immigration laws for the collapse of the business and the misery of the workers.
Lutheran, Catholic and United Methodist leaders say the lesson of Postville is that Congress should provide an amnesty to 12-20 million illegal foreign workers and dependents. In effect, they seem to want to make sure that unemployed U.S. workers don't get a crack at the estimated 8.3 million jobs the illegal workers currently hold.
The open-borders religious leaders say enforcement of immigration laws is "foolish."
Immigration raids are foolish. They traumatize families andchildren. They break families apart. We need a policy that treatspeople with dignity and justice.
-- Rev. Steven P. Brackett, pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Postville
That means immigration laws are foolish. By extension, I suppose these religious leaders believe it to be foolish to protect vulnerable U.S. workers from the free movement of tens of millions of foriegn workers who would surely move to the U.S. and bid down wages and working conditions if the clerics got their wish of open immigration.
For a year, open-borders clerics around the country have used the Postville Raid as a pulpit to proclaim that illegal workers only do jobs that Americans won't do.
In the case of the Postville Kosher plant, that almost is true.
The Kosher management treated its workers so badly in terms of pay, working conditions, safety and benefits, that it would have been difficult to find U.S. citizens who would have put up with the job.
In fact, it was the company's violation of safety, wage and child labor laws -- as well as potentially criminal fiscal management -- that led to the company shutting down, spreading economic hardship over the entire community.
Open-borders advocates constantly claim that it was the immigration raid that caused the shutdown. But that is not true. The company -- after improving the compensation package -- was actually able to quickly find legal workers and ship them into town after ICE removed all the illegal foreign workers.
I told newspaper reporters Thursday that even if there had been no immigration enforcement at all, the Kosher plant would have been in big trouble based only on safety, wage and child labor violations. We constantly hear politicians who oppose immigration enforcement say they want to see aggressive safety and wage enforcement. So do I. And if you get that kind of enforcement, you will see lots of businesses that hire illegal aliens in big trouble, because most of them break all kinds of laws other than immigration.
I was asked if I feel sorry for the community around Postville based on the economic suffering of losing its biggest employer. My answer is yes. But I note that the clerics preaching against law enforcement seem to be suggesting that we should allow corporations to continue to mistreat their workers because making them follow the law might cause collateral economic pain.
I ask the archbishops and bishops: Should we stop enforcing child labor laws because some community has become dependent on a plant that abuses child workers?
The problem for Postville is not that immigration and labor laws were enforced but that they were enforced too late.
If the Bush Administration had been serious about safety, labor and immigration enforcement earlier, conditions would not have gotten nearly so bad. Adjustments could have been made without the corporation collapsing. But by the time the feds got involved, the Kosher management had so corrupted the whole operation there really wasn't anything left to save. The business was rancid.
I have another question for all the preachers, priests, nuns and religious social workers who are so eager for their moments of fame in the national press by declaring it immoral to arrest workers who illegally enter the country and take jobs from U.S. citizens:
How do you explain your silence over the last several years about the incredible mistreatment of workers -- including children -- at the Postville plant? Especially those of you who lived in the community. How were you able to just turn away from the grievous behavior of the employers? Why didn't you report the criminal activities to the government?
There is no way in a small community that you could have been unaware of what was going on. How do you justify your complicity with the sinful practices of the managers of that plant?
The callous immorality of open-borders theology is beginning to infect local pastors.
I request all of you readers to make sure your own pastor is aware of the solid morality of immigration laws in preventing powerful economic interesests from mistreating the most vulnerable members of our community.
Your pastors are constantly propagandized by denominational publications and leaders who suggest that immigration laws are immoral because they don't follow the Scripture's commandment to not mistreat the stranger. You don't have to convince your pastor that our position is right as much as you need to convince that the issue is more complex than stating that every stranger should be given amnesty, a job and citizenship.
You should also let your pastors know that millions of dollars have been donated by foundations to organizations to help persuade denominations to endorse amnesty and to side against unemployed U.S. workers in favor of illegal foreign workers getting jobs.
Please don't be combative with your pastor. Share your concerns sincerely and calmly. I have been around clergy all of my life -- and I talked with hundreds of them during my days reporting on religion. I can attest that most clergy are sincere compassionate people who would never deliberately show a hardened heart to the families in their community that are suffering from unemployment or the threat of joblessness. But they need to understand that illegal immigration is not a victimless crime. Millions of U.S. citizens are out of work today because 8.3 million illegal foreign workers are allowed to hold their jobs.
ROY BECK is Founder & CEO of NumbersUSA
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
More Bailout Money Being Spent Overseas
"The UAW urges you to join with us in expressing your opposition to GM's plans to close factories and eliminate jobs in the United States while it is increasing imports from other countries," Alan Reuther, the UAW's chief lobbyist, said in an open letter to U.S. lawmakers dated Monday."
You will remember on February 10 of this year we uncovered this:
"General Motors plans to invest $1 billion in Brazil to avoid the kind of problems the U.S. automaker is facing in its home market, said the beleaguered car maker.
According to the president of GM Brazil-Mercosur, Jaime Ardila, the funding will come from the package of financial aid that the manufacturer will receive from the U.S. government and will be used to “complete the renovation of the line of products up to 2012.”
General Motors has been planning this fleecing of the American taxpayer for sometime.
To find your Senator, click here.
To find your Representative, click here.
Or call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.
You will remember on February 10 of this year we uncovered this:
"General Motors plans to invest $1 billion in Brazil to avoid the kind of problems the U.S. automaker is facing in its home market, said the beleaguered car maker.
According to the president of GM Brazil-Mercosur, Jaime Ardila, the funding will come from the package of financial aid that the manufacturer will receive from the U.S. government and will be used to “complete the renovation of the line of products up to 2012.”
General Motors has been planning this fleecing of the American taxpayer for sometime.
To find your Senator, click here.
To find your Representative, click here.
Or call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.
A newborn's conversation with God
Nerrissa sent this in...beautiful Mothers Day gift. Thank you Nerrissa
A baby asked God, 'They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?' God said, 'Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you.'
The child further inquired, 'But tell me, here in heaven I don't have to do anything but sing and smile to be happy.' God said, 'Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you. And you will feel your angel's love and be very happy.'
Again the child asked, 'And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me if I don't know the language?' God said, 'Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak.'
'And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?' and God replied, 'Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray.' 'Who will protect me?' God said, 'Your angel will defend you even if it means risking its life.''But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore.' God said, 'Your angel will always talk to you about Me and will teach you the way to come back to Me, even though I will always be next to you.'
At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from Earth could be heard and the child hurriedly asked, 'God, if I am to leave now, please tell me my angel's name.' And God said, 'You will simply call her 'Mom.'Lift a mother's spirit, send this to every mother you know, no matter how old her child is.

The child further inquired, 'But tell me, here in heaven I don't have to do anything but sing and smile to be happy.' God said, 'Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you. And you will feel your angel's love and be very happy.'
Again the child asked, 'And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me if I don't know the language?' God said, 'Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak.'
'And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?' and God replied, 'Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray.' 'Who will protect me?' God said, 'Your angel will defend you even if it means risking its life.''But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore.' God said, 'Your angel will always talk to you about Me and will teach you the way to come back to Me, even though I will always be next to you.'
At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from Earth could be heard and the child hurriedly asked, 'God, if I am to leave now, please tell me my angel's name.' And God said, 'You will simply call her 'Mom.'Lift a mother's spirit, send this to every mother you know, no matter how old her child is.
Ron Paul Puts His Nick On Chopping Block
Ron Paul's assessment of the "Economic Recovery" follows. Lets sit back and watch to see which assessment is correct, the one presented by the news media, or the following one. This valuable information could tell us allot about who to elect next time.
"If banks begin to lend their increased reserves, we will see the first steps towards hyperinflation. Now that the Fed has increased the monetary base, it finds itself under pressure to withdraw these funds at some point. The question, however, is when? If it withdraws too soon, banks' balance sheets collapse, if too late, massive inflation will ensue. As in previous crises, the Fed's inflationary actions leave it compelled to take action that will severely harm the economy through either deflation or hyperinflation. Had the Fed not begun interfering 18 months ago, we might have already seen a recovery in the economy by now. Bad debts would have been liquidated, inefficient firms sold off and their resources put to better use elsewhere. As it is, I believe any temporary uptick in economic indicators nowadays will likely be misinterpreted as economic recovery rather than the result of Federal Reserve credit creation. Until we learn the lesson that government intervention cannot heal the economy, and can only do harm, we will never stabilize the economy or get on the road to true recovery."
Read more at:
"If banks begin to lend their increased reserves, we will see the first steps towards hyperinflation. Now that the Fed has increased the monetary base, it finds itself under pressure to withdraw these funds at some point. The question, however, is when? If it withdraws too soon, banks' balance sheets collapse, if too late, massive inflation will ensue. As in previous crises, the Fed's inflationary actions leave it compelled to take action that will severely harm the economy through either deflation or hyperinflation. Had the Fed not begun interfering 18 months ago, we might have already seen a recovery in the economy by now. Bad debts would have been liquidated, inefficient firms sold off and their resources put to better use elsewhere. As it is, I believe any temporary uptick in economic indicators nowadays will likely be misinterpreted as economic recovery rather than the result of Federal Reserve credit creation. Until we learn the lesson that government intervention cannot heal the economy, and can only do harm, we will never stabilize the economy or get on the road to true recovery."
Read more at:
This is sent in by Melanie:
A special day? By law? What is going on?
Hawaii lawmakers vote to celebrate 'Islam Day'
Associated Press - 5/7/2009 7:35:00 AM
HONOLULU - Hawaii's state Senate has overwhelmingly approved a bill to celebrate "Islam Day," despite the objections of a few lawmakers who said they didn't think the state should honor a religion connected to Sept. 11, 2001.
The resolution to proclaim Sept. 24, 2009, as Islam Day passed the Senate on a 22-3 vote Wednesday. The bill was previously passed by Hawaii's House of Representatives.
The bill recognizes what it calls "the rich religious, scientific, cultural and artistic contributions" that Islam and the Islamic world have made.
But the Senate's two Republicans argued that radical Islamists cheered the 2001 attacks. They also noted that other religions didn't have a special day honored.
The lone Democrat voting in dissent opposed it on church-state separation grounds.
A special day? By law? What is going on?
Hawaii lawmakers vote to celebrate 'Islam Day'
Associated Press - 5/7/2009 7:35:00 AM
HONOLULU - Hawaii's state Senate has overwhelmingly approved a bill to celebrate "Islam Day," despite the objections of a few lawmakers who said they didn't think the state should honor a religion connected to Sept. 11, 2001.
The resolution to proclaim Sept. 24, 2009, as Islam Day passed the Senate on a 22-3 vote Wednesday. The bill was previously passed by Hawaii's House of Representatives.
The bill recognizes what it calls "the rich religious, scientific, cultural and artistic contributions" that Islam and the Islamic world have made.
But the Senate's two Republicans argued that radical Islamists cheered the 2001 attacks. They also noted that other religions didn't have a special day honored.
The lone Democrat voting in dissent opposed it on church-state separation grounds.
Obama: No Prayer in the White House
The following is sent in from Melanie:
Wednesday, May 6, 2009 6:58 PM
The White House is planning a muted observance of Thursday's National Day of Prayer, a response that has disappointed both Christian conservatives and an atheist group that wants to end the tradition.
Congress established the day in 1952 and in 1988 set the first Thursday in May as the day for presidents to issue proclamations asking Americans to pray.
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said President Barack Obama would issue such a proclamation Thursday but not hold any public events with religious leaders as President George W. Bush did.
Obama's decision drew a rebuke from the National Day of Prayer Task Force, a private group that promotes prayer events around the country. The task force estimates 2 million Americans attended more than 40,000 events marking the day last year.
"We are disappointed in the lack of participation by the Obama administration," said task force chairwoman Shirley Dobson, wife of Focus on the Family founder James Dobson. "At this time in our country's history, we would hope our President would recognize more fully the importance of prayer."
The debate over the day has landed in federal court in Wisconsin. The Obama administration has asked a judge to dismiss a lawsuit filed by the Freedom From Religion Foundation, which claims the day violates the separation of church and state.
In a rare alliance, 31 mostly Republican members of Congress and a prominent Christian legal group are joining the administration to fight the lawsuit.
Freedom From Religion Foundation Co-Director Annie Laurie Gaylor welcomed Obama's more scaled back observance but said she has been shocked by his administration's strong defense of the day in court.
The Madison-based group of 12,000 atheists and agnostics filed the lawsuit near the end of Bush's second term. It asks a judge to declare the law unconstitutional and to order presidents and governors to stop issuing prayer proclamations.
The Obama administration asked U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb to dismiss the case in March. The administration argued the group has no legal standing to sue, said the tradition's roots date to 1775 and that most presidents have invoked faith in a higher power.
It also said the day does not promote religion and argued that preventing presidents from issuing a proclamation would unfairly restrict how they communicate with Americans.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009 6:58 PM
The White House is planning a muted observance of Thursday's National Day of Prayer, a response that has disappointed both Christian conservatives and an atheist group that wants to end the tradition.
Congress established the day in 1952 and in 1988 set the first Thursday in May as the day for presidents to issue proclamations asking Americans to pray.
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said President Barack Obama would issue such a proclamation Thursday but not hold any public events with religious leaders as President George W. Bush did.
Obama's decision drew a rebuke from the National Day of Prayer Task Force, a private group that promotes prayer events around the country. The task force estimates 2 million Americans attended more than 40,000 events marking the day last year.
"We are disappointed in the lack of participation by the Obama administration," said task force chairwoman Shirley Dobson, wife of Focus on the Family founder James Dobson. "At this time in our country's history, we would hope our President would recognize more fully the importance of prayer."
The debate over the day has landed in federal court in Wisconsin. The Obama administration has asked a judge to dismiss a lawsuit filed by the Freedom From Religion Foundation, which claims the day violates the separation of church and state.
In a rare alliance, 31 mostly Republican members of Congress and a prominent Christian legal group are joining the administration to fight the lawsuit.
Freedom From Religion Foundation Co-Director Annie Laurie Gaylor welcomed Obama's more scaled back observance but said she has been shocked by his administration's strong defense of the day in court.
The Madison-based group of 12,000 atheists and agnostics filed the lawsuit near the end of Bush's second term. It asks a judge to declare the law unconstitutional and to order presidents and governors to stop issuing prayer proclamations.
The Obama administration asked U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb to dismiss the case in March. The administration argued the group has no legal standing to sue, said the tradition's roots date to 1775 and that most presidents have invoked faith in a higher power.
It also said the day does not promote religion and argued that preventing presidents from issuing a proclamation would unfairly restrict how they communicate with Americans.
Conspiracy Theories and Acorn
Hi Roma,
Received yet another piece of info from a friend....I'm not sure what to make of this, but it DOES sound noteworthy enough to pass along to people who may want to know some "behind the scenes" stuff going on.
You know my thoughts these days about all of it ~ I'm working on my world from another angle, but it does make me stop and go hmmmm.....
Much love,
Click here: Obama and ACORN GPS Marking EVERY Front Door in America...
Received yet another piece of info from a friend....I'm not sure what to make of this, but it DOES sound noteworthy enough to pass along to people who may want to know some "behind the scenes" stuff going on.
You know my thoughts these days about all of it ~ I'm working on my world from another angle, but it does make me stop and go hmmmm.....
Much love,
Click here: Obama and ACORN GPS Marking EVERY Front Door in America...
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Is The Republican Party Over
The following is from KJ
Hi Roma,
I cant post this to the Blog since i am at work , but this is a very good article!!;_ylt=AiZvDvkZQALi8USyGNyxYr2s0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTJpYnRvNGlnBGFzc2V0A3RpbWUvMjAwOTA1MDcvMDg1OTkxODk2NTg4MDAEY3BvcwM3BHBvcwMxNARzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3J5BHNsawNyZXB1YmxpY2Fuc2k-
Republicans in the Wilderness: Is the Party Over?
By MICHAEL GRUNWALD Michael Grunwald – 34 mins ago
These days, Republicans have the desperate aura of an endangered species. They lost Congress, then the White House; more recently, they lost a slam-dunk House election in a conservative New York district, then Senator Arlen Specter. Polls suggest that only one-fourth of the electorate considers itself Republican, that independents are trending Democratic and that as few as five states have solid Republican pluralities. And the electorate is getting less white, less rural, less Christian - in short, less demographically Republican. GOP officials who completely controlled Washington three years ago are vowing to "regain our status as a national party" and creating woe-is-us groups to resuscitate their brand, while Democrats are publishing books like The Strange Death of Republican America and 40 More Years: How the Democrats Will Rule the Next Generation. John McCain's campaign manager recently described his party as basically extinct on the West Coast, nearly extinct in the Northeast and endangered in the Mountain West and Southwest.
So are the Republicans going extinct? And can the death march be stopped? The Washington critiques of the Republican Party as powerless, leaderless and rudderless - the new Donner party - are not very illuminating. Minority parties always look weak and inept in the penalty box. Sure, it can be comical to watch Republican National Committee (RNC) gaffe machine Michael Steele riff on his hip-hop vision for the party or Texas Governor Rick Perry carry on about secession or Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann explain how F.D.R.'s "Hoot-Smalley" Act caused the Depression (the Smoot-Hawley Act, a Republican tariff bill, was enacted before F.D.R.'s presidency), but haplessness does not equal hopelessness. And yes, the Republican brand could benefit from spokesmen less familiar and less reviled than Karl Rove, Dick Cheney and Newt Gingrich, but the party does have some fresher faces stepping out of the wings. (Read seven clues to understanding Dick Cheney.)
The Democratic critiques of the GOP - that it's the Party of No, or No Ideas - are not helpful either. It's silly to fault an opposition party for opposition; obstructionism helped return Democrats to power. Republicans actually have plenty of ideas.
That's the problem. The party's ideas - about economic issues, social issues and just about everything else - are not popular ideas. They are extremely conservative ideas tarred by association with the extremely unpopular George W. Bush, who helped downsize the party to its extremely conservative base. A hard-right agenda of slashing taxes for the investor class, protecting marriage from gays, blocking universal health insurance and extolling the glories of waterboarding produces terrific ratings for Rush Limbaugh, but it's not a majority agenda. The party's new, Hooverish focus on austerity on the brink of another depression does not seem to fit the national mood, and it's shamelessly hypocritical, given the party's recent history of massive deficit spending on pork, war and prescription drugs in good times, not to mention its continuing support for deficit-exploding tax cuts in bad times.
As the party has shrunk to its base, it has catered even more to its base's biases, insisting that the New Deal made the Depression worse, carbon emissions are fine for the environment and tax cuts actually boost revenues - even though the vast majority of historians, scientists and economists disagree. The RNC is about to vote on a kindergartenish resolution to change the name of its opponent to the Democrat Socialist Party. This plays well with hard-core culture warriors and tea-party activists convinced that a dictator-President is plotting to seize their guns, choose their doctors and put ACORN in charge of the Census, but it ultimately produces even more shrinkage, which gives the base even more influence - and the death spiral continues. "We're excluding the young, minorities, environmentalists, pro-choice - the list goes on," says Olympia Snowe of Maine, one of two moderate Republicans left in the Senate after Specter's switch. "Ideological purity is not the ticket to the promised land."
Some conservatives think that in the long run, the party will be better off without squishes like Specter muddling the coherence of its brand; a GOP campaign committee celebrated his departure with an e-mail headlined "Good riddance," and Limbaugh urged him to take McCain along. Inside this echo chamber, a center-right nation punished Republicans for abandoning their principles, for enabling Bush's spending sprees, for insufficient conservatism. South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, who has refused to accept $700 million in stimulus cash for his state despite bitter opposition from his GOP-dominated legislature, argues that Chick-fil-A would never let its franchisees cook their chicken however they want; why should the Republican Party let its elected officials promote Big Government? "We're essentially franchisees, and right now nobody has any clue what we're really about," Sanford tells TIME. "You can't wear the jersey and play for the other team!" (See pictures from the view of the floor of the DNC.)
No one seems to deny that many Republicans abandoned their principles - especially fiscal responsibility - while in power, but even some across-the-board conservatives see enforced homogeneity as a sure path to oblivion. "Chick-fil-A can get fabulously wealthy with a 20% market share," scoffs Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour, President Ronald Reagan's political director. "In our business, you need 50% plus one." It's probably true that since 200,000 Pennsylvania Republicans have switched parties, Specter followed them to save his own political skin, but it's hard to see how the mass exodus bodes well for the GOP. You can't have a center-right coalition when you've said good riddance to the center.
Of course, politics can change in a hurry. Three years ago, books like One Party Country and Building Red America were heralding Rove's plan to create a permanent Republican majority. President Barack Obama is popular today, but Democrats in general are not, and they will all face a backlash if they can't reverse this economic tailspin now that they own all the Washington machinery. Tom Cole, a longtime Republican operative turned Oklahoma Congressman, recalls that shortly before the Reagan Revolution, the GOP was in such dire straits, it ran ads declaring that Republicans are people too. "We've lost our way, but we'll find our way back," Cole says. "We'll get back into the idea business, and the Democrats will overreach."
With his dramatic plans to restructure Wall Street and Detroit, overhaul health care and create a clean-energy economy, Obama is certainly taking political risks, even if he hasn't gotten around to replacing the almighty dollar with some new, one-world currency the black-helicopter crowd keeps warning about. But it's not clear that the Republicans in their current incarnation would be a credible alternative if he falters. "We've got to be at least plausible, and I worry about that," says GOP lobbyist Ed Rogers. Republicans never really left the idea business, but Americans haven't been buying what they're selling, and their product line hasn't changed. They're starting to look like the Federalists of the early 19th century: an embittered, over-the-top, out-of-touch regional party en route to extinction, doubling down on dogma the electorate has already rejected. Our two-party system encourages periodic pendulum swings, but given current trends, it's easy to imagine a third party in the U.S.
At this rate, it could be the Republican Party.
"What Have We Got to Lose?"House Republicans, eager to shed the Party of No label, recently unveiled an alternative to Obama's 2010 budget. It was the kind of fiasco that shows why Washington thinks Republicans are in trouble - and why they really are in trouble.
The disaster began when GOP leaders, after calling a news conference to blast Obama's numbers, released a budget outline with no numbers - just magic assumptions about "reform." The mockery was instantaneous. Then Republicans began blaming one another for the stunt, which generated only more mockery about circular firing squads. And when they finally released the missing details on April 1, the notion of an April Fools' budget produced even more mockery; the substance was ignored. "The President's dog got more attention," recalls Paul Ryan, the top Republican on the House Budget Committee.
But if you pay attention, the GOP alternative is not just a p.r. disaster. It's a radical document, making Bush's tax cuts permanent while adding about $3 trillion in new tax cuts skewed toward the rich. It would replace almost all the stimulus - including tax cuts for workers as well as spending on schools, infrastructure and clean energy - with a capital gains–tax holiday for investors. Oh, and it would shrink the budget by replacing Medicare with vouchers, turning Medicaid into block grants, means-testing Social Security and freezing everything else except defense and veterans' spending for five years, putting programs for food safety, financial regulation, flu vaccines and every other sacred government cow on the potential chopping block.
Ryan is one of the smart, young, telegenic policy wonks who have been hailed as the GOP's future, and his budget includes relatively few the-Lord-shall-provide accounting gimmicks by D.C. standards. He knows its potential cuts could sound nasty in a 30-second ad, but he wants Republicans to stop running away from limited-government principles. "We've got to stop being afraid of the politics," he says. "At this point, what have we got to lose?"
Well, more elections. Big Government is never popular in theory, but the disaster aid, school lunches and prescription drugs that make up Big Government have become wildly popular in practice, especially now that so many people are hurting. Samuel Wurzelbacher, better known as Joe the Plumber, tells TIME he's so outraged by GOP overspending, he's quitting the party - and he's the bull's-eye of its target audience. But he also said he wouldn't support any cuts in defense, Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid - which, along with debt payments, would put more than two-thirds of the budget off limits. It's no coincidence that many Republicans who voted against the stimulus have claimed credit for stimulus projects in their district - or that Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal stopped ridiculing volcano-monitoring programs after a volcano erupted in Alaska. "We can't be the antigovernment party," Snowe says. "That's not what people want."
Not even in South Carolina, not now. Sanford has gone further than any other governor in passing up the Democrats' stimulus money, but he's turning down only 10% of his state's share, about 2% of his state's spending. He is still being portrayed as Scrooge, a heartless ideologue who wants to close prisons, fire teachers, shutter programs for autistic kids and ultimately shut down state government during a recession. And those portrayals aren't coming from Democrats. "The governor has one of the most radical philosophies I've ever seen," says state senator Hugh Leatherman, 78, the Republican chairman of the finance committee. "I'm a conservative, but this could be the most devastating thing our state has ever seen." To Sanford, Leatherman is a fraudulent Republican franchisee, but to most Republicans in the legislature, the governor is the one tarnishing the brand. "Most of us are Ronald Reagan Republicans, Strom Thurmond Republicans," grumbles Senate majority leader Harvey Peeler. "Republicans control everything around here. It would be nice if we could accomplish something."
Sanford was once a lonely voice for fiscal restraint in Congress, one of the few Republican revolutionaries of 1994 who kept faith with the Contract with America. Back then, his bumper stickers said "Deficit" with a Ghostbusters-style slash through it, and his apocalyptic speeches chronicled how debt had destroyed great civilizations like the Byzantine Empire. I watched him give an updated version at a tea-party rally in Columbia, S.C., on April 15 as the crowd screamed about Obama's tyranny and waved signs like "Keep the Government Out of Our Health Care" and "USA 1776-2009, RIP." Sanford himself is not a screamer; he's a provocateur. "We've become a party of pastry chefs, telling people they can eat all the dessert they want," he says. "We need to become a party of country doctors, telling people that this medicine won't taste good at all, but you need it."
It's principled leadership, but only the tea-party fringe seems to be following. "Nobody likes Dr. Doom," Sanford says with a smile. Leading a state with the nation's third highest unemployment rate, he understands the Keynesian idea that only government spending can jump-start a recessionary economy: "I get it. I'm supposed to be proactive." But if spend-and-borrow is the only alternative to a depression, he says, "then we're toast."
The Old Issue SetHis party could be too. Hispanics, Asians and blacks are on track to be the majority in three decades; metropolitan voters and young voters who skew Democratic are also on the rise. This is why Rogers recently decided to quit being a talking head: "I had a meeting with myself, and I said, Do we really need more white lobbyists with gray hair on TV?" But it's not clear that more diverse spokesmen or better tweets can woo a new generation to the GOP; support for gay rights is soaring, and polls show that voters prefer Democratic approaches to health care, education and the economy. "The outlook for Republicans is even worse than people think," says Ruy Teixeira, author of The Emerging Democratic Majority. "Their biggest problem is that they really believe what they believe."
So Republicans need to decide what Republicans need to believe. What does their three-legged stool of strong defense, traditional values and economic conservatism mean today? Does strong defense mean unqualified support for torture, outdated weapons systems and pre-emptive wars? Do traditional values mean no room in the tent for pro-choicers like Specter and Snowe? Even Joe the Plumber - who opposes abortion and homosexuality and considers America a "Christian nation" - wants the party to drop its "holier than thou" attitude on divisive social issues.
The most urgent question is the meaning of economic conservatism. Representative Patrick McHenry of North Carolina, a conservative who keeps a bust of Reagan on his desk, surprised me by declaring that the Reagan era is over. "Marginal tax rates are the lowest they've been in generations, and all we can talk about is tax cuts," he said. "The people's desires have changed, but we're still stuck in our old issue set." Snowe recalls that when she proposed fiscally conservative "triggers" to limit Bush's tax cuts in case of deficits, she was attacked by fellow Republicans. "I don't know when willy-nilly tax cuts became the essence of who we are," she says. "To the average American who's struggling, we're in some other stratosphere. We're the party of Big Business and Big Oil and the rich." In the Bush era, the party routinely sided with corporate lobbyists - promoting tax breaks, subsidies and earmarks for well-wired industries - against ordinary taxpayers as well as basic principles of fiscal restraint. South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint's Republican alternative to the stimulus included tax cuts skewed toward the wealthy; at this point, the GOP's reflexes are almost involuntary.
Now that they've lost their monopoly on power, many Republicans are warning that spending-fueled deficits will cause inflation, reduce demand for U.S. Treasuries and shaft future generations. They don't seem so worried about an imminent depression, which would explode deficits in addition to the shorter-term pain, and their newfound fear of borrowing has not cooled their ardor for budget-busting tax cuts. "They talk about fiscal restraint, but they've got an atrocious record, and they've still got atrocious plans," says Robert Bixby, executive director of the nonpartisan Concord Coalition.
Still, a 2012 presidential candidate could catch lightning in a bottle, Reagan-style or Susan Boyle–style - although when you think about it, Republicans found a nationally admired war hero with proven bipartisan appeal in 2008, and he lost to an inexperienced black liberal with a funny name. Outside Washington, moderates like Charlie Crist in Florida and Jodi Rell in Connecticut as well as pragmatic conservatives like Mitch Daniels in Indiana and Jon Huntsman in Utah have remained popular despite their brand. They all share an aversion to ideological rigidity: Rell signed a bill legalizing same-sex unions, Crist has pushed an ambitious environmental agenda, Daniels proposed a tax increase, and Huntsman has cautioned Republicans not to obsess about social issues.
There's always the chance that some new issue - immigration? Iran? cap and trade? something nobody has thought of yet? - will blow up and bring the GOP back to life. Maybe one of the new GOP chin-stroking groups will come up with some killer new ideas to help the party reconnect with ordinary Americans. But Republicans know their best hope for recovery, whether they say it like Limbaugh or merely think it, is Democratic failure. Now that Democrats control both Congress and the White House, hubris is a real possibility; it's hard to imagine Obama floating his pitiful plan to cut $100 million in waste - a mere 0.0025% of federal spending - if he had to worry about a formidable opposition.
The problem for Republicans, as the RNC's Steele memorably put it in a TV appearance, is that there's "absolutely no reason, none, to trust our word or our actions." Republicans, after all, proclaimed that President Clinton's tax hikes would destroy the economy, that GOP rule would mean smaller government, that Bush's tax cuts would usher in a new era of prosperity; now the House minority leader says it's "comical" to think carbon dioxide could be harmful, and Steele says the earth is cooling.
Polls show that most Republicans who haven't jumped ship want the party to move even further right; it takes vision to imagine a presidential candidate with national appeal emerging from a GOP primary in 2012. DeMint, the South Carolina Senator, greeted Specter's departure with the astonishing observation that he'd rather have 30 Republican colleagues who believe in conservatism than 60 who don't. "I don't want us to have power until we have principles," DeMint told TIME after firing up that tea-party crowd in Columbia. Voters certainly soured on unprincipled Republicans. But it's not clear they'd like principled Republicans better.
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Hi Roma,
I cant post this to the Blog since i am at work , but this is a very good article!!;_ylt=AiZvDvkZQALi8USyGNyxYr2s0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTJpYnRvNGlnBGFzc2V0A3RpbWUvMjAwOTA1MDcvMDg1OTkxODk2NTg4MDAEY3BvcwM3BHBvcwMxNARzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3J5BHNsawNyZXB1YmxpY2Fuc2k-
Republicans in the Wilderness: Is the Party Over?
By MICHAEL GRUNWALD Michael Grunwald – 34 mins ago
These days, Republicans have the desperate aura of an endangered species. They lost Congress, then the White House; more recently, they lost a slam-dunk House election in a conservative New York district, then Senator Arlen Specter. Polls suggest that only one-fourth of the electorate considers itself Republican, that independents are trending Democratic and that as few as five states have solid Republican pluralities. And the electorate is getting less white, less rural, less Christian - in short, less demographically Republican. GOP officials who completely controlled Washington three years ago are vowing to "regain our status as a national party" and creating woe-is-us groups to resuscitate their brand, while Democrats are publishing books like The Strange Death of Republican America and 40 More Years: How the Democrats Will Rule the Next Generation. John McCain's campaign manager recently described his party as basically extinct on the West Coast, nearly extinct in the Northeast and endangered in the Mountain West and Southwest.
So are the Republicans going extinct? And can the death march be stopped? The Washington critiques of the Republican Party as powerless, leaderless and rudderless - the new Donner party - are not very illuminating. Minority parties always look weak and inept in the penalty box. Sure, it can be comical to watch Republican National Committee (RNC) gaffe machine Michael Steele riff on his hip-hop vision for the party or Texas Governor Rick Perry carry on about secession or Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann explain how F.D.R.'s "Hoot-Smalley" Act caused the Depression (the Smoot-Hawley Act, a Republican tariff bill, was enacted before F.D.R.'s presidency), but haplessness does not equal hopelessness. And yes, the Republican brand could benefit from spokesmen less familiar and less reviled than Karl Rove, Dick Cheney and Newt Gingrich, but the party does have some fresher faces stepping out of the wings. (Read seven clues to understanding Dick Cheney.)
The Democratic critiques of the GOP - that it's the Party of No, or No Ideas - are not helpful either. It's silly to fault an opposition party for opposition; obstructionism helped return Democrats to power. Republicans actually have plenty of ideas.
That's the problem. The party's ideas - about economic issues, social issues and just about everything else - are not popular ideas. They are extremely conservative ideas tarred by association with the extremely unpopular George W. Bush, who helped downsize the party to its extremely conservative base. A hard-right agenda of slashing taxes for the investor class, protecting marriage from gays, blocking universal health insurance and extolling the glories of waterboarding produces terrific ratings for Rush Limbaugh, but it's not a majority agenda. The party's new, Hooverish focus on austerity on the brink of another depression does not seem to fit the national mood, and it's shamelessly hypocritical, given the party's recent history of massive deficit spending on pork, war and prescription drugs in good times, not to mention its continuing support for deficit-exploding tax cuts in bad times.
As the party has shrunk to its base, it has catered even more to its base's biases, insisting that the New Deal made the Depression worse, carbon emissions are fine for the environment and tax cuts actually boost revenues - even though the vast majority of historians, scientists and economists disagree. The RNC is about to vote on a kindergartenish resolution to change the name of its opponent to the Democrat Socialist Party. This plays well with hard-core culture warriors and tea-party activists convinced that a dictator-President is plotting to seize their guns, choose their doctors and put ACORN in charge of the Census, but it ultimately produces even more shrinkage, which gives the base even more influence - and the death spiral continues. "We're excluding the young, minorities, environmentalists, pro-choice - the list goes on," says Olympia Snowe of Maine, one of two moderate Republicans left in the Senate after Specter's switch. "Ideological purity is not the ticket to the promised land."
Some conservatives think that in the long run, the party will be better off without squishes like Specter muddling the coherence of its brand; a GOP campaign committee celebrated his departure with an e-mail headlined "Good riddance," and Limbaugh urged him to take McCain along. Inside this echo chamber, a center-right nation punished Republicans for abandoning their principles, for enabling Bush's spending sprees, for insufficient conservatism. South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, who has refused to accept $700 million in stimulus cash for his state despite bitter opposition from his GOP-dominated legislature, argues that Chick-fil-A would never let its franchisees cook their chicken however they want; why should the Republican Party let its elected officials promote Big Government? "We're essentially franchisees, and right now nobody has any clue what we're really about," Sanford tells TIME. "You can't wear the jersey and play for the other team!" (See pictures from the view of the floor of the DNC.)
No one seems to deny that many Republicans abandoned their principles - especially fiscal responsibility - while in power, but even some across-the-board conservatives see enforced homogeneity as a sure path to oblivion. "Chick-fil-A can get fabulously wealthy with a 20% market share," scoffs Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour, President Ronald Reagan's political director. "In our business, you need 50% plus one." It's probably true that since 200,000 Pennsylvania Republicans have switched parties, Specter followed them to save his own political skin, but it's hard to see how the mass exodus bodes well for the GOP. You can't have a center-right coalition when you've said good riddance to the center.
Of course, politics can change in a hurry. Three years ago, books like One Party Country and Building Red America were heralding Rove's plan to create a permanent Republican majority. President Barack Obama is popular today, but Democrats in general are not, and they will all face a backlash if they can't reverse this economic tailspin now that they own all the Washington machinery. Tom Cole, a longtime Republican operative turned Oklahoma Congressman, recalls that shortly before the Reagan Revolution, the GOP was in such dire straits, it ran ads declaring that Republicans are people too. "We've lost our way, but we'll find our way back," Cole says. "We'll get back into the idea business, and the Democrats will overreach."
With his dramatic plans to restructure Wall Street and Detroit, overhaul health care and create a clean-energy economy, Obama is certainly taking political risks, even if he hasn't gotten around to replacing the almighty dollar with some new, one-world currency the black-helicopter crowd keeps warning about. But it's not clear that the Republicans in their current incarnation would be a credible alternative if he falters. "We've got to be at least plausible, and I worry about that," says GOP lobbyist Ed Rogers. Republicans never really left the idea business, but Americans haven't been buying what they're selling, and their product line hasn't changed. They're starting to look like the Federalists of the early 19th century: an embittered, over-the-top, out-of-touch regional party en route to extinction, doubling down on dogma the electorate has already rejected. Our two-party system encourages periodic pendulum swings, but given current trends, it's easy to imagine a third party in the U.S.
At this rate, it could be the Republican Party.
"What Have We Got to Lose?"House Republicans, eager to shed the Party of No label, recently unveiled an alternative to Obama's 2010 budget. It was the kind of fiasco that shows why Washington thinks Republicans are in trouble - and why they really are in trouble.
The disaster began when GOP leaders, after calling a news conference to blast Obama's numbers, released a budget outline with no numbers - just magic assumptions about "reform." The mockery was instantaneous. Then Republicans began blaming one another for the stunt, which generated only more mockery about circular firing squads. And when they finally released the missing details on April 1, the notion of an April Fools' budget produced even more mockery; the substance was ignored. "The President's dog got more attention," recalls Paul Ryan, the top Republican on the House Budget Committee.
But if you pay attention, the GOP alternative is not just a p.r. disaster. It's a radical document, making Bush's tax cuts permanent while adding about $3 trillion in new tax cuts skewed toward the rich. It would replace almost all the stimulus - including tax cuts for workers as well as spending on schools, infrastructure and clean energy - with a capital gains–tax holiday for investors. Oh, and it would shrink the budget by replacing Medicare with vouchers, turning Medicaid into block grants, means-testing Social Security and freezing everything else except defense and veterans' spending for five years, putting programs for food safety, financial regulation, flu vaccines and every other sacred government cow on the potential chopping block.
Ryan is one of the smart, young, telegenic policy wonks who have been hailed as the GOP's future, and his budget includes relatively few the-Lord-shall-provide accounting gimmicks by D.C. standards. He knows its potential cuts could sound nasty in a 30-second ad, but he wants Republicans to stop running away from limited-government principles. "We've got to stop being afraid of the politics," he says. "At this point, what have we got to lose?"
Well, more elections. Big Government is never popular in theory, but the disaster aid, school lunches and prescription drugs that make up Big Government have become wildly popular in practice, especially now that so many people are hurting. Samuel Wurzelbacher, better known as Joe the Plumber, tells TIME he's so outraged by GOP overspending, he's quitting the party - and he's the bull's-eye of its target audience. But he also said he wouldn't support any cuts in defense, Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid - which, along with debt payments, would put more than two-thirds of the budget off limits. It's no coincidence that many Republicans who voted against the stimulus have claimed credit for stimulus projects in their district - or that Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal stopped ridiculing volcano-monitoring programs after a volcano erupted in Alaska. "We can't be the antigovernment party," Snowe says. "That's not what people want."
Not even in South Carolina, not now. Sanford has gone further than any other governor in passing up the Democrats' stimulus money, but he's turning down only 10% of his state's share, about 2% of his state's spending. He is still being portrayed as Scrooge, a heartless ideologue who wants to close prisons, fire teachers, shutter programs for autistic kids and ultimately shut down state government during a recession. And those portrayals aren't coming from Democrats. "The governor has one of the most radical philosophies I've ever seen," says state senator Hugh Leatherman, 78, the Republican chairman of the finance committee. "I'm a conservative, but this could be the most devastating thing our state has ever seen." To Sanford, Leatherman is a fraudulent Republican franchisee, but to most Republicans in the legislature, the governor is the one tarnishing the brand. "Most of us are Ronald Reagan Republicans, Strom Thurmond Republicans," grumbles Senate majority leader Harvey Peeler. "Republicans control everything around here. It would be nice if we could accomplish something."
Sanford was once a lonely voice for fiscal restraint in Congress, one of the few Republican revolutionaries of 1994 who kept faith with the Contract with America. Back then, his bumper stickers said "Deficit" with a Ghostbusters-style slash through it, and his apocalyptic speeches chronicled how debt had destroyed great civilizations like the Byzantine Empire. I watched him give an updated version at a tea-party rally in Columbia, S.C., on April 15 as the crowd screamed about Obama's tyranny and waved signs like "Keep the Government Out of Our Health Care" and "USA 1776-2009, RIP." Sanford himself is not a screamer; he's a provocateur. "We've become a party of pastry chefs, telling people they can eat all the dessert they want," he says. "We need to become a party of country doctors, telling people that this medicine won't taste good at all, but you need it."
It's principled leadership, but only the tea-party fringe seems to be following. "Nobody likes Dr. Doom," Sanford says with a smile. Leading a state with the nation's third highest unemployment rate, he understands the Keynesian idea that only government spending can jump-start a recessionary economy: "I get it. I'm supposed to be proactive." But if spend-and-borrow is the only alternative to a depression, he says, "then we're toast."
The Old Issue SetHis party could be too. Hispanics, Asians and blacks are on track to be the majority in three decades; metropolitan voters and young voters who skew Democratic are also on the rise. This is why Rogers recently decided to quit being a talking head: "I had a meeting with myself, and I said, Do we really need more white lobbyists with gray hair on TV?" But it's not clear that more diverse spokesmen or better tweets can woo a new generation to the GOP; support for gay rights is soaring, and polls show that voters prefer Democratic approaches to health care, education and the economy. "The outlook for Republicans is even worse than people think," says Ruy Teixeira, author of The Emerging Democratic Majority. "Their biggest problem is that they really believe what they believe."
So Republicans need to decide what Republicans need to believe. What does their three-legged stool of strong defense, traditional values and economic conservatism mean today? Does strong defense mean unqualified support for torture, outdated weapons systems and pre-emptive wars? Do traditional values mean no room in the tent for pro-choicers like Specter and Snowe? Even Joe the Plumber - who opposes abortion and homosexuality and considers America a "Christian nation" - wants the party to drop its "holier than thou" attitude on divisive social issues.
The most urgent question is the meaning of economic conservatism. Representative Patrick McHenry of North Carolina, a conservative who keeps a bust of Reagan on his desk, surprised me by declaring that the Reagan era is over. "Marginal tax rates are the lowest they've been in generations, and all we can talk about is tax cuts," he said. "The people's desires have changed, but we're still stuck in our old issue set." Snowe recalls that when she proposed fiscally conservative "triggers" to limit Bush's tax cuts in case of deficits, she was attacked by fellow Republicans. "I don't know when willy-nilly tax cuts became the essence of who we are," she says. "To the average American who's struggling, we're in some other stratosphere. We're the party of Big Business and Big Oil and the rich." In the Bush era, the party routinely sided with corporate lobbyists - promoting tax breaks, subsidies and earmarks for well-wired industries - against ordinary taxpayers as well as basic principles of fiscal restraint. South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint's Republican alternative to the stimulus included tax cuts skewed toward the wealthy; at this point, the GOP's reflexes are almost involuntary.
Now that they've lost their monopoly on power, many Republicans are warning that spending-fueled deficits will cause inflation, reduce demand for U.S. Treasuries and shaft future generations. They don't seem so worried about an imminent depression, which would explode deficits in addition to the shorter-term pain, and their newfound fear of borrowing has not cooled their ardor for budget-busting tax cuts. "They talk about fiscal restraint, but they've got an atrocious record, and they've still got atrocious plans," says Robert Bixby, executive director of the nonpartisan Concord Coalition.
Still, a 2012 presidential candidate could catch lightning in a bottle, Reagan-style or Susan Boyle–style - although when you think about it, Republicans found a nationally admired war hero with proven bipartisan appeal in 2008, and he lost to an inexperienced black liberal with a funny name. Outside Washington, moderates like Charlie Crist in Florida and Jodi Rell in Connecticut as well as pragmatic conservatives like Mitch Daniels in Indiana and Jon Huntsman in Utah have remained popular despite their brand. They all share an aversion to ideological rigidity: Rell signed a bill legalizing same-sex unions, Crist has pushed an ambitious environmental agenda, Daniels proposed a tax increase, and Huntsman has cautioned Republicans not to obsess about social issues.
There's always the chance that some new issue - immigration? Iran? cap and trade? something nobody has thought of yet? - will blow up and bring the GOP back to life. Maybe one of the new GOP chin-stroking groups will come up with some killer new ideas to help the party reconnect with ordinary Americans. But Republicans know their best hope for recovery, whether they say it like Limbaugh or merely think it, is Democratic failure. Now that Democrats control both Congress and the White House, hubris is a real possibility; it's hard to imagine Obama floating his pitiful plan to cut $100 million in waste - a mere 0.0025% of federal spending - if he had to worry about a formidable opposition.
The problem for Republicans, as the RNC's Steele memorably put it in a TV appearance, is that there's "absolutely no reason, none, to trust our word or our actions." Republicans, after all, proclaimed that President Clinton's tax hikes would destroy the economy, that GOP rule would mean smaller government, that Bush's tax cuts would usher in a new era of prosperity; now the House minority leader says it's "comical" to think carbon dioxide could be harmful, and Steele says the earth is cooling.
Polls show that most Republicans who haven't jumped ship want the party to move even further right; it takes vision to imagine a presidential candidate with national appeal emerging from a GOP primary in 2012. DeMint, the South Carolina Senator, greeted Specter's departure with the astonishing observation that he'd rather have 30 Republican colleagues who believe in conservatism than 60 who don't. "I don't want us to have power until we have principles," DeMint told TIME after firing up that tea-party crowd in Columbia. Voters certainly soured on unprincipled Republicans. But it's not clear they'd like principled Republicans better.
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****Protect the Amrican Farmer Before too Late
If you have ever tried the local American grown farm food (organic and other) such as tomatoes, eggs, beef, fruit and vegetables you know how superior it is to the commercially grown stuff. Government regulation could soon make that unavailable to you. Please look at the following video:
That is Sam and Jerry Williams from Cognito farms speaking. To often we have looked the other way when the American Farmer has asked for our help while Government promises healthier and cheaper food. But the facts are the commercial food has demonstrated to be unhealthy, and that is why many Americans now prefer to buy from farmers like Sam and Jerry. Let us please listen to them before we loose all farming in the U.S.
That is Sam and Jerry Williams from Cognito farms speaking. To often we have looked the other way when the American Farmer has asked for our help while Government promises healthier and cheaper food. But the facts are the commercial food has demonstrated to be unhealthy, and that is why many Americans now prefer to buy from farmers like Sam and Jerry. Let us please listen to them before we loose all farming in the U.S.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Good News: Update on Audit the Federal Reserve
May 5, 2009
Dear Friend of Liberty,
With each passing day, Ron Paul is winning people over to the cause of Federal Reserve transparency and sound money.More and more Congressmen have been signing onto Dr. Paul’s Audit the Fed bill, HR 1207, and it is now up to a whopping 124 cosponsors. That cosponsor list now includes over half of the House Republican Caucus. Dr. Paul is truly leading the GOP back to its roots of sound money and fiscal conservatism.In fact, The Washington Independent’s David Weigel just wrote an important article about how Ron Paul’s message is resonating with Republican lawmakers. All I can say is, "It's about time!"
Click here to read the article -- “Ron Paul's Economic Theories Winning GOP Converts”.
And today, Dr. Paul proved the case for Federal Reserve transparency to people across America by grilling Ben Bernanke on national television.
Chairman Ben is running scared now that HR 1207 is gaining steam. He even tried to appease Dr. Paul by offering transparency on everything except monetary policy -- the Fed's sole function!
It is clear we are winning this fight, and I believe that ultimately we will see it through to victory. But this is no time to rest on our laurels.Keep writing and calling your congressman if he has not already cosponsored HR 1207 (click here to find out). Circulate more petitions and Audit the Fed literature to your friends and neighbors to recruit them to this winning effort.
Thank you for all you have done and all you will do. With your continued support, Ron Paul and Campaign for Liberty will return the GOP to its conservative roots, and America back to its founding principles.In Liberty,John TatePresident, Campaign for LibertyP.S. Unlike the Fed, Campaign for Liberty cannot print money out of thin air. Only your ongoing financial support allows us to do the work we do. Please click here to donate to Campaign for Liberty.
Dear Friend of Liberty,
With each passing day, Ron Paul is winning people over to the cause of Federal Reserve transparency and sound money.More and more Congressmen have been signing onto Dr. Paul’s Audit the Fed bill, HR 1207, and it is now up to a whopping 124 cosponsors. That cosponsor list now includes over half of the House Republican Caucus. Dr. Paul is truly leading the GOP back to its roots of sound money and fiscal conservatism.In fact, The Washington Independent’s David Weigel just wrote an important article about how Ron Paul’s message is resonating with Republican lawmakers. All I can say is, "It's about time!"
Click here to read the article -- “Ron Paul's Economic Theories Winning GOP Converts”.
And today, Dr. Paul proved the case for Federal Reserve transparency to people across America by grilling Ben Bernanke on national television.
Chairman Ben is running scared now that HR 1207 is gaining steam. He even tried to appease Dr. Paul by offering transparency on everything except monetary policy -- the Fed's sole function!
It is clear we are winning this fight, and I believe that ultimately we will see it through to victory. But this is no time to rest on our laurels.Keep writing and calling your congressman if he has not already cosponsored HR 1207 (click here to find out). Circulate more petitions and Audit the Fed literature to your friends and neighbors to recruit them to this winning effort.
Thank you for all you have done and all you will do. With your continued support, Ron Paul and Campaign for Liberty will return the GOP to its conservative roots, and America back to its founding principles.In Liberty,John TatePresident, Campaign for LibertyP.S. Unlike the Fed, Campaign for Liberty cannot print money out of thin air. Only your ongoing financial support allows us to do the work we do. Please click here to donate to Campaign for Liberty.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Rose Mary on Immigration
This was sent in by Mary W.
Orange County California Newspaper This is a very good letter to the editor. This woman made some good points. For some reason, people have difficulty structuring their arguments when arguing against supporting the currently proposed immigration revisions. This lady made the argument pretty simple.
NOT printed in the Orange county Paper ..................... Newspapers simply won't publish letters to the editor which they either deem politically incorrect (read below) or which does not agree with the philosophy they're pushing on the public... This woman wrote a great letter to the editor that should have been published; but, with your help it will get published via cyberspace! From: 'David LaBonte'
My wife, Rosemary, wrote a wonderful letter to the editor of the OC Register which, of course, was not printed. So, I decided to 'print' it myself by sending it out on the Internet. Pass it along if you feel so inclined. Written in response to a series of letters to the editor in the
Orange County Register :
Dear Editor:
So many letter writers have based their arguments on how this land is made up of immigrants. Ernie Lujan for one, suggests we should tear down the Statue of Liberty because the people now in question aren't being treated the same as those who passed through Ellis Island and other ports of entry .
Maybe we should turn to our history books and point out to people like Mr. Lujan why today's American is not willing to accept this new kind of immigrant any longer. Back in 1900 when there was a rush from all areas of Europe to come to the United States, people had to get off a ship and stand in a long line in New York and be documented. Some would even get down on their hands and knees and kiss the ground. They made a pledge to uphold the laws and support their new country in good and bad times. They made learning English a primary rule in their new American households and some even changed their names to blend in with their new home. They had waved goodbye to their birth place to give their children a new life and did everything in their power to help their children assimilate into one culture.
Nothing was handed to them. No free lunches, no welfare, no labor laws to protect them . All they had were the skills and craftsmanship they had brought with them to trade for a future of prosperity. Most of their children came of age when World War II broke out. My father fought along side men whose parents had come straight over fromGermany, Italy, France and Japan .. None of these 1st generation Americans ever gave any thought about what country their parents had come from. They were Americans fighting Hitler, Mussolini and the Emperor of Japan . They were defending the United States of America as one people.
When we liberated France , no one in those villages were looking for the French-American or the German-American or the Irish-American. The people of France saw only Americans. And we carried one flag that represented one country. Not one of those immigrant sons would have thought about picking up another country's flag and waving it to represent who they were. It would have been a disgrace to their parents who had sacrificed so much to be here. These immigrants truly knew what it meant to be an American. They stirred the melting pot into one red, white and blue bowl. And here we are in 2008 with a new kind of immigrant who wants the same rights and privileges o nly they want to achieve it by playing with a different set of rules ; one that includes the entitlement card and a guarantee of being faithful to their mother country . I'm sorry, that's not what being an American is all about.
I believe that the immigrants who landed on Ellis Island in the early 1900's deserve better than that for all the toil, hard work and sacrifice in raising future generations to create a land that has become a beacon for those legally searching for a better life .. I think they would be appalled that they are being used as an example by those waving foreign country flags. And for that suggestion about taking down the Statue of Liberty, it happens to mean a lot to the citizens who are voting on the immigration bill . I wouldn't start talking about dismantling the United States just yet.
(signed) Rosemary LaBonte
Orange County California Newspaper This is a very good letter to the editor. This woman made some good points. For some reason, people have difficulty structuring their arguments when arguing against supporting the currently proposed immigration revisions. This lady made the argument pretty simple.
NOT printed in the Orange county Paper ..................... Newspapers simply won't publish letters to the editor which they either deem politically incorrect (read below) or which does not agree with the philosophy they're pushing on the public... This woman wrote a great letter to the editor that should have been published; but, with your help it will get published via cyberspace! From: 'David LaBonte'
My wife, Rosemary, wrote a wonderful letter to the editor of the OC Register which, of course, was not printed. So, I decided to 'print' it myself by sending it out on the Internet. Pass it along if you feel so inclined. Written in response to a series of letters to the editor in the
Orange County Register :
Dear Editor:
So many letter writers have based their arguments on how this land is made up of immigrants. Ernie Lujan for one, suggests we should tear down the Statue of Liberty because the people now in question aren't being treated the same as those who passed through Ellis Island and other ports of entry .
Maybe we should turn to our history books and point out to people like Mr. Lujan why today's American is not willing to accept this new kind of immigrant any longer. Back in 1900 when there was a rush from all areas of Europe to come to the United States, people had to get off a ship and stand in a long line in New York and be documented. Some would even get down on their hands and knees and kiss the ground. They made a pledge to uphold the laws and support their new country in good and bad times. They made learning English a primary rule in their new American households and some even changed their names to blend in with their new home. They had waved goodbye to their birth place to give their children a new life and did everything in their power to help their children assimilate into one culture.
Nothing was handed to them. No free lunches, no welfare, no labor laws to protect them . All they had were the skills and craftsmanship they had brought with them to trade for a future of prosperity. Most of their children came of age when World War II broke out. My father fought along side men whose parents had come straight over fromGermany, Italy, France and Japan .. None of these 1st generation Americans ever gave any thought about what country their parents had come from. They were Americans fighting Hitler, Mussolini and the Emperor of Japan . They were defending the United States of America as one people.
When we liberated France , no one in those villages were looking for the French-American or the German-American or the Irish-American. The people of France saw only Americans. And we carried one flag that represented one country. Not one of those immigrant sons would have thought about picking up another country's flag and waving it to represent who they were. It would have been a disgrace to their parents who had sacrificed so much to be here. These immigrants truly knew what it meant to be an American. They stirred the melting pot into one red, white and blue bowl. And here we are in 2008 with a new kind of immigrant who wants the same rights and privileges o nly they want to achieve it by playing with a different set of rules ; one that includes the entitlement card and a guarantee of being faithful to their mother country . I'm sorry, that's not what being an American is all about.
I believe that the immigrants who landed on Ellis Island in the early 1900's deserve better than that for all the toil, hard work and sacrifice in raising future generations to create a land that has become a beacon for those legally searching for a better life .. I think they would be appalled that they are being used as an example by those waving foreign country flags. And for that suggestion about taking down the Statue of Liberty, it happens to mean a lot to the citizens who are voting on the immigration bill . I wouldn't start talking about dismantling the United States just yet.
(signed) Rosemary LaBonte
Swine Flue by Dr. Ron Paul
This was sent in by Melanie. It is well worth watching. Dr. (and Congressman) Ron Paul puts the Swine Flue in perspective. Pay close attention to what he says about tuberculosis.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Enraged About Corporate Greed? Kidnap your Boss
Enraged About Corporate Greed? Kidnap Your Boss
By Christopher Ketcham, AlterNet
Posted on April 30, 2009, Printed on May 2, 2009
In answer to their own economic crisis, the French have taken up "bossnapping."
Here's how it works: An executive of a company, perhaps the CEO, stands before a group of his employees, puts his hands together, sighs, and then, with regret as smooth as brie, explains the fact that downsizing is needed to meet the exigencies of economic crisis (read: the preservation of profits in downturn).
The employees get pissed off -- and bum-rush the boss. They trap him in his office, barricade the door, feed him espresso and baguette, and demand a fair deal.It's a sort of soft-touch storming of the Bastille.
And lo, it works. A few weeks back, this happened at the FM Logistics Co. in Woippy, France, as 125 workers charged into a meeting of five company managers and held the poor creatures hostage for a day. At least 475 workers at FM Logistics, which is owned by Hewlett-Packard Co., were facing the specter of "redundancy" as HP sought to move its printer packaging operations to the cheaper labor pool in Malaysia.
By midnight, the company had turned tail, promising "new proposals on redundancy talks," according to Reuters. The news service quoted one of the bossnappers: "We've had enough. We have been negotiating for a year, if you can call it negotiating, and we haven't managed to make ourselves heard."
At 3M's pharmaceutical factory in Pithiviers, 50 miles from Paris, workers exploded upon hearing that 110 of them were to lose jobs. They surrounded the manager and forced him into his office, where he was held hostage for 24 hours until 3M agreed to resume negotiations.
The president of Sony France in March was locked in his office by employees who barricaded the doors and windows with tree trunks.
Angry factory workers at the Caterpillar plant in Grenoble took four managers hostage on April Fool's Day.
In the last month across France, at least a dozen such incidents have been reported, with no less than five CEOs of major corporations held in what the French are calling, with typical delicate aplomb, "sequestration." In each case, the sequestered bosses have been well-fed and well-treated -- though sometimes, alas, forced to sleep on the floor.
I called my family in France -- my ex lives in Paris with our daughter -- to get the home-fire take on these outrages.
"Most people are for it," my ex told me. "Because of les inegalites" -- the inequalities of the rich doing well as the rest of the country immolates.
I e-mailed her sister-in-law, a schoolteacher, who wrote back, "These bossnappings seem to be peaceful most of the time, and I'm not so shocked. Workers are totally desperate, and I don't blame them for wanting to be heard, as long as no one is hurt." (She also noted that she personally knows a company boss in the south of France who has taken to keeping a bedroll and extra food in his office, just in case.)
A poll this month found that 45 percent of French agree with the practice of bossnapping, while only 7 percent condemned it. A second poll found that 55 percent of French believe that "radical protest" under the current circumstances was justified, while 64 percent said that bossnapping should be depenalized. And perhaps most compelling is that authorities are listening: In most cases, they are declining to prosecute the bossnappers.
It's lovely to behold all this, and even lovelier to think my daughter is growing up weaned on the grand French tradition of raising hell. The habit goes back to the revolution -- its call signs, Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite -- to the Paris commune, the resistance, the Soisante-Huitards toppling the republic.
This is a country where, two weeks ago, fishermen at the ports of Calais, Boulogne and Dunkirk amassed a flotilla of 500 boats to blockade shipping in the major northern ports (their ire directed at European Union fishing quotas issued from on high for the benefit of corporate interests backed by the EU).The government answered the blockade by handing the fishing industry $66 million in loans to ride out hard times.
In January, over a million citizens on strike took to the streets in protest of government stimulus policies that appear to favor big business and special interests over average Frenchmen (sound familiar?). The country almost literally came to a halt: Flights canceled, the Paris metro paralyzed, commuter transit dead on the rails, schools and courts and post offices shut down.
When French President Nicolas Sarkozy recently visited the small town of Chatellerault, he was met not by the typically American crowd of corralled sheep but by thousands of protesters who pelted with eggs his cordon of teargas-firing police.
There is a reason the French enjoy the best health system in the world (according to the World Health Organization), some of the best unemployment benefits, a free education system and some of the shortest work weeks and most productive worker-per-hour output among developed countries.
They make noise, they marshal in the streets, they bossnap, sometimes they set things on fire, barricade roads, demolish infrastructure (as in the recent rash of railway sabotage in France).
Sheldon Wolin, a professor emeritus of politics at Princeton University, celebrates this kind of behavior among citizens as "the disorderliness that has always been the hallmark of a vibrant democracy" -- and in talking about "democracy," lame old word that it's become, he is cleaving to its earliest meaning in politics: rule and resistance by that dangerously unwashed thing the Greeks called the demos, the people themselves.
In his troubling book, Democracy Incorporated, published last year, Wolin, who was a bomber pilot during World War II, laments that disorderliness in the U.S. has been on the wane since the 1960s, helped along by the widening reach of an anti-democratic corporate-state apparatus -- "highly managed, money-saturated elections, the lobby-infested Congress, the imperial presidency, the class-biased judicial and penal system, [and not least], the media" -- that encourages docility, depoliticization, the shrugging-off of participation.
"One of the reasons why the '60s continues to be a favorite punching bag of neocons and neoliberals," he writes in Democracy Incorporated, "is that it represented a decade of prolonged popular political education unique in recent American history. The most frequent topics were racism, foreign policy, corporate power, higher education and threats to ecology -- each in one form or another a domain of elitism."
What Wolin is saying is perhaps a hard dose of the obvious: When Americans protest -- and they're not protesting very much (on the eve of the Iraq war, the French had more people in the streets than did the whole of the citizenry of the United States) -- the system today isn't geared to listen, or, rather, is geared more handily to ignore the noise.
The goal, of course, is "to isolate democratic resistance, to insulate society from hearing dissonant voices, and to hurry the process of depoliticization," says Wolin.
Americans, it appears, are good at depoliticization, certainly no good at bossnapping.
Christopher Ketcham, a freelance writer, is working on a book about secessionism and the dismantling of the United States government. He can be reached at
© 2009 Independent Media Institute. All rights reserved.
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By Christopher Ketcham, AlterNet
Posted on April 30, 2009, Printed on May 2, 2009
In answer to their own economic crisis, the French have taken up "bossnapping."
Here's how it works: An executive of a company, perhaps the CEO, stands before a group of his employees, puts his hands together, sighs, and then, with regret as smooth as brie, explains the fact that downsizing is needed to meet the exigencies of economic crisis (read: the preservation of profits in downturn).
The employees get pissed off -- and bum-rush the boss. They trap him in his office, barricade the door, feed him espresso and baguette, and demand a fair deal.It's a sort of soft-touch storming of the Bastille.
And lo, it works. A few weeks back, this happened at the FM Logistics Co. in Woippy, France, as 125 workers charged into a meeting of five company managers and held the poor creatures hostage for a day. At least 475 workers at FM Logistics, which is owned by Hewlett-Packard Co., were facing the specter of "redundancy" as HP sought to move its printer packaging operations to the cheaper labor pool in Malaysia.
By midnight, the company had turned tail, promising "new proposals on redundancy talks," according to Reuters. The news service quoted one of the bossnappers: "We've had enough. We have been negotiating for a year, if you can call it negotiating, and we haven't managed to make ourselves heard."
At 3M's pharmaceutical factory in Pithiviers, 50 miles from Paris, workers exploded upon hearing that 110 of them were to lose jobs. They surrounded the manager and forced him into his office, where he was held hostage for 24 hours until 3M agreed to resume negotiations.
The president of Sony France in March was locked in his office by employees who barricaded the doors and windows with tree trunks.
Angry factory workers at the Caterpillar plant in Grenoble took four managers hostage on April Fool's Day.
In the last month across France, at least a dozen such incidents have been reported, with no less than five CEOs of major corporations held in what the French are calling, with typical delicate aplomb, "sequestration." In each case, the sequestered bosses have been well-fed and well-treated -- though sometimes, alas, forced to sleep on the floor.
I called my family in France -- my ex lives in Paris with our daughter -- to get the home-fire take on these outrages.
"Most people are for it," my ex told me. "Because of les inegalites" -- the inequalities of the rich doing well as the rest of the country immolates.
I e-mailed her sister-in-law, a schoolteacher, who wrote back, "These bossnappings seem to be peaceful most of the time, and I'm not so shocked. Workers are totally desperate, and I don't blame them for wanting to be heard, as long as no one is hurt." (She also noted that she personally knows a company boss in the south of France who has taken to keeping a bedroll and extra food in his office, just in case.)
A poll this month found that 45 percent of French agree with the practice of bossnapping, while only 7 percent condemned it. A second poll found that 55 percent of French believe that "radical protest" under the current circumstances was justified, while 64 percent said that bossnapping should be depenalized. And perhaps most compelling is that authorities are listening: In most cases, they are declining to prosecute the bossnappers.
It's lovely to behold all this, and even lovelier to think my daughter is growing up weaned on the grand French tradition of raising hell. The habit goes back to the revolution -- its call signs, Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite -- to the Paris commune, the resistance, the Soisante-Huitards toppling the republic.
This is a country where, two weeks ago, fishermen at the ports of Calais, Boulogne and Dunkirk amassed a flotilla of 500 boats to blockade shipping in the major northern ports (their ire directed at European Union fishing quotas issued from on high for the benefit of corporate interests backed by the EU).The government answered the blockade by handing the fishing industry $66 million in loans to ride out hard times.
In January, over a million citizens on strike took to the streets in protest of government stimulus policies that appear to favor big business and special interests over average Frenchmen (sound familiar?). The country almost literally came to a halt: Flights canceled, the Paris metro paralyzed, commuter transit dead on the rails, schools and courts and post offices shut down.
When French President Nicolas Sarkozy recently visited the small town of Chatellerault, he was met not by the typically American crowd of corralled sheep but by thousands of protesters who pelted with eggs his cordon of teargas-firing police.
There is a reason the French enjoy the best health system in the world (according to the World Health Organization), some of the best unemployment benefits, a free education system and some of the shortest work weeks and most productive worker-per-hour output among developed countries.
They make noise, they marshal in the streets, they bossnap, sometimes they set things on fire, barricade roads, demolish infrastructure (as in the recent rash of railway sabotage in France).
Sheldon Wolin, a professor emeritus of politics at Princeton University, celebrates this kind of behavior among citizens as "the disorderliness that has always been the hallmark of a vibrant democracy" -- and in talking about "democracy," lame old word that it's become, he is cleaving to its earliest meaning in politics: rule and resistance by that dangerously unwashed thing the Greeks called the demos, the people themselves.
In his troubling book, Democracy Incorporated, published last year, Wolin, who was a bomber pilot during World War II, laments that disorderliness in the U.S. has been on the wane since the 1960s, helped along by the widening reach of an anti-democratic corporate-state apparatus -- "highly managed, money-saturated elections, the lobby-infested Congress, the imperial presidency, the class-biased judicial and penal system, [and not least], the media" -- that encourages docility, depoliticization, the shrugging-off of participation.
"One of the reasons why the '60s continues to be a favorite punching bag of neocons and neoliberals," he writes in Democracy Incorporated, "is that it represented a decade of prolonged popular political education unique in recent American history. The most frequent topics were racism, foreign policy, corporate power, higher education and threats to ecology -- each in one form or another a domain of elitism."
What Wolin is saying is perhaps a hard dose of the obvious: When Americans protest -- and they're not protesting very much (on the eve of the Iraq war, the French had more people in the streets than did the whole of the citizenry of the United States) -- the system today isn't geared to listen, or, rather, is geared more handily to ignore the noise.
The goal, of course, is "to isolate democratic resistance, to insulate society from hearing dissonant voices, and to hurry the process of depoliticization," says Wolin.
Americans, it appears, are good at depoliticization, certainly no good at bossnapping.
Christopher Ketcham, a freelance writer, is working on a book about secessionism and the dismantling of the United States government. He can be reached at
© 2009 Independent Media Institute. All rights reserved.
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