From the Constitution Party
Dear Friend of Liberty,
Every day we hear more bad news about the future of our country. Clearly, our abandonment of Constitutional principles has wreaked havoc on our once prosperous land.I’m sure you’ll agree that the blame can be placed on both the major parties, whose alternating rule has dragged our country to the very brink of collapse.If you have worked hard and been cautious with money you are now paying for the outrageous acts of irresponsibility and greed of others.
And this level of national upheaval could simply not have taken place without the insidious involvement of government.
The Constitution Party is working to combat the absurd efforts of both parties to blame free enterprise for the mess that government intervention has created, and we need your financial support for this effort.
Please help the Constitution Party offer America an alternative.
Both major parties promoted unsustainable, deficit spending and the massive expansion of debt. Both parties worked to destroy real money and the principles of thrift and savings.Both parties encouraged people to live beyond their means, while simultaneously throwing taxpayer money away on scheme after unconstitutional scheme.
It was a simple and horribly destructive plan. Money for votes or kickbacks and someone else gets the bill. Well, the bill has just arrived in your mailbox.As the Obama administration continues the failed financial policies of the Bush administration, we see our banks failing, our auto industry about to evaporate and the very real specter of nationalization of much of our economy.
It is tragic that in order to expose the duplicity of both ruling parties, we have to be on the verge of economic collapse, but for better or worse, there has never been a more critical time to expose them. I pray I can count on your continued support in the amount of $100, $75, or more to let the American people know there is a better way.
Please help the Constitution Party offer America an alternative.
Your financial support is key to our efforts to undo the damageour country has suffered under the "leadership" of the Democrats and Republicans.
The simple fact is the Democrats are leading us into a socialist morass, but they’re only following the policies of the Republicans who preceded them.
And now the Republicans cannot even figure out who’s running their show. Is it the pro-abortion Michael Steele, the new National GOP Chairman, whose attacks on Rush Limbaugh left the party leadership scrambling for the right apology? Is it John McCain whose presidential campaign lurched from disaster to disaster? Does anybody really know?
The policies of the current administration will be disastrous, but there is no coherent opposition from the Republicans who squandered their political capital with vacillating immigration policies, uncontrolled spending, appalling infringements on our right to private property and no viable alternative to the socialization of our health care system.
I need your help to bring a cohesive message of economic renewal to the America people. A message that promotes sane monetary policies, and a reversal of the ever-growing intrusion of big brother government.
Please help the Constitution Party offer America an alternative.
All across the country Americans are making their voices heard, and they are saying they support life, liberty and limited government. The numerous TEA Parties held on April 15th demonstrated this undeniable fact.The troubled times we face today need not be the end of the American Dream. Instead, with your help they can be the moments just before a new dawn of American greatness and prosperity.
But we must act quickly. Our nation’s needs are great, and as we have seen over and over, they will not be met by the greed, collusion and duplicity of the Democrat/Republican axis.
Please help the Constitution Party offer America an alternative.
Yours for liberty,
James N. ClymerNational Chairman
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