Sunday, June 7, 2009

*****Blessing in Disguise

Jeff Rubin, a major economists, argues (in his book "The World is About To Get a Whole Lot Smaller")
  • that oil is on the rise, and will continue to rise, and it is a blessing in disguise.
  • When we ship food that use to be produced here (and other products) from China (and other Countries) it gives cheaper labor prices, but it is also more polluting, and it costs more to ship from that distance than it does to produce it here.
  • He points out when we ship chicken wings they must come to us by refrigerated ship which is all effected by fuel prices. As gas rises the cost of shipping and refrigeration rise above the benefit of cheap labor. Steel will cost $90.00 more per tun to ship it as apposed to producing it here.
  • Thus he contends we will see an end to globalization, and a return to manufacturing in the U.S. because of the price of oil. One of the big benefits will be less pollution.

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