Wednesday, June 10, 2009

India Saying No to Large International Corporation: Genetically Engineered Seeds

Farmers in India are loosing farms, and protesting Monsanto as a result of their genetically engineered cotton seeds. Monsanto ran adds convincing farmers to buy the more expensive genetically engineered cotton seeds saying it would eliminate the need for pesticides, and produce higher yields. However after the cotton was planted neither of these claims panned out, and the result put many in foreclosure.

Even worse these seeds have begun to bleed over into the natural cotton fields, altering them, and destroying the safety in diversity. Some farmers are working hard to make sure the natural seed production is not lost, and are protesting Monsanto's reckless implementations of untested procedures. You can read more in the following links:

It seems that large international businesses are having their way all over the world at the expense of mankind. Thank God for those who are saying no more. Hopefully our politicians will jump on board soon.

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