Saturday, February 28, 2009
***Nadar Shares More On His Faith
A message from Nadar:
On Faith" panelist Kenneth E. Bowers is the Secretary General of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'í Faith. Prior to being elected to the National Assembly, he served as an appointed member of the National Teaching Committee, the principal arm of the National Assembly, acting as its Secretary for nearly 10 years. Until 1991, Mr. Bowers owned and operated a business in Atlanta. He is the author of "God Speaks Again," an introductory book about the Bahá'í Faith. Together with their children, Mojdeh and Ford, Ken and his wife Mojgan make their home in Wilmette, Ill. in the northern suburbs of Chicago. Close.
Kenneth E. Bowers
Secretary General, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'í Faith.
"On Faith" panelist Kenneth E. Bowers is the Secretary General of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'í Faith, the nine-member elected governing body of the Bahá'ís Faith.
A Duty and Privilege to Investigate Truth
Both individual and group study of sacred scriptures are essential aspects of living a life of spiritual advancement and service to humanity. The Word of God has a dynamic effect on the mind and spirit when approached in a spirit of regular study, action and reflection. Bahá'ís consider the scriptures of the major religions of the world--including the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, the Qur'an, the Old and New Testaments, and Buddhist and Hindu scriptures--as repositories of the Word of God and treasure houses of profound insights to be discovered and applied over a lifetime.
The Bahá'í Faith has no clergy, and the Founder of our Faith, Bahá'u'lláh, enjoined all believers to study the scriptures daily and reflect on their meaning and application to their daily lives. Bahá'u'lláh wrote: "Immerse yourselves in the ocean of My words, that ye may unravel its secrets, and discover all the pearls of wisdom that lie hid in its depths." By interacting with the Word of God, believers not only reach greater depths of understanding, but bring the scriptures to life by expressing them in their daily actions and moral choices.Regular group study of the scriptures is also beneficial and complementary. Throughout the world, Bahá'ís host study circles for in-depth and systematic study of the scriptures. These study circles are facilitated by volunteer tutors, and participants learn together in a spirit of mutual support and respect. The group setting provides a network of support for taking the lessons gleaned from the scriptures and applying them to the challenges and opportunities that surround us each day--in our family life and parenting, in our work or professions, and in our service to our neighborhoods and communities.
The Bahá'í approach to studying scriptures is thus flexible and emphasizes both personal and collective interaction with the Word of God. We each have the duty and privilege of independent investigation of truth using the faculties of discernment and understanding that each soul has been endowed with by God. Different insights and perspectives on the scriptures enrich the community, but no one's interpretation is considered authoritative or binding on others. Within the Bahá'í community, a diversity of understandings can flourish under a framework of elected Assemblies in which differences are resolved through consultation.
Engaging with the Word of God is a source of illumination, of gladness and comfort for the soul. Ultimately this is the touchstone for the proper study of scripture. Bahá'u'lláh wrote: "Should a person recite but a single verse from the Holy Writings in a spirit of joy and radiance, this would be better for him than reciting wearily all the Scriptures of God, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting. Recite ye the verses of God in such measure that ye be not overtaken with fatigue or boredom. Burden not your souls so as to cause exhaustion and weigh them down, but rather endeavour to lighten them, that they may soar on the wings of revealed Verses unto the dawning-place of His signs. This is conducive to nearer access unto God, were ye to comprehend."
Reported Fraud Acitity (related to Mortgage Melt Down)
Mortgage Brokers
Misrepresented income/Assets/Debts 488 (64.13%)
Forged Fraudulent Documents 338 (68.15%)
Straw Buyers 66 (66%)
ID Fraud 72 (40%)
Misrepresented income/Assets/Debts 663 (87.12%)
Forged Fraudulent Documents 412 (83.06%)
Straw Buyers 69 (69%)
ID Fraud 171 (95%)
It was also found that some of the advertisers who said they gave seminars on how to buy property with no money down were actually taking participants identity, using it to buy property in their name, and pocketing the profits.
In 2006 Florida had the distinction of having more mortgage fraud cases than any other State.
2009 advice from Susie Ormon
She just announced this on CNN today.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Letter to Obama
I am sorry to inform you that I will not be able to pay taxes owed April 15, but all is not lost.I have paid these taxes: accounts receivable tax, building permit tax, CDL tax, cigarette tax, corporate income tax, dog licence tax, past federal income tax, unemployment tax, gasoline tax, hunting licence tax, fishing licence tax, waterfowl stamp tax, inheritance tax, inventory tax, liquor tax, luxury tax, medicare tax, city, school and county property tax (up 33 percent last 4 years), real estate tax, social security tax, road usage tax, toll road tax, state and city sales tax, recreational vehicle tax, state franchise tax, state unemployment tax, telephone federal excise tax, telephone federal state and local surcharge tax, telephone minimum usage surcharge tax, telephone state and local tax, utility tax, vehicle licence registration tax, capital gains tax, lease severance tax, oil and gas assessment tax, Colorado property tax, Texas, Colorado, Wyoming, Oklahoma and New Mexico sales tax, and many more that I can't recall but I have run out of space and money.When you do not receive my check April 15, just know that it is an honest mistake. Please treat me the same way you treated Congressmen Charles Rangle, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank and ex-Congressman Tom Dashelle and, of course, your boss Timothy Geithner. No penalties and no interest.
P.S. I will make at least a partial payment as soon as I get my stimulus check.
Action Request from Numbers USA
Please fax and phone President Obama and DHS Secretary Napolitano
On February 24, 2009, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) executed a work site enforcement raid at the Yamato Engine Specialists plant in Bellingham, WA. This was the first ICE raid of the Obama Administration and resulted in the arrest of 28 illegal alien workers.
However, it seems that neither President Obama nor Department of Homeland Secretary (DHS) Napolitano are happy that the raid even occurred. White House spokesman Nick Shapiro said, "these raids are not a long-term solution.... The president believes we must respect due process and our best values as we enforce the law. The real answer to our broken immigration system is to fix it. The president has said that we will start the immigration reform debate this year, and this continues to be the plan." DHS Secretary Napolitano is so displeased with the ICE raid that she has ordered an internal investigation to determine why it was allowed to happen.
It is possible that President Obama and Secretary Napolitano's reluctance to support ICE's Bellingham raid stems from the vocal denunciations coming from pro-illegal worker and special interest groups. In fact, these groups are claiming that their members are overloading the White House switchboard with angry phone calls about the raid.
Please visit your Action Buffet and send faxes to President Obama and Secretary Napolitano. It is vital that the President and the Secretary hear from Americans who support ICE's work site raids. Please phone them using the phone notes on your Action Buffet. Thank you for your continued support!
Numbers USA
1601 N. Kent Street
Suite 1100
Arlington, VA 22209
Article sent from Nader on the Bahai
by lyle e davis
How would you like to live in a world where there was no war? Where all people of all races, creeds and cultures were as one, and there was no prejudice? Where women and men were equal? Where there were no extremes of poverty, nor of extreme wealth? Where the family and its unity was recognized as being critically important? Where everyone received an education?
Would that sound like a world you would like to live in and be part of?
Having lived in Chicago for five years I was struck by the beautiful architecture of the Baha’i Temple in Wilmette, Illinois, and would often take visitors sightseeing and show them the impressive building. I have never entered the temple and I only knew a couple of people who were Baha’is. I knew them as a kindly, gentle people. People who didn’t hassle you. They didn’t pester you in your neighborhood, knocking on your door, trying to recruit you to their way of thinking.
I didn’t really know what they believed, what they practiced, what the basic tenets of the Baha’i faith was. I knew it was a religious philosophy that originated in the Mid East . . . which, for some reason, seems to be where most of the world’s major religions originated. But that was about all I knew of Baha’i.
In Esconiddo I had a good friend, Jacque Smith. Jacque was, and is, very well known in North San Diego County. He’s that guy who, whenever they called for volunteers for any civic or service project, always wound up at the head of the line. He has been a major community asset for Escondido. Jacque was a beloved member of our Hidden Valley Kiwanis Club. He retired from our club a number of years ago and said he wanted to dedicate the rest of his life to working for Baha’i.
More recently, I became acquainted with the well known North County chiropractor, Dr. Omid Rahmanian and his lovely wife, Dr. Parisa Rahmanian, a prominent North County dentist. They and their children are Baha’is. In fact, Dr. O’Mead (as most folks call him, and spell his Amercanized name), at great danger to himself, flew home to Iran to help bring his mother and father to America, where they now live. Dr. O’Mead’s father had been imprisoned in Iran for no other reason than being a member of Baha’i. When his father was finally released from prison, Dr. O’Mead took the risk of being arrested himself, flew into Iran and, thankfully, was able to return home to North San Diego County.
So, I knew a few Baha’is fairly well, and I knew about the temple in Wilmette, Illinois. But I really didn’t know much more than that.
Certain events and timing have come together where I felt it would be not only appropriate, but important, to research Baha’i and find out a bit more about what it was and, “just who are these people that belong to Baha’i?”
We propose to share that information with you in this cover story. You may be as surprised as I was. And am. You may be in a position to be of major help to some deserving people who are in grave danger. We will brief you.
To learn more about this fascinating subject and some equally fascinating, and courageous, people, join us for this week's cover story. Just click on this link:
And enjoy the read!
Doug Weed Speaks about solutions
"Today, hundreds of thousands of Americans are echoing the question that the islanders of Great Britain were asking in their time of crisis. If superfluous spending and overseas arrogance has driven us into this financial crises, if we are on the verge of The Second Great Depression, then shouldn't we get help from the one man who saw it coming all along? The one man who risked exile and ridicule to call a spade a spade"
His statement makes more sense to me than listening to the so called financial experts who helped create the problem in the first place.
See who he is talking about by clicking the following link:
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Article on Education won an award

True story of can do
Jindal asked whats wrong? The sheriff said there are several private citizens in boats ready to go rescue people stranded on their roofs. Some Bureaucrats are telling them not to put their boats into the water unless they have proof of insurance and registration.
Jindal continued to say that there is a lesson here; it is the spirit of the people that got us through Katrina, and it is the spirit of the people who will get us through this.
I would like to add that when we reach out to each other to support and help, as some of you have been doing, that is what I believe Jindal is talking about.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Washington Post: Solis confirmed as Labor Secretary
Updated 5:50 p.m.By Michael A. Fletcher
The Senate this afternoon confirmed Rep. Hilda Solis (D-Calif.) as labor secretary, more than two months after she was nominated for the post by President Obama.The Senate voted 80 to 17 to confirm Solis, after Senate Republicans today assured Democrats that they would not filibuster the nomination. Solis had come under fire from Senate Republicans, who thought she was unresponsive to many of their questions during her confirmation hearing, a situation that was compounded by her work as treasurer for American Rights at Work, a pro-labor group.
There were also concerns among some Republicans about her support for a measure that would make it easier for workers to organize unions.
Consideration of Solis's nomination was further delayed when it was revealed that her husband had recently paid about $6,400 to settle tax liens against his California auto repair business.
While Solis's nomination generated skepticism among many Republicans and their backers in the business community, the new labor secretary enjoys solid support among members of organized labor. The daughter of immigrants from Mexico and Nicaragua, both of Solis's parents were union members. Also, as a member of Congress, Solis has shared union skepticism toward free trade agreements, and been a strong proponent of developing jobs in renewal energy and other "green collar" areas.
"America's working men and women will be fortunate to have someone of Hilda's tremendous talents leading the Department of Labor. She knows the huge challenges facing workers and their families, and she has the experience and dedication needed for this vital position," said Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), chairman of the Senate's Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. " It's been a privilege to work with her in Congress, and I look forward very much to working with her as secretary."
Labor leaders applauded Solis's confirmation.
"The confirmation of Rep. Hilda Solis is a huge victory. Finally, Americans will have a Secretary of Labor who represents working people, not wealthy CEOs," said AFL-CIO President John Sweeney."This is a proud moment," added Andrew Stern, president of the Service Employees International Union. "That a child of immigrants who went to a public university could now be a member of the president's Cabinet speaks incredibly highly of our country."
Posted at 5:27 PM ET on Feb 24, 2009 Category: Cabinet Share This: Technorati Tag in Digg This Previous: Sebelius Record Raises Operation Rescue Ire
border security important because...
We the people can and will
Like Mr. Walker says it is too much money (and power) that attracts the greed like moths to a flame. That being the case, remove the flame...remove the excess money by reconstructing the current tax structure through tariffs or the fair tax. In other words: a smaller government.
Gandhi and Martin Luther King knew the power is always in the hands of the people. We have simply given our power away to greed. As soon as we are ready to unite the change will, as it always has, take place not from the top down, but from the people up. These lessons we have learned by the actions of Jesus, Gandhi, Martin Luther King.....
Monday, February 23, 2009
The Nation: It is time to confirm Hilda Solis
posted by John Nichols on 02/23/2009 @ 8:46pm
Corporate America and its amen corner in Congress has worked overtime to deny Hilda Solis confirmation as Secretary of Labor.
But it looks like the California congresswoman's nomination will finally be approved by the full Senate this week.
The vote should come on Tuesday, and Solis is expected to win confirmation with relative ease -- despite the long and determined efforts of anti-labor senators to block her nomination.
Republican senators tossed every barrier they could in the way of Solis, the most union-friendly nominee for the Secretary of Labor post in decades.
Conservative senators tried to spin the fantasy that Solis had "tax problems" -- when, in reality, her husband's small business had some small liens, which he paid off when he learned of them.
They tried to claim Solis had conflicts of interest -- when, in fact, her record was that of standing consistently and ethically in favor of her progressive principles.
They tried to claim Solis was too pro-labor -- not realizing the absurdity of trying to prevent a friend of working people from obtaining a post that was originally intended to serve the laboring masses.
The attacks failed, again and again, because Hilda Solis really is the best person for the job.
"Lost in all the Washington procedural mumbo-jumbo since the Solis nomination is the recognition that this is truly a historic moment for all of America's workers. She is a true champion of America's workers. Solis will not be your boss's secretary of labor -- she will be YOUR secretary of labor," says the AFL-CIO's Marc Laitin.
"As the child of working class immigrants who both were members of labor unions in California, Hilda Solis is uniquely qualified to lead the Department of Labor during the current economic crisis," adds Laitin. "With hundreds of thousands of jobs being lost every week and millions of Americans struggling to make ends meet, we desperately need someone who will fight for America's workers, not just the interests of CEOs."
The AFL-CIO is making a final push for approval of the Solis nomination, calling on its Working Families e-activist list to flood the Senate with calls urging the confirmation of Solis.
It is time -- not just to confirm this qualified nominee but, in so doing, help the Department of Labor to once more live up to its name.
Dave Walker supports Obama
Today, Pete Peterson and I are in Washington meeting with President Obama and Vice President Biden at the President's bipartisan Fiscal Responsibility Summit. Pete and I are pleased to join 130 economic experts and congressional leaders from the left, right and center to discuss—and begin finding solutions for—America's fiscal crisis. The event marks what hopefully will be the start of policy-makers and experts from across the spectrum working together to strengthen our post-stimulus economy and find long-term fixes for a federal burden already topping $56 trillion.
Unfortunately, not everyone is embracing the bipartisan spirit of the president's Fiscal Responsibility Summit. The event's detractors—most recently the American Prospect's Robert Kuttner—have chosen to embrace the partisan stereotypes and failed policies of the past. In today's Washington Post, Kuttner declares President Obama's effort a failure before it even begins, and he makes false accusations about the Peterson Foundation.
I have submitted a response to the Post. Will you join me and write your own letter to the editor?
Kuttner falsely accused Pete Peterson and PGPF, together with centrist Democrats in Congress, of trying to attack Social Security and Medicare in light of current deficits. To be clear, PGPF believes that Social Security and Medicare need to be made solvent, sustainable and more secure, and has never advocated that these programs be "perversely cut" as Kuttner incorrectly states. With some relatively minor reforms, Social Security can and must become a stronger safety net for the elderly, while shoring up Medicare and stanching our growing costs for health care pose far more complicated challenges. There is broad agreement on these key points.
The American people rejected this very same partisan divisiveness in the last election, and it's time to reject it again today. Please write a letter to the editor in response to Kuttner's polarizing message, and show the Washington Post there's more to the Fiscal Responsibility Summit than voices like Kuttner's want us to know about.
The president realizes that fixing a crisis of this magnitude takes support from across the spectrum. As someone who has worked for both Republican and Democratic presidents, I salute President Obama's bipartisan approach. Speak out today for the President's Fiscal Responsibility Summit. And after you're finished, please send President Obama a message of support for this show of bipartisanship by signing our petition.
David M. Walker President and CEO, Peter G. Peterson Foundation
Peterson Foundation website:
Action Request from Numbers USA: H-2B Visas
Sens. Mikulski & Specter push to break cap on H-2B low-skill workers -- keeping more Americans unemployed
The federal government released the numbers for jobless claims from the first week of February on Thursday and the numbers jumped another 170,000. Yet, as American workers continue to lose their jobs, Senators Barbara Mikulski, Arlen Specter and 23 other cosponsors have proposed legislation exempting tens of thousands of former H-2B holders from the current cap of 66,000. If passed, S. 388 could triple the number of less-educated foreign workers in the country taking jobs away from less-educated American workers.
Take action now by visiting your Action Buffet. You'll find new faxes to send hammering the Senators that have cosponsored S. 388 and faxes to thank those Senators that have not sponsored the bill. Stop Congress from taking jobs away from young American adults and the undereducated. You can also read Roy's blog on the topic that uses Dr. Steve Camarota's recent report showing how unemployment is impacting the less-educated
Thanks,Chris Chmielenski NumbersUSA Website Editor
Sens. Mikulski & Specter's H-2B bill multiplies less-educated foreign workers to keep less-educated Americans unemployedBy Roy Beck, Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Latest data reveal 1.6 million American young adults (18-29) with only a high school degree who are looking for a job but can't find one. Yet, Sens. Mikulski and Specter have introduced a bill to double or triple the visas for less-educated foreign workers over the next three years. And 24 Senators have already co-sponsored the bill!
New Stimulus Projections -- At most 3.6 million jobs, while feds import 3.2 million new foreign workersBy Roy Beck, Tuesday, February17, 2009
Many opponents of H-1B visas have correctly noted that the Sanders/Grassley amendment put in the Senate Stimulus Bill has a number of weakening provisions. But even those considerations pale in comparison to the core issue, which I believe is the historic, symbolic significance of the Sanders/Grassley amendment.
R-O-P-E Shows How to Strangle Grassroots Influence -- Warmup for Amnesty Passage?By Roy Beck, Sunday, February 15, 2009
We now have seen the ROPE swing into action and show its style. The implications for immigration policy are, frankly, terrifying. R-O-P-E is the Reid-Obama-Pelosi-Emanuel power bloc that called the shots on much of the Stimulus Bill with very little say from anybody else in the end.
H-1B Restriction Stayed In Stimulus Bill By Roy Beck, Friday, February 13, 2009
While Congress seemed to do everything possible to make sure that Stimulus Bill jobs go to foreign workers (both legal and illegal), it appears that a restriction on banks using foreign workers on H-1B visas got through in the final bill.
Recent News...
Indiana Senate Committee Approves Immigration Crackdown
Louisiana & Arkansas Reps Cosponsor Chain Migration Act
Texas Reps Cosponsor Chain Migration Act
Virginia County Turning in More Illegal Aliens with 287(g) Program
Georgia Reps Cosponsor Chain Migration Act
Pennsylvania Man Sentenced for Helping Illegal Aliens Find Work
H-2B Cap Exemption Introduced in Senate
Rep. Gingrey Introduces Nuclear Family Priority Act
Dobbs Spotlights Rising Protest of Anti-American-Worker Aspect of Stimulus Bill
Stimulus Package Clears Congress Without E-Verify Protections For American Workers
New on our Website
Send a fax to your Senators urging them to support American workers by not passing an exemption to the H-2B caps
Read analysis of Rep. Gingrey's Chain Migration bill
View our new map of states with mandatory E-Verify laws
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Obama said "Politics has become not a mission, but a business."
- ROBERT KAISER: "Sure. I mean, the money has become so important in politics now. You've been reporting about this for years. The cost of a campaign has gotten so high, the compulsion of incumbents, who want to get re-elected, to raise that money, is the single biggest gift the lobbyists get. Because lobbyists see that they need that money. They know how to help them raise it. And they know how to exploit the gratitude that comes after they've raised it."
- BILL MOYERS: "And when you say a break, you're talking about, you know, $100 million to stock car racetracks. $192 million in taxpayer dollars to that Puerto Rican rum industry. $478 million for movie makers who shoot their films in the USA. And you say that did the trick? They got the bill passed?" ROBERT KAISER: "That's over ten years, though, Bill. "
BILL MOYERS: "Right. Well, but it's still out of the taxpayers pocket." - ROBERT KAISER: "You know, one of the themes of my book is the way the moneyed interests of America have been able to protect themselves and their own interests, over many years now. One of my favorite statistics. Since 1973, working class incomes in this country have been stagnant. In the same period, 35 years, we've seen skyrocketing incomes at the top. "
- BILL MOYERS: "I've read a lot of books on money and politics. But yours is absolutely unique, because it does, as you just said, make clear why, for the last 30 or 40 years, policies in Washington have favored the rich over the poor, right?"
- ROBERT KAISER: "You know, it's not a secret. Politicians have been embedding this. There's a wonderful quote about it from Bob Dole, from 1983 or '2. Where he says, you know, poor people don't contribute to campaigns. And there it was. You know, 30 years ago, the whole story is right in that phrase. We've watched the cost of these elections climb every two years. Like clockwork. We've seen lots of efforts at reform. We've seen some real reforms. But you know, $25 million it costs to run for the Senate in North Carolina, last November. "
BILL MOYERS: "And they have to get that money somewhere. "
ROBERT KAISER: "They do. Absolutely. "
BILL MOYERS: "And it comes from corporations, lobbies, wealthy individuals, as we see with Sir Allen. " - BILL MOYERS: And a lot of these members of the staff graduate from the staffs of their members of Congress, and go to work for the lobbyists downtown, right?
ROBERT KAISER: To me, that's one of the biggest changes in Washington in my time. There was a famous case in the late '70s, Jim O'Hara, you may remember. A good congressman from Michigan. Liberal Democrat. Ran for the Senate and lost. And came back to town. He had five or six children, and no job. And he went to work for one of the biggest lobbying firms in town. And I remember this vividly. It was a scandal. "Jim O'Hara's become a lobbyist? Gee, that doesn't look very good."
Well, that was then. Today we've got 185 former members of the House and Senate, registered as lobbyists. It's absolutely routine, happens all the time. And nobody's eyebrows go up the way yours just did.
BILL MOYERS: Yeah. And it is all legal. - ROBERT KAISER: Just a daily file of, you know, real transparency. That would have a huge impact.
- BILL MOYERS Does Obama understand this?
ROBERT KAISER: You know, he does. Remarkably well. I credit him in a recent piece for being a good cultural anthropologist. He only spent two years, really in the Senate, before he started to run for president. But he did figure out, he's the one who said, "Politics has become not a mission, but a business." He said that during the campaign. BILL MOYERS: So, there is some hope?
ROBERT KAISER: Well, I'm a believer.
John 9:1-3
9As he walked along, he saw a man blind from birth. 2His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” 3Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned; he was born blind so that God’s works might be revealed in him.
Having had a miraculous healing myself this verse means a great deal. The man was born blind so that he might shed light on the path to creating "Heaven on Earth". A motivational speaker born without arms or legs puts it well in this video. Each person who has overcome has a gift to share.
As a nation we are in the process of a healing as we come together to resolve differences, and heal the condition of our economy and Country.
From Lynn:
I'd like to offer some peace to XXXX for her healing and well-being. It is our Natural state to be well....while it sounds like there is much pain and suffering going on right now, our bodies can be seen as indicators of how we are feeling emotionally ~
The hardest part to healing, when someone feels ill or unwell at the moment, is to recognize that if they would make peace with where they are right now, knowing it is temporary, and then try to find a feeling that feels good, can be done through pulling out pictures of herself before any pain began and just remembering those times, trying to shift into that place of well-being, even if its something from the past ~
While XXXX is suffering right now, if she were able to shift her thoughts from "what is" to something that feels a little better, one thought at a time, even going from "fearful" to "hopeful" is the difference between wellness and staying in pain.
I don't know what her belief system is right at the moment, but hopefully if she is able to hear what this is saying, she will get some relief. She may always call me if she'd like: xxx-xxx-xxxx
The being okay with what is right now is Key - I'll explain it the way Abraham teaches the concept: If you were going on a white-water rafting trip, you would put your boat in the water wherever you are, knowing that the stream is going downhill, and you'll be in the flow - It does not matter at what POINT you put your boat in; in other words, even in her pain, she could just BE in the moment, putting her boat in at this point of pain, and then trying to "go with the flow" of the river. The Stream of Well-Being is always is a matter of just simply releasing resistance/worry/fear and reaching for something that feels better like hope/contentment/anticipation.
To simplify: Go with the flow - Take yourself lightly - Get some "good feeling" movies and watch them and laugh. It is our natural state to be happy and feel good. Begin to feel better by just focusing on things to appreciate....just moving into appreciation, even if its just a flower or the trees or the sunshine, etc., takes us out of resistance into more peace and allowing our wellness to flow. Turn off the news - Only focus on things that make you "FEEL" good emotionally and physically. Begin to see your body healthy and whole...that is its natural state.
I hope this helps!
Much love,
Saturday, February 21, 2009
From: "Peter G. Peterson Foundation
Now more than ever, our elected officials must understand that the important decisions they make to solve America's fiscal challenges will impact our nation's fiscal future, ultimately affecting our children and grandchildren.
Fortunately, the Obama Administration and an increasing number of policymakers are looking ahead. On Monday, I am going to Washington to participate in President Obama's Fiscal Responsibility Summit. At this summit, I will strongly advocate for a bipartisan commission that will move swiftly to engage Americans, consider all options, and make sensible recommendations requiring a vote by Congress.
But I need your help to help raise awareness, so please spread the word by sharing or forwarding a full-page ad that Foundation has been running in Washington newspapers and publications in an effort to inform our elected officials. Please view the ad and send it to anyone you know who is concerned about the nation's finances.
Thanks so much, Dave WalkerPresident & CEOPeter G. Peterson Foundation
Dave Walker appears on CNBC
On Wednesday, PGPF President and CEO Dave Walker appeared on CNBC to call for the formation of a "fiscal future commission" that would engage the American public beyond Washington's Beltway and recommend reforms to government spending and tax policies that would help ensure the success of the new economic recovery package.
Watch the video now.
Action Link: Stop Worker Abuse
In its final days, the Bush administration gave a gift to U.S. corporations by rewriting little-known rules that allow them to "import" foreign workers to fill jobs here.
Bush's changes make it even more attractive for businesses to hire foreign guestworkers — undercutting wages, opportunities and working conditions for all workers. This is especially troubling in today's economy.
These changes shred the few protections for H-2B guestworkers. And they're already taking a toll. Just last week, an appellate court in New Orleans cited the new regulations when ruling that an employer did not have to reimburse guestworkers for thousands of dollars in fees they paid to obtain low-wage, temporary jobs.
Foreign guestworkers don't have the same protections as U.S. workers, so they are vulnerable to exploitation by unscrupulous employers. In fact, they are routinely cheated out of their wages, and some are treated as modern-day slaves.
This abuse must stop!
We're working through the courts to stop the exploitation of guestworkers. But we need broader reforms that can only come from the federal government.
Please contact Obama and urge him to overturn the Bush rules and reform this program from top to bottom.
- Suggested message:President Obama, please rewrite the rules for the H-2B guestworker program. This fundamentally flawed program results in the systematic exploitation of workers and gives incentives to U.S. businesses to bring in vulnerable foreign workers, undercutting wages, opportunities and working conditions for all workers.
Thank you for support,The Southern Poverty Law Center
Gun Controll Bill #HR45
I don't know what your personal feelings are about your constitutional right to own and bear arms. I know some of you would just as soon have all guns "locked up and disappear. However, if you have any feelings about government taking those rights away from you, then you will definitely want to get involved in many issues that will be coming down the pike. The first of these is the following bill that has been "on the go" in Congress since early January, and you can believe that if unimpeded, it will steam roll it's way into law. You - We don't want that day to come.
Understand, too, this isn't just about guns and the right to own them, but it's passage will go a long way to other rights that too many in government would like to see stripped away
Very Important for you to be aware of a new bill HR 45 introduced into the House.
This is the Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sale Act of 2009.
We just learned yesterday about this on the Peter Boyles radio program.
Even gun shop owners didn't know about this because it is flying under the radar.
To find out about this - go to any government website and type in HR 45 or Google HR 45 Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sales Act of 2009. You will get all the information.
Basically this would make it illegal to own a firearm - any rifle with a clip or ANY pistol unless:
•It is registered
•You are fingerprinted
•You supply a current Driver's License
.You supply your Social Security #
•You will submit to a physical & mental evaluation at any time of their choosing
•Each update - change or ownership through private or public sale must be reported and costs $25 - Failure to do so you automatically lose the right to own a firearm and are subject up to a year in jail.
•There is a child provision clause on page 16 section 305 stating a child-access provision. Gun must be locked and inaccessible to any child under 18.
They would have the right to come and inspect that you are storing your gun safely away from accessibility to children and fine is punishable for up to 5 yrs. in prison.
If you think this is a joke - go to the website and take your pick of many options to read this. It is long and lengthy. But, more and more people are becoming aware of this. Pass the word along. Any hunters in your family - pass this along.
Peter Boyles is on this and having guests. Listen to him on KHOW 630 a.m. in the morning. He suggests the best way to fight this is to tell all your friends about it and "spring into action". Also he suggests we all join a pro-gun group like the Colorado Rifle Association, hunting associations, gun clubs and especially the NRA.
This is just a "termite" approach to complete confiscation of guns and disarming of our society to the point we have no defense - chip away a little here and there until the goal is accomplished before anyone realizes it.
This is one to act on whether you own a gun or not.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Pickens for independance from foreign oil
From: Team Pickens
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 3:52 PM
Subject: Will you be a District Leader?
Over the last 2 months, we’ve signed up Pickens Plan District Leaders in over 80% of Congressional Districts. Amazing! Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to lead their groups, as well as everyone else who has joined their District Group and taken action to push the Pickens Plan!
We still have districts we’re hoping to find leaders for before we start taking action on energy legislation.
To learn more about the job duties of a District Leader, click here.
To see the list of districts where we still need leaders, click here.
If you are interested in being a District Leader, email us at
Even if you don’t have the time to commit to being a District Leader, we still need you to join your District Group so you can help us take action locally to push the Pickens Plan with your
Members of Congress. Click here to join your District Group today.
Thanks for all you’re doing to fight for American energy independence!
Team Pickens
More From the desk of T. Boone Pickens
The battle for the stimulus package is over and – thanks to you – we were very successful on the wind side of the Pickens Plan.
Here is the list of items which are included in the stimulus package:
1. A 3-year Production Tax Credit (PTC) extension through the end of 2012
2. An option to elect a 30% Investment Tax Credit (ITC) in place of the PTC
3. An option to convert the Investment Tax Credit into a grant for projects placed in service in 2009, or 2010, or placed in service before 2013 provided construction begins in 2009 or 2010
4. A new $6 billion Department of Energy renewable energy and transmission loan guarantee program, which should fund around $60 billion in principal amount of guaranteed loans
5. Authority for the Western Area Power Administration to borrow up to $3.25 billion from the Treasury to build renewable transmission lines in the western United States, including western Texas
Did the New Energy Army have an impact?
Last summer, when we started this effort, no one would have believed that 1.4 million Americans would join together to affect energy legislation in the Congress of the United States. But last week alone, over a 3 day period, we generated over 60,000 emails to Members of the United States House and Senate urging their support.
You can like or dislike the stimulus package, and I’m not qualified enough to speak to the entire package or its economic prospects. But I do know energy, and I know the aspects of the stimulus plan that address this subject are critical and beneficial. But they are also a first step.
We’ve still got more work to do to end our dependence on foreign oil, especially on the natural gas side of the Pickens Plan. I said on CNBC that the battle now shifts to the House and Senate Energy Committees to begin moving the country from imported gasoline and diesel to domestic natural gas.
I’ll be coming back to you in the next few days with a plan to have a serious impact on foreign oil.
Pat yourselves on the back. Take ten. Then get ready to saddle up and start again.
Thank you.
P.S. If you haven’t joined your District Group yet, now is the time. Click here.
Globalization and Protectionism
Murdoch: China, India will reshape the world
SYDNEY, Australia – Media tycoon Rupert Murdoch says the ongoing metamorphosis of China and India from historic backwaters into economic powers will help reshape the world in the next few decades.
The News Corp. chief gave an upbeat assessment of the future and made a vigorous case for free markets (Free Trade/ Globalization) despite troubled economic times and what he called "naked, heartless aggression" in the world.
In the first of a series of speeches in his birth country of Australia, Murdoch spoke Sunday of "the great transformation we've seen in the past few decades, the unleashing of human talent and ability across our world, and the golden age for humankind that I see just around the corner."
He said China and India are great countries whose people are only recently emerging from long histories of being "incarcerated by communism or caste." Has China suddenly become democratic because it is now a world power? The rise of their economies is creating a new middle class (Really?) that would be three billion strong within 30 years and that is setting a new benchmark for global competitiveness. It was once thought that to rehabilitate a criminal you educated him. It was soon discovered that you now had an educated criminal who ripped you off not with a gun, but with a computer. Giving the Chinese government money does not rehabilitate them either. They still use slave labor, and the U.S. now supports it. Is Murdoch altruistic, misguided, or a powerful man wanting more power and cheaper labor?
"The world has never seen this kind of advance before," Murdoch said. "These are people who have known deprivation. These are people who are intent on developing their skills, improving their lives and showing the world what they can do."
Murdoch, whose New York-based conglomerate includes Twentieth Century Fox, Fox News Channel, Dow Jones & Co. as well as newspaper stables in Australia and Britain and the online networking site MySpace, described the global financial crisis as one of many challenges facing Australia.
He urged Australia to embrace internationalism (another word for Globalism) and touched on a range of global issues, from international security (The erasing of boarders) to the commercial opportunities offered by the world's need for cleaner energy.
Murdoch's remarks came in the first of six lectures to be sent out on radio nationally by the Australian Broadcasting Corp. — this year's edition of an annual series of talks by prominent Australians.
Murdoch said that in another speech he would give his opinions on the future of newspapers, which are suffering a severe downturn, especially in the United States, as advertising revenue is lost to the Internet. Hm-mmm
He made a strong pitch for freer trade between countries, taking agriculture as an example and saying that reducing artificial barriers (erasing of boarders) is a moral and strategic issue. (More contaminated imports from China and other countries)
"So we must continue to leverage our connections and continue to push when others have left the conference table," he said. "The global trade dialogue should echo with Australian accents."
Touching on security, he chided Europe for appearing to have "lost the will to confront aggression" and said NATO (One unelected governing power) should be reformed into a group based on common values, not geography, and include countries like Australia as members.
"In this promising new century, we are still seeing naked, heartless aggression — whether it comes from a terrorist bombing in Islamabad or a Russian invasion of Georgia," Murdoch said.
"We can lament these developments, but we cannot hide from them," he said, noting Australia's contribution of troops to Afghanistan and Iraq.
In an interview published in The Weekend Australian on Saturday, Murdoch said governments have only limited power to fix the financial crisis, though they could make it worse.
Murdoch warned that a rise in protectionism in the United States "could add to all sorts of tensions in the world financial system and the world trading system and eventually all the way down to employment." Protectionism or Sovereignty ? Free countries cannot compete with slave labor, and that is why tariffs. Tariffs allow international trade, but not unfair competition for the American worker
Read article at:
(Note: Sovereignty (border protection) works much like fire walls in computers. It protects the world's Nations from fluctuations in individual economies. It also protects against spread of disease, contaminated food, crime, environmentally harmful plants and animals and other things that can destroy a Country, its people and its environment. Sovereignty does allow for trade among countries, contrary to what globalization promoters would have us believe. It is not Sovereignty that has promoted poverty in is GREED, of which many American Companies have been guilty of. I highly recommend the movie "The One Percent" which is available at the following link. )
Common Sense Economy 101
Many people are saying the economy is the major issue. I cannot argue with that because if the U.S. economy continues to decline, we cannot solve any of the other issues. All reports indicate that economically "we are looking very much like the pre- GREAT Depression times". (note: links throughout are provided for documentation, and for thoes who want more interesting reading)
So lets talk about some of the issues that effect our economy. They are really pretty simple as anyone who has successfully run household finances would know
1. Current Free Trade and deficit policies give trade advantages to other countries like China. We have become a consumer nation with a trade deficit in favor of China and other countries. That means our money, jobs and companies are flowing from us to them. We have more stuff, and less moo-la. once the moo-la disappears, no more stuff. The same principles that apply to running our own household economy, apply to the Nation's economy...If We don't make it, we can't spend it without being at the mercy of the collectors (in this case China who is our second largest lender.) What nincompoop thought it a good idea to borrow from Communist China to finance the war????. That is like winning the battle only to lose the war!!!! makes you wonder what is in the DC water.
2. NAFTA (and the NAFTA Super Highway) has the same effect as number 1 above. It is one of those trade policies folks. We need Fair Trade, not the current Free Trade.
3. Dependence on foreign oil creates the same condition as number 1. U.S. money leaves this country to the Middle East in exchange for stuff. We end up with STUFF, but no moo-la...bankrupt. The best solution so far is Boone Pickens Plan: It rather quickly breaks our dependence on foreign oil, and works toward clean energy sources like wind
4.. Outsourcing and Guest Worker Visas replace American workers in favor of cheaper foreign labor.(including professional positions) . As a result the middle class is disappearing. Once this happens we no longer have a bridge between the rich and poor class. This results in third world living conditions for the majority of Americans. And what happens to the other guy eventually affects us all. Its known as a Depression.
5. Hiring and subsidies to Illegals has the same effect as number 4 . The Business Chamber is spending millions to lobby the politicians for amnesty, and subsidies to illegal (SLAVE) labor, which includes Social Security benefits whether they paid into it or not. And who pays for those subsidies? You guessed it: YOU, the taxpayer pays for food stamps, education, and free medical for those slaves. Who is the real beneficiary? Not the slave, and not the taxpayer. Note: When recently speaking to La Raza (Hispanic organization), both McCain and Obama pandered to them by promising Comprehensive immigration reform (amnesty).
And don't let local representatives off the hook by telling you it is a Federal issue. The Feds couldn't even handle Katrina...Its up to all of us.
6. Subsidies to Large international Corporations (like Walmart, Microsoft, Halliburton, Donald Trump, Sugar Plantation in the everglades, taxpayers paying for the Exon Valdese oil spill, taxpayers paying law suites against CSX).... has the same effect as all of the above. These subsidies are paid for by us, the taxpayer. ...the flow of middle class money to the rich is staggering and depleting the middle class. At this time the upper class is thriving, while the middle class is paying for the rising life style of the wealthy, China, Mexico, India.... No wounder North Korea (and Iran) want to negotiate the stopping of their Nuclear power, in exchange for money and "Free Trade". They want the same sweet deal China is getting. ..Wouldn't you? (to see documentation:
Note: Bailing Out International Banks is more of the same...funneling taxpayer money to the wealthy. It is best described as "Corperate Welfare".
7. Voting Fraud. I tried to apply for illegal Alien status. That way I can have as many as 5 different false and stolen identities, and can vote 5 times for the candidate who will give me more middle class moo-la. :) Just kidding. But don't think that is not being done. That is exactly why Obama and McCain are pandering to them..they want their vote folks.
. "If we don't stop extending our troops all around the world in nation-building missions, then we're going to have a serious problem." — George W. Bush, Jan. 2001. We are spending billions on the Iraq war alone, to say nothing about the 777 other US military bases located all around the world. Guess who is paying for them? That's right again... YOU...the American taxpayer, and not the hosting country. . Why? It benefits the same large international corporations who spend billions lobbying our politicians. {Companies like Shell, Exon and Haliburton who want their interests protected as they gain control of Iraqi oil, and other assets (like cheap labor).}
9. Current tax structure: It is the middle class who carries the major portion. The wealthy take advantage of many loop holes that actually funnels tax money to them often moving their fake offices to islands so they pay 0 tax. ( also see # 6). The "Trickle Down Theory" (the current tax policy) gives the biggest tax breaks to the wealthy. The idea is that if we funnel the money to the rich they will be benevolent, and share it with their employees. History has proved that just the opposite is happening. In fact it is the cause of current economic conditions explained above. Possible solutions: Ron Paul: Grass Roots organization with another solution:
10. 2009 tax structure under McCain & under Obama (neither solves the problems as efficiently as the two listed above): note: McCain cuts everyone's taxes with most of the tax cuts going to the wealthy ("Trickle Down Theory"), and Obama's raises the taxes for the rich and lowers it for the middle and lower income, which is a little better. But neither addresses the loop holes and subsidies...Either way bad deals for the American middle class.
Obviously the politician does not know better than you do. So let them hear from you, and vote informed.
Contact your Senator at
Contact your Congressman at:
Contact Congressional Oversite Committee at:
H1 B Visa Dependancy claims false
"As a computer systems engineer. I am unemployed. We use to be making up to $100,000 dollars a year. Now you can only get a job for $50,000 a year. Due to large companies falsely advertising that we cannot get enough engineers in this country anymore and that we need to import them. What is actually happening is the greedy rich are driving the salaries of working people down by importing engineers and after they get them here they are also taking advantage of them.
Take my friend from India – Simeer – He came to this country on a promise from a company to sponsor and employ him for $45,000 a year. This is a very good wage in India and they think they are getting a good deal. As soon as he started work they upgraded his title to manager to circumvent California overtime laws.
Mind you he had no one working under him. So according to the definitions I was raised by, in actuality he was not even a supervisor.
Now since they are calling him a manager, they are working him 60 hours plus a week for the same $45,000 a year. Also he is afraid to say anything or fight it because his work visa depends on this company sponsoring him and keeping him employed. Even if he did find work immediately it’s very hard to find someone who will also sponsor you. In any case he is in fear to take the chance because his family in India is owing money partly because of his education and they depend on him.
I for one will not tell Americans to take up Computer Engineering because the salaries have been driven way down in California and it is not worth the time and expense to train for anymore. I would caution against training for any engineering jobs since seeing the propaganda that CEOs with millions in stock holdings and the greedy are putting out.Please do not believe this unscientific propaganda that we do not have enough smart trained people in the United States to do the job. Instead look at the pay scale for engineers starting in the mid 1990s. You will see that adjusted for inflation the salary has gone definitely down in all fields. If we were growing short handed the salary would be definitely going up. "
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Stimulus package makes it harder to hire foreign workers
With the struggling economy, the U.S. finds itself returning to the same debates about whether foreigners should be allowed to work in the U.S. that have been ongoing for centuries, ever since the first waves of immigrants from Ireland, Poland, China, and elsewhere hit our shores. This time, the debate has serious ramifications for the IT sector.
The $787B USD economic stimulus package, which passed through Congress and was into law on Tuesday by President Obama, contains many provisions that affect the tech industry. While much of the funding it provides and funding that was cut from the initial legislation has been extensively discussed, one overlooked section of the bill is its ramifications on the hiring of foreign workers.
In the United States, many companies hire a handful of workers on H-1B visas, which allow foreign workers to work legally and (relatively) free of hassle within the U.S. While the number of H1-B workers at most companies is pretty low, in some departments, such as IT departments, the number can be substantial. The few companies that do hire a large percentage of H1-B workers, such as Microsoft, are deemed "H1-B Dependent" and have special restrictions placed on them by the federal government.
Now these same restrictions are being placed on companies accepting funds from the stimulus or other bailout packages. The companies receiving funds will be classed as "H1-B Dependent" regardless of the number of foreign workers they employ. Elizabeth Espin Stern, an attorney and leader of the global immigration practice of law firm Baker & McKenzie International, helped to elaborate on these new restrictions. She notes that companies will now have to show "in good faith" that they look for Americans for a position, before hiring an H1-B worker to it.
Additionally, employers must offer at least the minimum of "prevailing wages" for the position and verify that they haven't displaced an American worker within 90 days of the hiring. They also have to offer the job to at least one American candidate if they applied and are equally or better qualified to the H1-B job-seeker.
The government conducts regular audits for compliance. Those companies found in violation face stiff fines and loss of their H1-B workers.
According to Stern, the financial and banking sector has less than 1 percent of its employees working on H1-B visas. Currently 85,000 applications for the visas are filed annually. While these companies are only expected to be marginally effected, the new rules may have potentially serious effects on foreign jobseekers in the IT sector of the financial world.
Senators Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Bernie Sanders, I-Vermont, first proposed the restriction. Initially, they sought to have companies receiving the funding barred from hiring workers on H1-B visas. That proposal was later scratched and replaced by the "H1-B Dependent" provisions. Sen. Grassley's spokesperson still called the bill a victory, stating, "The goal is to make qualified American workers a top priority.
"However, some are critical of the new legislation, saying companies should be able to hire whoever they think will provide the best talent and not feel pressured to hire only Americans. Ms. Stern states, "Many of these financial services, credit card companies use H-1B for specialized IT talent related to risk management, enterprise systems. Why tie one hand behind their backs" in employing this talent?"
Immigration attorney Frida Glucoft of law firm Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp says that the new legislation may have dire impacts on foreign graduates of U.S. universities, seeking jobs in economics, technology, mathematics, and business. She states, "There will be a brain drain of talent that will go elsewhere. This is a slippery slope for the U.S.
"Others cheer the move, stating that the law should put Americans first before foreigners. Donna Conroy, executive director of Bright Future Jobs, an advocacy group pushing for H-1B visa reform, adds, "This is a political victory. It's now an issue on the national radar screen.
"Senators Grassley and Richard Durbin, D-Ill. plan to soon try to reintroduce sweeping H-1B and L-1 visa anti-fraud and anti-abuse legislation. If passed, this legislation could have an even greater impact on foreign workers in the U.S., placing more restrictions on companies like Microsoft who rely on foreign workers.
Read more at:
Why Parents Drink
A Mother passing by her son's bedroom was astonished to see that his bed was nicely made and everything was picked up.
Then she saw an envelope, propped up prominently on the pillow that was addressed to 'Mom' With the worst premonition she opened the envelope with trembling hands and read the letter.
Dear Mom:
It is with great regret and sorrow that I'm writing you.. I had to elope with my new girlfriend because I wanted to avoid a scene with Dad and you. I have been finding real passion with Stacy and she is so nice. But I knew you would not approve of her because of all her piercings, tattoos, tight motorcycle clothes and the fact that she is much older than I am. But it's not only the passion... Mom she's pregnant. Stacy said that we will be very happy. Sh e owns a trailer in the woods and has a stack of firewood for the whole winter. We share a dream of having many more children. Stacy has opened my eyes to the fact that marijuana doesn't really hurt anyone. We'll be growing it for ourselves and trading it with the other people that live nearby for cocaine and ecstasy. In the meantime we will pray that science will find a cure for AIDS so Stacy can get better. She deserves it. Don't worry Mom. I'm 15 and I know how to take care of myself. Someday I'm sure that we will be back to visit so that you can get to know your grandchildren.
Love,Your Son Paul
P.S. Mom, none of the above is true. I'm over at Dustin's house. I just wanted to remind you that there are worse things in life than the report card that's in my center desk drawer.
I love you. Call me when it's safe to come home.
Palin must pay back taxes
Palin received per diem payments even though she was staying in her own home.
(CNN) – Alaska officials have told Gov. Sarah Palin she must pay back taxes on the thousands of dollars she received in state per diem funds while living at her home in Wasilla.
The Washington Post first reported last September that Palin had billed the state for nearly $17,000 worth of meals and other living expenses while staying in her own home during the first 19 months of her administration, even though the official governor's residence is in Juneau.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The stimulus website
NOTE: They have a contact form as well. Let them know what you think.
Cost of Illegal aliens
This is astounding and infuriating. Why isn't this in the papers? Answer: Newspapers are morally bankrupt just like the politicians in Washington
Please > read and pass it on. WHY ARE WE BANKRUPT?
Informative, and mind boggling!
You think the war in Iraq is costing us too much? Read this: Boy, was I confused. I have been hammered with the propaganda that it is the Iraq war and the war on terror that is bankrupting us. I now find that to be RIDICULOUS. I hope the following 14 reasons are forwarded over and over again until they are read so many times that the reader gets sick of reading them. I also have included the URL's for verification of all the following facts.
1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year by state governments. Verify at:
2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens. Verify at:
3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens. Verify at:
4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English! Verify at:
5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies. Verify at
6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens. Verify at: TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html
7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens. Verify at:
8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare & social services by the American taxpayers. Verify at:
9. $200 Billion dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens. Verify at: RI PTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html
10. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US Verify at:
11. During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin and marijuana, crossed into the U. S from the Southern border. Verify at: Homeland Security Report: http://
12. The National policy Institute, estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period.' Verify at:
13. In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances to their countries of origin. Verify at:>
14. 'The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One million sex crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States Verify at: http: //
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Illegal Aliens
Recently I met a lady who entered the U.S. illegally form South America. She currently works as a house keeper for a Lady who is in the medical profession, and the employers husband is an engineer. Undoubtedly well paid people. My friend testifies how grateful she is for being here in “the land of milk and honey”. She feels it is by God’s graces she is here. I would suppose that the employers feel quite benevolent when they hear her acclaims.
She continued to explain that she needed some dentil work, but could not afford it. She is not provided this care from her employers, nor does she receive enough pay to cover it herself. This story I hear from many illegal aliens who get paid half to one third of their American counter part. I have often heard even worse abuses. American’s fought hard during the industrial revolution against such.
Can you blame this lady and others for risking their lives to come here for a better life. Who among us would not do the same. I would love to hear more from the perspective of the illegal , and welcome your comments.
From the perspective of the legal American worker:
. California financial crises,0,5726760.story
A. California's nearly 3 million illegal immigrants cost taxpayers nearly $9 billion each year,
B. Duu... California City leaders can't figure out what the problem is?
II. Florida Budget deficit 3.4 billion (documentation in link below)
also see how other states are managing your money:
A. Aug 4, 2008 ... there are over a million illegal aliens in Florida,
B. 2/2/08 Illegals cost Florida taxpayers $2 Billions...annually
III. Jacksonville budget shortage:
projections: a $1.8 billion deficit in the current fiscal year and $2.2 billion deficit in
IV. U.S debt:
A. Households headed by illegal aliens imposed more than $26.3 billion in costs on the federal government in 2002 and paid only $16 billion in taxes, creating a net fiscal deficit of almost $10.4 billion, or $2,700 per illegal household.
B. Even more Du..................
If we build a fence would they not simply tunnel under or go by boat as did the Cubans? Remember how Castro emptied his prison only to dump criminals on our shores? Well check out the increased criminal activities spilling across our Southern boarder. If we give them amnesty yea, they get minimum wage…lowering wages for everyone. Remember during the industrial revolutions our ancestors fought and died for better working and living conditions.
Should we prosecute the illegal employer?
From the perspective of the elitist:
In 2004, Carly Fiorina gave a speech in which she said, “there is no job that is America’s God-given right anymore.”
When you look at “open boarders”, “outsourcing“, continued increases in “work visas“, NAFTA (note: even Mexicans talk about the abuses of NAFTA to their country while politicians praise and promote it), unfair “Free Trade” policies, and “Globalization” while Americans are being laid off…what’s up? Do elitists who receive millions in bonuses see themselves more worthy than the average American worker?
I welcome your comments and solutions. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out it is not just the mortgage crises that caused current economic conditions as the news media would like us to believe.