Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Illegal Aliens

From the perspective of an illegal:
Recently I met a lady who entered the U.S. illegally form South America. She currently works as a house keeper for a Lady who is in the medical profession, and the employers husband is an engineer. Undoubtedly well paid people. My friend testifies how grateful she is for being here in “the land of milk and honey”. She feels it is by God’s graces she is here. I would suppose that the employers feel quite benevolent when they hear her acclaims.

She continued to explain that she needed some dentil work, but could not afford it. She is not provided this care from her employers, nor does she receive enough pay to cover it herself. This story I hear from many illegal aliens who get paid half to one third of their American counter part. I have often heard even worse abuses. American’s fought hard during the industrial revolution against such.

Can you blame this lady and others for risking their lives to come here for a better life. Who among us would not do the same. I would love to hear more from the perspective of the illegal , and welcome your comments.

From the perspective of the legal American worker:
. California financial crises
A. California's nearly 3 million illegal immigrants cost taxpayers nearly $9 billion each year,
B. Duu... California City leaders can't figure out what the problem is?

II. Florida Budget deficit 3.4 billion (documentation in link below)
also see how other states are managing your money:
A. Aug 4, 2008 ... there are over a million illegal aliens in Florida,
B. 2/2/08 Illegals cost Florida taxpayers $2 Billions...annually

III. Jacksonville budget shortage:
projections: a $1.8 billion deficit in the current fiscal year and $2.2 billion deficit in

IV. U.S debt: http://www.brillig.com/debt_clock/
A. Households headed by illegal aliens imposed more than $26.3 billion in costs on the federal government in 2002 and paid only $16 billion in taxes, creating a net fiscal deficit of almost $10.4 billion, or $2,700 per illegal household. http://www.cis.org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.html
B. Even more Du..................

If we build a fence would they not simply tunnel under or go by boat as did the Cubans? Remember how Castro emptied his prison only to dump criminals on our shores? Well check out the increased criminal activities spilling across our Southern boarder. If we give them amnesty yea, they get minimum wage…lowering wages for everyone. Remember during the industrial revolutions our ancestors fought and died for better working and living conditions.

Should we prosecute the illegal employer?

From the perspective of the elitist:
In 2004, Carly Fiorina gave a speech in which she said, “there is no job that is America’s God-given right anymore.”

When you look at “open boarders”, “outsourcing“, continued increases in “work visas“, NAFTA (note: even Mexicans talk about the abuses of NAFTA to their country while politicians praise and promote it), unfair “Free Trade” policies, and “Globalization” while Americans are being laid off…what’s up? Do elitists who receive millions in bonuses see themselves more worthy than the average American worker?

I welcome your comments and solutions. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out it is not just the mortgage crises that caused current economic conditions as the news media would like us to believe.

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