Friday, February 20, 2009

Common Sense Economy 101

Note: This article was written well before President Bush became aware the economy was not fundamentally strong:

Many people are saying the economy is the major issue. I cannot argue with that because if the U.S. economy continues to decline, we cannot solve any of the other issues. All reports indicate that economically "we are looking very much like the pre- GREAT Depression times". (note: links throughout are provided for documentation, and for thoes who want more interesting reading)

So lets talk about some of the issues that effect our economy. They are really pretty simple as anyone who has successfully run household finances would know

1. Current Free Trade and deficit policies give trade advantages to other countries like China. We have become a consumer nation with a trade deficit in favor of China and other countries. That means our money, jobs and companies are flowing from us to them. We have more stuff, and less moo-la. once the moo-la disappears, no more stuff. The same principles that apply to running our own household economy, apply to the Nation's economy...If We don't make it, we can't spend it without being at the mercy of the collectors (in this case China who is our second largest lender.) What nincompoop thought it a good idea to borrow from Communist China to finance the war????. That is like winning the battle only to lose the war!!!! makes you wonder what is in the DC water.

2. NAFTA (and the NAFTA Super Highway) has the same effect as number 1 above. It is one of those trade policies folks. We need Fair Trade, not the current Free Trade.

3. Dependence on foreign oil creates the same condition as number 1. U.S. money leaves this country to the Middle East in exchange for stuff. We end up with STUFF, but no moo-la...bankrupt. The best solution so far is Boone Pickens Plan: It rather quickly breaks our dependence on foreign oil, and works toward clean energy sources like wind

4.. Outsourcing and Guest Worker Visas replace American workers in favor of cheaper foreign labor.(including professional positions) . As a result the middle class is disappearing. Once this happens we no longer have a bridge between the rich and poor class. This results in third world living conditions for the majority of Americans. And what happens to the other guy eventually affects us all. Its known as a Depression.

5. Hiring and subsidies to Illegals has the same effect as number 4 . The Business Chamber is spending millions to lobby the politicians for amnesty, and subsidies to illegal (SLAVE) labor, which includes Social Security benefits whether they paid into it or not. And who pays for those subsidies? You guessed it: YOU, the taxpayer pays for food stamps, education, and free medical for those slaves. Who is the real beneficiary? Not the slave, and not the taxpayer. Note: When recently speaking to La Raza (Hispanic organization), both McCain and Obama pandered to them by promising Comprehensive immigration reform (amnesty).

And don't let local representatives off the hook by telling you it is a Federal issue. The Feds couldn't even handle Katrina...Its up to all of us.

6. Subsidies to Large international Corporations (like Walmart, Microsoft, Halliburton, Donald Trump, Sugar Plantation in the everglades, taxpayers paying for the Exon Valdese oil spill, taxpayers paying law suites against CSX).... has the same effect as all of the above. These subsidies are paid for by us, the taxpayer. ...the flow of middle class money to the rich is staggering and depleting the middle class. At this time the upper class is thriving, while the middle class is paying for the rising life style of the wealthy, China, Mexico, India.... No wounder North Korea (and Iran) want to negotiate the stopping of their Nuclear power, in exchange for money and "Free Trade". They want the same sweet deal China is getting. ..Wouldn't you? (to see documentation:
Note: Bailing Out International Banks is more of the same...funneling taxpayer money to the wealthy. It is best described as "Corperate Welfare".

7. Voting Fraud. I tried to apply for illegal Alien status. That way I can have as many as 5 different false and stolen identities, and can vote 5 times for the candidate who will give me more middle class moo-la. :) Just kidding. But don't think that is not being done. That is exactly why Obama and McCain are pandering to them..they want their vote folks.

. "If we don't stop extending our troops all around the world in nation-building missions, then we're going to have a serious problem." — George W. Bush, Jan. 2001. We are spending billions on the Iraq war alone, to say nothing about the 777 other US military bases located all around the world. Guess who is paying for them? That's right again... YOU...the American taxpayer, and not the hosting country. . Why? It benefits the same large international corporations who spend billions lobbying our politicians. {Companies like Shell, Exon and Haliburton who want their interests protected as they gain control of Iraqi oil, and other assets (like cheap labor).}

9. Current tax structure: It is the middle class who carries the major portion. The wealthy take advantage of many loop holes that actually funnels tax money to them often moving their fake offices to islands so they pay 0 tax. ( also see # 6). The "Trickle Down Theory" (the current tax policy) gives the biggest tax breaks to the wealthy. The idea is that if we funnel the money to the rich they will be benevolent, and share it with their employees. History has proved that just the opposite is happening. In fact it is the cause of current economic conditions explained above. Possible solutions: Ron Paul: Grass Roots organization with another solution:

10. 2009 tax structure under McCain & under Obama (neither solves the problems as efficiently as the two listed above): note: McCain cuts everyone's taxes with most of the tax cuts going to the wealthy ("Trickle Down Theory"), and Obama's raises the taxes for the rich and lowers it for the middle and lower income, which is a little better. But neither addresses the loop holes and subsidies...Either way bad deals for the American middle class.

Obviously the politician does not know better than you do. So let them hear from you, and vote informed.
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