Saturday, February 21, 2009

From: "Peter G. Peterson Foundation

A Message from Dave Walker

Now more than ever, our elected officials must understand that the important decisions they make to solve America's fiscal challenges will impact our nation's fiscal future, ultimately affecting our children and grandchildren.

Fortunately, the Obama Administration and an increasing number of policymakers are looking ahead. On Monday, I am going to Washington to participate in President Obama's Fiscal Responsibility Summit. At this summit, I will strongly advocate for a bipartisan commission that will move swiftly to engage Americans, consider all options, and make sensible recommendations requiring a vote by Congress.

But I need your help to help raise awareness, so please spread the word by sharing or forwarding a full-page ad that Foundation has been running in Washington newspapers and publications in an effort to inform our elected officials. Please view the ad and send it to anyone you know who is concerned about the nation's finances.

Thanks so much, Dave WalkerPresident & CEOPeter G. Peterson Foundation

Dave Walker appears on CNBC
On Wednesday, PGPF President and CEO Dave Walker appeared on CNBC to call for the formation of a "fiscal future commission" that would engage the American public beyond Washington's Beltway and recommend reforms to government spending and tax policies that would help ensure the success of the new economic recovery package.
Watch the video now

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