Friday, March 20, 2009

Comprehensive immigragion on the move

1. Nancy Pelosi calls for the end of immigration enforcement by ICE.
You can find out more, and let your voice be heard by clicking on the following link:

2 "After spending the first weeks of his term engulfed by the financial mess, Obama has decided it's time to make nice with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. In a meeting with them yesterday in California, he promised to push ahead soon with the same "Immigration Reform"—i.e. Illegal Alien Amnesty—that McCain and Kennedy were promoting back in 2007.

Obama said he would soon be traveling to Mexico to meet with Mexico's President Calderon to work out immigration policy. That sounds like Obama is going to let the country responsible for sending us the most illegal aliens re-write America's immigration laws."

You can read more, and let your voice be heard at the following link:

also you can pass this link on to your friends so they can help you take action as well:
Comprehensive immigragion on the move

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