Friday, March 13, 2009

More Info for those loosing home

1. Lenders have committed fraud when giving out loans (see last link below). They are also being accused of giving blacks (with good credit) sub prime loans more often than their white counterparts. If you have evidence that this has happened to you (or someone you know) contact:
They will investigate

2. There are Federal and sometimes State programs available to assist homeowners. However, like some many Government programs, the funds are often eaten up by the bureaucracy before it reaches the people for which it was intended. Having worked in a Government assisted program in the public school system, I saw this happen first hand. The top echelon decides where the money is allocated, and often give themselves raises rather than providing better services. So if you suspect you are getting railroaded call your Congressman, and ask him/ her to help you cut through the red tape.

3. Many States will be getting Federal assistance from Obama's Stimulus Pkg. So if you suspect you are getting railroaded by the programs available to you, call your governor, and let him know you will be reporting it, and he might want to clean up the mess before the stimulus money
is received.

4. To report abuses one can call the Obama office at Phone: 202-456-1111

More helpful information can be found at this link (especially look for video about Congresswoman Marci Kapur's advice. It is excellent.

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