Friday, March 27, 2009

Hindus Invented the Number Zero We Use in Modern Society

This is from Dinshaw:

The Arabic numerals are neither Arabic nor Phoenician.
They are Hindu.

The Arabs and the Phoenicians traded between India and Europe. They found the Roman numerals too cumbersome for business purposes and so they adopted the Hindu Numerals.
The Europeans thought the numerals were of Arabic origin and so they named them Arabic numerals in their ignorance.
The numerals we use are an adaptation of the Hindu numerals, which unfortunately I can
not type on the computer to show you how close they look like the Hindu numerals. They have nothing to do with Angles or Algorithms.

The invention of the ZERO by the HINDUS was a tremendous breakthrough in Mathematics. The Romans had no such concept.
Without the ZERO we would have NO computers, No TVs, No machines of any sort that uses mathematics to run them. In short, NO civilization as we know it.

Dinshaw ( I am not a Hindu, but a Zoroastrian. As a historian I just want to
set the matter straight.)

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