Friday, April 10, 2009

Amnesty Bill in Senat

This is a copy of a letter sent to my Senators and to the Obama administration about the current amnisty bill:
Dear Honorable Senator,

You will agree that in the past amnesty without border security was allowed, and has erupted into the current disaster causing upsurge in crime, city and federal deficits, and third world living conditions for many Americans.
No way would any in good conscience support the “Dream Act” before securing our borders with the following:

1. Extend E-Verify. Currently the administration is continually taking it out of Bills making us distrust promises to securing our borders.
2. Enforce existing laws by prosecuting illegal employers
3. Stop providing tax money for social services to illegal aliens, and instead fine the illegal employers to force them to provide the full cost of such services they now deprive their employees of.
4. Secure our borders by bringing the military in to defend our dangerously open borders.

Do these things before any “Dream Act” or other amnesty is considered. Thank you.

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