Monday, April 6, 2009

Letter from Obama (via administration)

Thank you for your letter. I appreciate your thoughts on the need to fix our immigration system, and I share your desire to meet this pressing challenge.

We are all united under the principles etched onto our Statue of Liberty: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." Our Nation has always prospered from this generous and hopeful spirit. Yet, today, our immigration system is broken and a large portion of our economy depends on millions of workers living in the shadows. We are a Nation of laws and a Nation of immigrants, and we must reconcile those traditions.

For too long, politicians in Washington have exploited this issue to divide us rather than searching for practical solutions that unite us. We must put politics aside and offer a comprehensive solution that secures our borders, enforces our laws, and reaffirms our rich tradition of welcoming immigrants.

There is broad consensus around building a solution that stops the flow of undocumented workers across our borders and prevents employers from hiring undocumented workers. However, we know that enforcement is only part of the solution. We must also require undocumented immigrants who are already here to step out of the shadows and onto a responsible path to earn citizenship by demonstrating sound character, a commitment to America, and a strong work ethic.

I encourage you to join me online at to learn more about my views on this important topic and share your thoughts. Again, thank you for writing.Sincerely,Barack ObamaTo be a part of our agenda for change, join us at


Barack Obama

To be a part of our agenda for change, join us at

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