Thursday, April 23, 2009

Soldiers Imprisioned For Following Bush Orders

Recently released documents showing the torture used by the U.S. government vindicates imprisoned soldiers. They were following orders from Bush, Chaney and Rice. Graner was in 2005 sentenced to 10 years in a military prison on charges of conspiracy, dereliction of duty, maltreatment of detainees and other counts.

If the government had admitted that at the time, then they would have been obligated to dismiss the case against Graner because he was following orders, just as we had said at that time," Womack said.

"They perpetrated a fraud on the court by successfully concealing that this was government policy and it was approved by higher government authorities than those poor MPs on the ground at Abu Ghraib."

It is outrageous when Ramos, Compion, and Garner are imprisoned for doing their job, while a drug lord, and politicians are freed of all charges. The American people are outraged when border patrol agents and soldiers have to worry about going to prison for following orders and doing their job.

If this is to be stopped we must call for an investigation as to why these things are happening (That includes an audit of the Federal Reserve). We owe it to our Border Patrol agents and our soldiers to put an end to such criminal behavior from our leaders.

Track Bill H.R. 1207: Audit the Federal Reserve

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