Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Influenza Update available from Federal Occupational HealthTuesday,:

The following is from Liz. Thank you Liz

The US Federal Agencies are putting out red alerts about Swine Flu.
We need to be very careful about public places, do not travel to Mexico,
wash our hands frequently, and avoid strangers...and get a flu shot as
soon as they become available. SANITATION is absolutely EVERYTHING.

I tell you these things because I care about your welfare. Please allow me to relate a personal experience. In March 2005, I pumped my gasat the corner of Rainbow and Tropicana. I did not wash my hands afterward (there are no hand-wash stations at gas stations). My face and eyes were itchingso, after I pumped my gas, I rubbed my face and eyes with my hands. Two days later, alone, and scared, I spiked a 103 fever and was flat on my back for a week...this disease seemed like something that "had gotten loose from the army," like a weaponized flu.

Twice in my life, 1969 (Hong Kong Flu), and 1992, the flu became pneumonia, and I almost died. I have a great respect for this disease called the flu. Rumors that the current Swine Flu are weaponized flu are not proven. Sanitation is everything. Please beware of public door latches, knobs, and gas pump handles. ...and please don't let the pigs in your backyard get loose and wander the neighborhood! Please see,

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